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Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Sexist Toward Females In Poker?

08-31-2011 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by katie75013
whooaaa...I decide to jump in, and this is the first thing I read?
alright, starting from the beginning...
If you're not happy with that you better put BackInUSSRLOL on ignore pronto. Some of the things he's said are astounding.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 10:10 AM
i only opened this up because i read " sexy women in poker" for some reason


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Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I think men overestimate the amount of influence our cycle has on our emotions. Not every women is walking around like a ticking emotional Old Faithful, erupting on schedule every 30 days.

I'm not convinced (and nor is the scientific community, you should be aware) that women have inherently less intellectual control over their emotions - societal conditioning has a huge impact. Untangling nature vs. nurture in something as complex as emotional expression in adults is next to impossible.

Studies in infants find differences in temperament, but those are unrelated to gender. Boys cry just as loudly when their mother leaves, and respond with the same joy when their mother returns. Even through toddler age, you probably couldn't discern a male from a female child in terms of their emotional expression. The basic emotions are identical; there's no evidence that women's emotions are somehow different or more volatile. At what point learning kicks in and boys learn that showing emotions is not "manly" depends on the child, of course, but usually once peer relationships start, the conditioning begins.

Because of that conditioning maybe women start poker at a disadvantage, but someone who is dedicated to the game is going to learn about tilt control fairly quickly. And I've seen far more explosions and tilt from male players at the table than I have from female players.
I wasnt talking about conditioning. I was talking about inherent (somthing one is born with) control over emotion. Btw this isnt necessarily a bad thing. Women in general are more sympethetic to others.

I dont know if this argument is ever gonna end tho cus neither of us has any proof. Also, I dont put much trust in psych as a science or in any of its studies.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 10:41 AM
also, I agree with a lot of what ussr has to say aside from him saying that women are less intelligent. Idk about that since idk what intelligence even is. I dont think he does either or anyone does for that matter

I think the whole concept of humanity thinking it has a grasp on what intelligence is, is ridiculous.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by noname6520
I wasnt talking about conditioning. I was talking about inherent (somthing one is born with) control over emotion. Btw this isnt necessarily a bad thing. Women in general are more sympethetic to others.

I dont know if this argument is ever gonna end tho cus neither of us has any proof. Also, I dont put much trust in psych as a science or in any of its studies.
Yeah, well, again, there's zero evidence that women are born with less control over their emotions.

And since psychology and psychiatry are the main branches that study emotions, what you are basically saying is "I have no proof of my own and refuse to trust most of the proof out there; I'm just going to believe what I want." Which is fine, feel free. But your suggestion that there is no proof that others do accept strongly suggesting that differences in emotional expression are much more strongly influenced by nurture (upbringing and social conditioning) than by nature (inherently different emotional structures in boys and girls) is incorrect.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 08-31-2011 at 10:54 AM. Reason: Finished last sentence :p.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Yeah, well, again, there's zero evidence that women are born with less control over their emotions.

And since psychology and psychiatry are the main branches that study emotions, what you are basically saying is "I have no proof of my own and refuse to trust most of the proof out there; I'm just going to believe what I want." Which is fine, feel free. But your suggestion that there is no proof that others do accept strongly suggesting that differences in emotional expression are much more strongly influenced by nurture (upbringing and social conditioning) than by nature (inherently different emotional structures in boys and girls).
what im saying is you can take people into a white room and have then do somthing, call the room a lab and the thing a study.

Or, you can go out meet people on the street watch the things they do and call a street a street and a things things.

Regardless of which approach you take you get experience with humans and it is directly proportional to how observant you are. I havent proven any of my observations like, mathematically, but, neither has gravity been proven in an absolute sense. You just see things drawn together and ASSUME that there is a force generated by their mass that does the pulling. I see things and learn from them what I can. In this case I have observed through my human interaction that women are more emotional not only due to societal education (altho there is some of that as well)
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Really? Men have always, in public forums, talked loudly and openly about what they wanted to do to complete strangers? Knowing that those strangers could actually read those comments?

Men are always going to notice attractive women (and vice versa). It does not follow that men must therefore make their opinions and desires known in the most explicit way possible. Or when someone's play is discounted simply on the basis of their gender (such as commenting that someone played a hand "like a girl"). When it goes to that degree, it becomes objectification and sexist, IMO.
mostly grunched.

If 2 men are walking down the street and say it about another stranger walking on the street, is that considered a public forum? Or a party, where there are mutual friends? If so, than yes.

We arent going to stop being men because the word might get to her. If it does it does, whatever.

The rest of that is just PC bull****. Women suck at sports comparatively -> you play like a girl, WHO GIVES A ****.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 11:36 AM
LOL at the guys here talking about women as if they understand everything about them, by the looks of it most of you haven't even talked to a woman in RL before. Some of your theories are just plain bizarre.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 12:20 PM
The idea that sexism towards women can somehow be justified because some women are sexist or there are some situations where men are at a disadvantage compared to women, is simply laughable. Women have been grossly oppressed throughout all of human history, and this has only just started to change over the last 150 years, mainly in small affluent pockets of the world.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 01:16 PM
Im sorry but a bull dagger's likley to catch heat weather she's playing cards or switching out alternators.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 01:50 PM
One of the great things about poker is it's purity. The game is the game. It doesn't care about your race sex or anything else. That's why Phil Ivey can rise to the pinnacle of poker. You think Phil Ivey could rise to the top of a similar field like trading? Hell no because advancement is dependent on the subjective opinion of those in power i.e. the man.

Any woman who is talented enough could rise to the top in poker, there is absolutely nothing stopping them. There is no prejudice in poker besides initial staking but that can be overcome easily. In poker if you treat someone with prejudice you will likely be punished for it because it will cause you to play incorrectly vs. them.

There is a natural tendency against sexism in poker therefore.

If anything women have an advantage in marketing and being staked. I mean Kara Scott? Come on man.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 02:24 PM
some girls in my homegames are pretty decent players. i dont look down on them!
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 03:00 PM
The sexism in poker and at 2+2 is pretty disgraceful. I brought this up years ago in another thread. I don't think much has changed.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I disagree, I think there's a lot of sexism in poker. I've never (or extremely rarely) seen, for example, people comment on what they'd like to do with a male player in bed. Women players, particularly those on TV, are often rated with their looks (along with their play) in a sexualized manner.

There are a ton of marginally good male players who have gotten serious air time - I have yet to hear anyone suggest that the reason they did so was because of how sexy they were or how much people wanted to bang them. How many male players have had multiple posters comment about "want" or "do not want"?
Have you ever read any viktor blom thread!?
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by KansasCT
Have you ever read any viktor blom thread!?
Actually, no. I guess I'll have to poke around in there too, eh?
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 03:57 PM
the world is sexist.

the internet isnt shy about it

Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:15 PM
Are there any pictures of Patrik Antonius taking a dump? I'd like to get my hands on that.

Poker is a bit sexist but who gives a crap? Just be glad there is no sexism.

They don't care if your a ******ed black lesbian woman blind triple amputee with AIDS, if you got the money, you can play. Its probably one of the least discriminatory "sports" around. So shut your pie hole and shuffle up and deal.

Last edited by monkeylump; 08-31-2011 at 04:22 PM.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
the world is sexist.

the internet isnt shy about it


when has every country on this earth not been sexist? There are some baddd places in this world, much worse than verbal or internet sexism.... its mind boggling.

or wait no it isnt really at all, because its been like that forever.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 05:58 PM
What's wrong with being sexy ?
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by noname6520
I have observed through my human interaction that women are more emotional not only due to societal education
Is this meant to be a justification for talking about female poker players as if their sole purpose is to satisfy your libido?
Even if women in general were "more emotional" (which is pretty tough to prove, given the huge amount of empirical data that could be used to make a case for or against), does that automatically mean that women are not good poker players and that we should discuss their sexiness instead of their playing style?
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
08-31-2011 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Harlequin99
Women have been grossly oppressed throughout all of human history, and this has only just started to change over the last 150 years, mainly in small affluent pockets of the world.
I suppose that's what happens when you're
-Less intelligent
-Less logical
-Less in control of yourself

Oh well...

Originally Posted by Kirbynator
the world is sexist.

the internet isnt shy about it

Bingo, and sexism and other forms of group based mentalities are completely natural to humans (and other animals). Men think they're the best, thankfully there's sufficient evidence to back it up but regardless...Catholics think they're the best, Jews think they're the best, black people think they're the best yada yada yada people identify or attempt to identify themselves with groups based on natural similarities or having things in common and as a consequence, tend to believe those not in the group or in rival groups suck/are the worst/whatever.

It'll happen until humanity ceases to exist.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
09-01-2011 , 07:35 AM
Oh, you're saying "All these things are perfectly natural, so we should just accept them".
I guess that we should all turn a blind eye to religious or racial intolerance because such things have occurred throughout history. It's ok for Muslims to hate Jews. It's ok for whites to hate blacks. It's ok for women to be paid less than men. Heck, maybe it's ok for men to rape women because that's what they did in the Stone Age.

It's NOT okay. None of these things are OK. When outdated views like yours surface in public, they MUST be challenged. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
09-01-2011 , 08:29 AM
We're animals

Remove modern society and we're just ****ing animals

People don't like to hear it because it scares them that they're no better than gorillas deep down. Hell I'd feel lucky to be a gorilla. I'd just eat leaves all day, jerk off, and bone the dominant female until I'm eventually killed by a group of poachers from the Democratic Republic of Congo for my hands and skull.

yeah men are sexists. it's our animalistic instincts that tell us we need to dominate to secure our harem. to spread our seed as widely as possible. to prosper as a male means boning the whole lotta you.

there's no room in our heads for any expansion. it's too full of blood and cum to fit anything else in there. if you try to CRAM it in, you'll just end up with a blood and cum covered idea that doesn't really go anywhere becuase it can't. we're just apes.

you mad?

Last edited by Chaos_ult; 09-01-2011 at 08:35 AM.
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
09-01-2011 , 10:01 AM
Why do you think there's cum in our heads? That's ******ed.

My only thoughts on the matter..

When nerds and geeks constantly don't get any pussy, they lash out, like angry monkeys.

Some of us are a little more evolved.

Nice posting itt Sgt Rj
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
09-01-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
Is this meant to be a justification for talking about female poker players as if their sole purpose is to satisfy your libido?
Even if women in general were "more emotional" (which is pretty tough to prove, given the huge amount of empirical data that could be used to make a case for or against), does that automatically mean that women are not good poker players and that we should discuss their sexiness instead of their playing style?
no, it doesnt. I dont think that should be done.

HOWEVER, a lot of female poker pros get to where they are through sex, so... although I dont think its right to emphasize sex that much, it really isnt only mens fault at all. you can have ur cake and eat it too
Sexist Toward Females In Poker? Quote
