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**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** **The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread**

05-12-2014 , 07:37 PM
It is the catch phrase Sheldon Adelson has chosen to define his mission.

When Adelson or his people speak or write about the gambling billionaire's personal project to ban U.S. online poker, they often invoke this language, in one form or another:

Online gambling takes gambling too far:

"... Internet gambling takes gambling too far ..."

"... (it) takes gambling too far ..."

"... Internet gambling is a bridge too far ..."

There are dozens of other sources where Adelson's camp harks on that phrase - "too far" - to both convey and summarize the very heart of their objections.

Let's ignore for a moment the facts as we know them.

For example, ignore that online poker actually provides far better social protections for gamblers than land-based casinos ever could. That technology makes it easier and more effective to ferret out underage and problem gamblers online. That to-date, there have been no known instances of underage online gambling in regulated markets in NJ, DE or NV.

Let's ignore recent reports that Adelson's establishments have been fined various times for allowing underage patrons not only to gamble - but also to drink alcohol.

Let's ignore that millions of people in dozens of countries worldwide play online poker with very few negative consequences. That today's U.S. debate has already played out worldwide, that online poker works and has proven to be a safe, profitable and fun compliment to land-based casinos.

Let's ignore that Adelson's mouthpieces repeatedly claim in their missives that online poker "is a bad idea" despite the fact that it is not an "idea" - it is a real thing that currently works very successfully on a global billion dollar scale. And it's a real thing in the U.S. right now on an unregulated basis. And, of course, it's not bad, either - it's actually quite wonderful to allow people to make their own personal decisions on whether to participate in online gambling or not. But let's ignore that debate, as well.

Let's ignore that the games we play define who we are. That millions of law abiding taxpaying Americans want to play poker online in their own homes.

Ignore the fact that arguably poker - not baseball - is the real American pastime and has been for decades. That tens of millions of Americans play poker, and across all layers of society, races, and groups, presidents and poor, it is one of the few things that unites us in this time of divisiveness.

Let's ignore that amid growing inequality, that poker is a solution, not a problem - that it offers everyone the same odds, the same cards, and the same opportunities, and leaves it up to one's own abilities to play their cards.

Yes, let's ignore that poker is not only the most popular American game - it is also the most American of games. Skill, cunning, book study, psychology, and luck define the game just as they do American life.

And let's ignore that the United States - a nation of poker players if there ever was one or will be - is one of the only developed nations on Earth that does not today offer a simple framework to allow its citizens to play regulated online poker, for which there is a tremendous demand.

And finally, let's also ignore that the U.S. government does allow massive financial institutions to make enormous highly obscure and opaque wagers with taxpayer money in games of skill and chance on a vast scale across electronic networks while it will not allow individual Americans to play the great game of poker online with their own, hard-earned money, in a game with clear rules, defined regulations, and exceptional oversight.

Let's ignore all of that, not because they are unimportant - but because I want to talk about the single phrase that encapsulates Adelson's very mission:

Internet gambling takes gambling too far.

Read that again. Hear his message.

And then understand the truth:

No person in the history of the human race has taken gambling as far as Sheldon Adelson.

Across millennia, from the very first moment when someone held an object in their hands and desired another and sought to pursue it through a game of skill or chance - throughout the entire history of any living being wagering on anything, tangible or otherwise - Sheldon Adelson distinguishes himself by leaps and bounds as the single greatest embodiment of gambling gone too far.

According to a Forbes report in April 2014, Adelson's net worth has reached $40 billion, "cementing his position as eighth-richest in the world..."

$40 billion.

How many hands of blackjack is that?

How many slot pulls?

How many patrons who might have had too much free alcohol and wagered too much?

How many lives affected by gambling's negative social consequences?

Indeed, how much gambling was required to make Sheldon Adelson $40 billion? I don't even know how to start doing that math. I'm not sure anyone knows how to do it. How much wagering nets a casino owner $40 billion? It's a vast mathematical problem of unfathomable numbers.

Yes, $40 billion is a large number. I'm not sure anyone can immediately grasp the vastness of the wealth Adelson has generated in the gambling industry or indeed "how far" he has taken gambling.

When Forbes reported that Sheldon Adelson was the 8th richest person in the world, Bill Gates was the 1st richest. Number 8 and Number 1 - they occupy the very same rarefied air as the wealthiest of the world's very weathy.

How did Bill Gates get rich?

He was the world's foremost technology entrepreneur who envisioned the personal computer. He imagined and then developed the software that is at the very heart of technology itself and that fuels almost everything that anyone has ever done on any computing device. This is heady, Earth shattering stuff. Indeed, the reach of Bill Gates' creation is profoundly, deeply ubiquitous, and he has earned substantial wealth for that work.

Sheldon Adelson has made similar wealth in the gambling industry.

You can imagine his similar heady, Earth-shattering reach.

Indeed, no one has ever taken gambling as far as Sheldon Adelson, and yet, for him, it's still not far enough.

He's in the active pursuit of growth, new customers, and new markets - he is currently seeking to take gambling even farther yet. And he's willing to spend vast amounts to do so. According to a Reuters article from today: "The CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corp, who Forbes says is worth close to $39 billion, has pledged to spend $10 billion as Japan opens up to legal gambling - an offer he says his rivals can't match."

If "gambling gone too far" hurts vulnerable people, exploits the poor, and damages families - as Sheldon Adelson so suggests in his arguments against online poker - then it would seem that no one in history has done more such harm than he.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-12-2014 , 08:03 PM
Of course, ol' Shel's 40 billion is far from all the income of his empire. No doubt the total of the money lost by his customers is many times that figure. All the employee pay and supplier costs and taxes came from his "guests", too.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-13-2014 , 12:19 PM
Adelson continues to distinguish himself as someone with no grasp of ubiquitous computing and Internet technologies and as someone uniquely unqualified to discuss Internet gambling.

Adelson says online gambling is bad because you can't shuffle cards in a proper way on the Internet (May 2014 Bloomberg Interview 0:42)

Adelson: For instance, here in the land-based casinos, we’re required to have the dealers shuffle the cards a certain way. How do you do that in .. on the internet?
Watch his face at 0:50. He seems to genuinely believe that properly shuffling cards is not possible online. I must wonder if he understands that cards online are digital objects rather than tangible objects that must be physically shuffled. I wonder if the extent of his technological ignorance goes that far.

Adelson on how he does not use computers (Casino Enterprise Management 2011)

... he does not wish to be bothered with a computer. "You can’t teach old dogs new tricks," Adelson commented as he quoted the expression that his mother often used. "I have a great person who knows the computer and she reads every single thing that I read. She takes dictation from me the old fashioned way, using shorthand, and that’s the only way I like to dictate. ... Adelson ... does not e-mail or text, has one phone, and prefers voice communication over everything else.
This is a statement he has repeated on other occasions, as well (Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2011):

"I don’t have a computer," Adelson said. "I am not an email type of person. You cannot teach an old dog new tricks."
I wish journalists would ask Sheldon Adelson about his technology savvy. For example, has he ever used the Internet? What is his favorite Web site? Anything? While he gets national visibility and power from government and media on the topic of gambling on the Internet, I have yet seen anyone question his qualifications.

Per the Bloomberg interview (0:20), these are the qualifications he cites - and they have nothing to do with the Internet:

Adelson: I'm in the business. I’m the largest company. I'm larger than all the other gaming companies combined, in the United States. I have authority and the bonafides to recommend to the government that this is not the right way encourage people to gamble.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-15-2014 , 09:59 AM
We should write the Congress Critters he has lined up and ask them how they can support a bill that impacts the 'net when the chief pusher doesn't even use a computer.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-15-2014 , 10:08 AM
Someone should do a documentary showing underage gambling and drinking, bad shuffles, fake chips, etc at his casinos. Then, show how regulation would stop it all.

The only way someone like him is silenced is to have undeniable facts presented to him. Everything else is squashed regardless if it makes common sense or not.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-15-2014 , 10:13 AM

John Stewart clip featuring Sheldon.
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05-15-2014 , 02:21 PM
Not a huge update, but an interesting video published today.

This guy approached Senator Graham to ask about Adelson and online poker.

It's a very short video without a ton of content, but Graham seems to suggest at one point that online gambling could work with regulation:

Even if you wanted to do online gambling, you would have to have regulations, right?
And then he adds

So whether you agree with online poker or not you would have a wild wild west out there.
Later in the discussion, Graham reportedly says (it's hard to hear) that he hopes Sheldon Adelson is successful in his attempt to expand his gambling operations in Florida.

The reporter notes that it seems that Graham is clearly saying that Adelson-funded gambling expansion = good.

Exclusive Video: Confronting Lindsey Graham About Crony Attempt To Ban Online Gambling

Last edited by Willyoman; 05-15-2014 at 02:28 PM.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-15-2014 , 02:36 PM
So this is only for news and views about him? No gossip?

In all seriousness good work putting this together OP.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 11:06 AM

On online gambling, other casino owners, on flunking diplomacy 101
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 11:10 AM
"Why don't we legalize prostitution? It's happening all over the place anyway. Why don't we legalize drug addiction? It's happening all over the place anyway."

I suppose he thinks that's some kind of rhetorical question?
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 11:27 AM
did he really suggest we legalize drug "addiction?" how ****ing stupid is this fat piece of ****?
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 11:45 AM
Adleson's analogy would only work if he became the world's biggest drug addicted prostitute.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 12:01 PM
The man is a clown.

I honestly wonder if he gets off on trolling or has an education level of a grade schooler. No advisor would be telling him to say these laughable thoughts what he thinks are arguments.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 12:15 PM
I would say he failed debate 101 but since no one seems to call him out on his BS I guess he knows what he's doing.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 12:24 PM
Drug addiction is already legal.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Donk Quixote
"Why don't we legalize prostitution? It's happening all over the place anyway. Why don't we legalize drug addiction? It's happening all over the place anyway."

I suppose he thinks that's some kind of rhetorical question?
He's a pimp that wants to ban internet porn.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 01:04 PM
If he's a multi-billionaire and doesn't pay women for sex then he's lost all of my respect.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Drug addiction is already legal.
it sure is . the **** the drug companies are peddling is way worse than street drugs
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by hAmThEkIlLeR
Adleson's analogy would only work if he became the world's biggest drug addicted prostitute.
Made me actually laugh, nicely done.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by crabbyface
it sure is . the **** the drug companies are peddling is way worse than street drugs
Addiction to "street drugs" is also already legal.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Addiction to "street drugs" is also already legal.
I see how you get your post count so high. Less words = more vague = opportunity for more future posts! Nice work.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Drug addiction is already legal.
Originally Posted by crabbyface
it sure is . the **** the drug companies are peddling is way worse than street drugs
Originally Posted by Lego05
Addiction to "street drugs" is also already legal.
Originally Posted by Herro Prease
I see how you get your post count so high. Less words = more vague = opportunity for more future posts! Nice work.
I fail to see what was so vague about my above posts. In all states of the United States it is not, to my knowledge anyway, illegal to be addicted to any type of drug.

It may be illegal to sell the drug, possess the drug, be under the influence of the drug, etc. But it isn't illegal to be addicted to the drug.

I think we all get the point Sheldon was perhaps actually trying to make though, even if such point may not be agreed with.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-19-2014 , 06:49 PM
just think he doesnt even need the money hes just being an ******* for the fun of it.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-21-2014 , 11:25 AM
Another story about Adelson and his fight against online gambling. It sickens me that this guy has so much influence.
**The Sheldon Adelson news and views discussion thread** Quote
05-21-2014 , 02:51 PM

"I'm saying, coming from the business, I want to make money from those who can afford it. I can't tell over the internet who is underage. I can't tell who's got financial difficulties. I can't tell who is not gaming responsibly. I can't tell if money is being laundering. I can in the casino," he said.

Read more:

Oh, really?

Last edited by Doc T River; 05-21-2014 at 02:58 PM.
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