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Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins

04-23-2023 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by loco
If Shaun came over to health and fitness forum here on 2p2, we could get him to the finish line with a million.

But instead he thinking he can maintain 177bs lbm and win this at 5'7 212 17% bodyfat is max delusion. That's Maurice Jones drew (17% Dexa is six pack lean).

He would have to get to approximately 160lbs to win this.
So he needs to lose 3lbs per week for an entire year? Sounds like he's drawing stone dead tbh. That pace is only maintainable while obese.

But he is allowed to take HRT, right? With steroids he can maintain muscle mass in a big deficit. Don't know if Deeb is willing to sacrifice health for a million dollars though, he might be too rich already.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-23-2023 , 06:24 AM
I wonder if in the long run staying obese is healthier than juicing up. I'd bet on the latter.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-23-2023 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Skin isn’t fat, so it doesn’t. The scan distinguishes the two.
In that case it would affect body fat percentage though.

Everything that's extra weight without being measured as fat benefits him.

Originally Posted by ProffesionalMalaka
I wonder if in the long run staying obese is healthier than juicing up. I'd bet on the latter.
Probably best to avoid both?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-23-2023 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
So he needs to lose 3lbs per week for an entire year? Sounds like he's drawing stone dead tbh. That pace is only maintainable while obese.

But he is allowed to take HRT, right? With steroids he can maintain muscle mass in a big deficit. Don't know if Deeb is willing to sacrifice health for a million dollars though, he might be too rich already.

He should get on clomid asap, bp on clomid.

That will help with lbm.

Over at h&f, many of us have gotten Dexas (I have multiple times). I have also come in at 15% dexa (i was ripped out of mind).

Deeb is welcome over there, and we will do it for free. Just starting a log would increase his chances big time.

The biggest realization he needs to make is that he currently has more lbm than I have total bodyweight, but I am way more muscular. How is that possible? If he can answer that question, he is half way home.

Doug Polk couldn't answer that question and he lost because of it.

Bp is no donk. 17% Dexa is ripped, we talking basically six pack.

I had my DEXA at the Washington sports institute. Technician told me they had never seen someone sub12% and they routinely do professional athletes (including NFL). So part of the BP angle is that 17% Dexa in reality is about 13% with the other bodyfat methods. That is a big, big difference.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-23-2023 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by loco
Technician told me they had never seen someone sub12% and they routinely do professional athletes (including NFL). So part of the BP angle is that 17% Dexa in reality is about 13% with the other bodyfat methods. That is a big, big difference.
At what would someone show up on Dexa if they were on 5-7% with other body fat methods?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-23-2023 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
At what would someone show up on Dexa if they were on 5-7% with other body fat methods?
Depends on the software, but there are youtubes of bodybuilders that come in at 12% bodyfat and they are like WTF.

The version of Dexa I took included my essential bodyfat (think brain, bone marrow, etc etc). Deebs brain is over 60% fat, unfortunately cant cut that. Certain dexas are pretty damn brutal. On Bodpod I came it at 8% and on that Dexa I came in at 17%.

To win a bet like this you have to prescout the version of dexa software they will be using. Call the testing center and ask what's the lowest you have ever seen. If testing center says single digits, then we in business to try and win this bet.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-23-2023 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Depends on the software, but there are youtubes of bodybuilders that come in at 12% bodyfat and they are like WTF.

The version of Dexa I took included my essential bodyfat (think brain, bone marrow, etc etc). Deebs brain is over 60% fat, unfortunately cant cut that. Certain dexas are pretty damn brutal. On Bodpod I came it at 8% and on that Dexa I came in at 17%.

To win a bet like this you have to prescout the version of dexa software they will be using. Call the testing center and ask what's the lowest you have ever seen. If testing center says single digits, then we in business to try and win this bet.
Interesting, I didn't even know Dexa versions varied that much.

I got curios how big the difference between Dexa and other measurements was for triathletes. Most very good (pros & age groupers) male triathletes are between 5-7% on regular tests. According to one study I found ( the male triathletes they measured averaged 11.9% on a Dexa scan. I have no idea which one they took on how they define "elite" athletes though.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-23-2023 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
Interesting, I didn't even know Dexa versions varied that much.

I got curios how big the difference between Dexa and other measurements was for triathletes. Most very good (pros & age groupers) male triathletes are between 5-7% on regular tests. According to one study I found ( the male triathletes they measured averaged 11.9% on a Dexa scan. I have no idea which one they took on how they define "elite" athletes though.
Layne Norton said that his dexa is usually ~3% higher than calipers.

Really proper body fat measurement is hard (basically do all of the tests few days in a row and make a holistic guess) and extremely useless.

I got no idea how hard this is, I was never as obese as Deeb is, but I do know that going from sedentary alcoholic to "enjoying working out and taking care of yourself so much you refuse to take a break and rest day (as in, no sweat at all) is a nonstarter" is very possible. I think I'd rather be broke and fit than obese millionaire.

Perkins really is incredibly inspirational and positive force in the world.

Edit: Shaun really should be careful with his claims. A lot of poker players are overweight, a lot of them are watching and claiming random nonsense (I'm gonna keep all my lean body mass) doesn't help anyone. He has means to get a proper team and reach people who don't follow usual fitness sources, he should wield that power responsibly. This is a rare challenge where everyone involved is decent and a lot of good can be accomplished.

Last edited by Krax; 04-23-2023 at 02:20 PM.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-23-2023 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
In that case it would affect body fat percentage though.

Everything that's extra weight without being measured as fat benefits him.

Probably best to avoid both?
I don’t think it’s based on weight, though. I think it’s literally what percentage of your body composition is made of fat, not what percent of your weight is.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-24-2023 , 12:11 PM
Guess he can stop shaving and getting haircuts too?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-24-2023 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by loco
If Shaun came over to health and fitness forum here on 2p2, we could get him to the finish line with a million.

But instead he thinking he can maintain 177bs lbm and win this at 5'7 212 17% bodyfat is max delusion. That's Maurice Jones drew (17% Dexa is six pack lean).

He would have to get to approximately 160lbs to win this.
Yeah that lbm number is hard to believe. I'm an inch taller, been lifting for over 10 years, and weigh around that much total. Unless he's got bones like a dinosaur there's no chance that's accurate/ can be maintained.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-24-2023 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
So he needs to lose 3lbs per week for an entire year? Sounds like he's drawing stone dead tbh. That pace is only maintainable while obese.

But he is allowed to take HRT, right? With steroids he can maintain muscle mass in a big deficit. Don't know if Deeb is willing to sacrifice health for a million dollars though, he might be too rich already.
The definition of HRT is that you don't go out of physiological bounds, thus making HRT by definition healthy, not unhealthy... It's non-physiological levels (outside normal bounds) of testosterone which are unhealthy.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-24-2023 , 03:02 PM
Deeb had always come off to me as pretty unlikeable in the past. In his YouTube video I saw a different person, and someone I think I’ll be happy to root for
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-25-2023 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
So he needs to lose 3lbs per week for an entire year? Sounds like he's drawing stone dead tbh. That pace is only maintainable while obese.

But he is allowed to take HRT, right? With steroids he can maintain muscle mass in a big deficit. Don't know if Deeb is willing to sacrifice health for a million dollars though, he might be too rich already.
Dude it's just 10k calories deficit per week.

Ride a Peleton for 2hrs/day by month 4, and eat 1.7k calories/day average. Ez game, especially with the fact that he'll be losing like 5lbs/week for first 3 months of eating properly and moving / progressively starting to learn how to ride a bike. For $1m? Come on now.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-25-2023 , 10:27 PM
With this new revelation that dexa bf runs much lower than other methods I am now changing my pick and calling it for deeb to lose.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-26-2023 , 12:47 AM
I am just surprised why they even hire nutritionists or personal trainers. Those guys are mostly donkeys.

Doug's nutritionist was all excited when Doug gained weight between weigh ins. Like more muscle is the key. Sigh.

No, gotta drop weight. I tried to help Doug, my suggestion was 165lbs. He was still like 190 a few months out. Double Sigh.

Don't need a nutritionist. Don't really need personal trainer.

Need experience in dexa and bodyfat transformations from caloric deficits.

We got one guy here in H&F from 380lbs to 180, in a little more than a year. He is dead now but ain't our fault, he quit logging and quit the forum. I saw a picture before his death and he looked 330+ again.

I would love to see Deeb win this. If anybody knows him, send him over to H&F. It's free, we don't want anything. We just want a fattie to get bp22s million.

Also like I said already, cherry picking a Dexa is of the utmost importance.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-28-2023 , 01:26 AM
Imagine being so rich that you can piss away $1mil in opportunity cost by hiring Joey The Cop from down the street instead of Loco who has a 10 year documented history on this very forum of an autistic obsession with natural body transformation
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-29-2023 , 01:15 AM
Well I am not autistic that's fosho. Obsessive? You dam right bro. Dad and bro both passed away too young (cardiovascular disease + high visceral fat).

So spent the last decade obessesing over being lean and getting my revenge vs the grim reaper. Going well so far, still 15% Dexa (that's size 30 pants Deeb, not 36).

The only team Deebs needs is me and this guy

That guy knows his shiet. And we don't want $$$$. We want bp22 to pay up.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-29-2023 , 07:30 PM
Yeah, Deeb is way overestimating how much he can weigh.

I'm thinking sub 170's, pants waist 34.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-29-2023 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Yeah, Deeb is way overestimating how much he can weigh.

I'm thinking sub 170's, pants waist 34.
34 waist would fall straight off at sub 170
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-29-2023 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by BlazeWithMe
Ride a Peleton for 2hrs/day by month 4
That sounds pretty challenging by month 4 for someone starting at 0.
Originally Posted by loco
that's size 30 pants
Had to start wearing 30 after getting fat over the winter. Sad times.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-30-2023 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
That sounds pretty challenging by month 4 for someone starting at 0.
2 hours on the Pelo is alot more challenging month 1. Month 4 it's not harder than going out with the garbage.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-30-2023 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
That sounds pretty challenging by month 4 for someone starting at 0.

Had to start wearing 30 after getting fat over the winter. Sad times.
How tall are you guys and how small are your frames where a 30 waist means you’re fat?!?
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-30-2023 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Baracus
2 hours on the Pelo is alot more challenging month 1. Month 4 it's not harder than going out with the garbage.
At what intensity? Occasionally doing two hours on the Peleton isn't difficult. Doing two hour bike workouts 6 days a week is something totally different though.
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
How tall are you guys and how small are your frames where a 30 waist means you’re fat?!?
5'7, pretty standard cyclist frame. Big legs, small upper body.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
04-30-2023 , 12:14 PM
Well size 30 pants fit perfectly on 31-32 inch waist.

So size 30 pants gonna be in the 15-20% bodyfat range.

Obviously varies, but nerdy skinnyfat poker players should fall in a small window.
Shaun Deeb 100k to 1M 17% body fat bet with Bill Perkins Quote
