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Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll

09-27-2013 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
This thread shows the children at 2+2 & online... It's Deeb (Internet 'hero') and matusow (old school & loud mouth at times) so therefore all these kids change their opinions if slow rolling is "cool" or funny or ok to do. Deeb is especially classless to do this to a "good friend" that he's "really close" to and knows it greatly upsets him.
no, pranking a friend and some random are two different things, it's about context, he knew he wouldn't like it but didn't know he would take it as hard as he did.

Mixing in Internet hero / old school loud mouth in the debate is just a red herring fallacy.

he was doing as a joke in part for tv, mike didn't see that way, that's all.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-27-2013 , 07:24 PM
comon guys..shaun has always been a true class act at the tables. Taking beats such as the one vs Selbst at the PCA High Roller ft or the one vs Max Heinzelmann like a great dude that he seems to be.

Poker is about fun and slowrolling is obv one of the worst things anyone can do, but to me it matters a lot who the guy is that is slowrolling. if it is a friend that has shown what a nice guy he is multiple times in the past i wouldnt take it all to serious. i could def. understand Mikeys reaction vs a random guy.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-27-2013 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Justus_Jonas
comon guys..shaun has always been a true class act at the tables. Taking beats such as the one vs Selbst at the PCA High Roller ft or the one vs Max Heinzelmann like a great dude that he seems to be.

Poker is about fun and slowrolling is obv one of the worst things anyone can do, but to me it matters a lot who the guy is that is slowrolling. if it is a friend that has shown what a nice guy he is multiple times in the past i wouldnt take it all to serious. i could def. understand Mikeys reaction vs a random guy.
Hi Shaun.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-27-2013 , 07:58 PM
Very low thing to do but real funny.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-27-2013 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Very low thing to do
people make it out to be a bigger deal than it is.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-27-2013 , 10:25 PM
It isn't cool. Geez.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 12:06 AM
pretty scummy thing to do
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 01:14 AM
It's okay, This year Matusow run good, win NBCHU, and wsop bracelet overall lucky guy. He doesn't care pinprick this situation.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 01:55 AM
Don't know if this was mentioned yet but this was being filmed for part of a poker "reality" show. Saw a quadjacks video where all the pros and cast were on a private plain and being told to turn it up. This could have been part of the reason for this happening.

Sent from my XT907 using 2+2 Forums
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by ChoakMyDee
Hi Shaun.
lol i wish
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 06:14 AM
[x] quality slowroll
[ ] Mike is a good sport about it

Yes, I'm using checkboxes. It's 2009 again.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
PokerNews says the next one has been announced... Peppermill Reno. Nov. 15-24

Check out Kristy's story to get a feel for the atmosphere.
Kristy seems really cool. Def on my to do-list (read: a list with stuff that will never get done)
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by subcon1
#[x] #quality #slowroll
#[ ] #Mike #is #a #good #sport #about #it

#Yes#, #I'm #using #checkboxes. #It's #2009 #again.
#FYP. Live in the now bro!!
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Get It Fast
Don't know why you'd think this was Barcelona. That is very clearly the Commerce Casino in LA.
hmm... kinda thought that might have been a level.. Never can tell. I'm too honest.

Anyway, Wade tweets 4 hours ago"...Day 2 of the 1.5k @DeepStacks poker tour Barcelona event. 22 left, watch @themouthmatusow on the stream. ..."

Pretty dealer. And it has that zoom and pan feature like Google Maps street view.

On break at the moment. Dunno if Mike is there or not, but there's a black hat near one of the stacks..

Live stream

Banner reads : Mohegan Sun... Dinner break till 9:45? Barcelona time is 9:20 PM .. I'm totally lost.

Last edited by joeschmoe; 09-28-2013 at 03:31 PM.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 03:51 PM
Mouthy just made a thinly vailed brag about his bracelet win.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 04:04 PM
one emotionally immature ****** gets sad because he feels like he's getting picked on - the whole table (and thousands of online viewers) get a good laugh.

it would almost be unethical if he DIDN'T slowroll him. praise be to deeb.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 04:07 PM
pretty impressive tho, 1.5 bets with 24 left to win it all.

Neighbor wasn't to impressed, French guy on the other end was in awww, literally.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 04:20 PM
Nice, that was nice.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 05:40 PM
Slow-rolling is the douchiest thing you can possibly do at a poker table. Whenever I see it happen, I go after the guy just to break him, and it doesn't even have to be done to me. Just gotta get rid of douche-bags from the table.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 05:53 PM
Mike acts like the kid who owns the ball everyone is playing with and starts pouting. He knows he's the big "draw" of the show and is using it as leverage with his threat to leave.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Bawookles
Slow-rolling is the douchiest thing you can possibly do at a poker table. Whenever I see it happen, I go after the guy just to break him, and it doesn't even have to be done to me. Just gotta get rid of douche-bags from the table.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bawookles
Slow-rolling is the douchiest thing you can possibly do at a poker table. Whenever I see it happen, I go after the guy just to break him, and it doesn't even have to be done to me. Just gotta get rid of douche-bags from the table.
Maybe they're slow-rolling people just to get into pots with you.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 06:49 PM
I'd cut somebody
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-28-2013 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by ordinary_guy
This thread shows the children at 2+2 & online... It's Deeb (Internet 'hero') and matusow (old school & loud mouth at times) so therefore all these kids change their opinions if slow rolling is "cool" or funny or ok to do. Deeb is especially classless to do this to a "good friend" that he's "really close" to and knows it greatly upsets him.
you sound like a riot
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
09-29-2013 , 11:49 AM
The thing about Mike is what you see is what you get. I like him. If you're being a tool he will tell you. He was one of the first red pros to speak openly about his distaste for the way FTP was handling its customers. He isn't a scammer afaik. He's a drug addict. So ****ing what. There are millions of drug addicts living normal lives with/without drugs. He's a degen that's been able to capitalize on his degeneracy. He's still a force to be reckoned with at the tourny tables. He has more personality than all the basement dwellers that recently emerged.
Shaun deeb vs Matusow Slowroll Quote
