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September High Stakes Thread September High Stakes Thread

09-28-2008 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by peterpjames
thoughts on what db had there?
a set of some sort. don't see him calling krantz's river jam with less than a set.
09-28-2008 , 02:53 AM
gg. krantz crushed mr b
09-28-2008 , 03:04 AM
KRANTZ what did DB have in that hand? ^^^
09-28-2008 , 03:13 AM
durrrr: ah #&%#
durrrr: sry
durrrr: lol
Dealer: pr1nnyraid has 15 seconds left to act
durrrr: i ws jus sitting to ask wt last hand ws
pr1nnyraid: ooo
durrrr: n i misclikd

pr1nnyraid: i duno he randomly left
pr1nnyraid: didnt leave on a big pot
durrrr: there mustv been a big 1
durrrr: its not in nvg
durrrr: damnit
durrrr: lol
pr1nnyraid: aim me
durrrr: k
09-28-2008 , 03:14 AM
my moneys on j2soooooted but the world may never know and i dont watch benyamine that much. could even be aj/overpair since he doesnt love folding
09-28-2008 , 03:39 AM
durrrr angle shooting 600$ blinds
09-28-2008 , 06:08 AM
Looks like Durrrr was giddy to see DB take a hit
09-28-2008 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Jailblazers
Can someone please post the picture where it shows a graph of what hands are good at what levels? It goes something like, "At NL100 to NL600, players will call you down with 2pair+, at NL50 and NL1000 players will call down w/ TP, etc..." made me lol.

lol, ive never seen this, but that sounds pretty ****ing funny
09-28-2008 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by syndr0me
lol, ive never seen this, but that sounds pretty ****ing funny
something like this:

400NL/600NL = Setmining nits
100NL/200NL/1K NL/2K NL = ZOMG top pair I'm all in!
25NL/50NL/60K NL/100K NL = I have 10-high, I call.
09-28-2008 , 02:03 PM
Weird pot:

Full Tilt Poker Game #8262793079: Table Fine (deep 6) - $50/$100 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:59:47 ET - 2008/09/28
Seat 1: play2kill ($20,447)
Seat 2: Cbomb21 ($19,750)
Seat 3: DaEvils ($12,348)
Seat 4: jeflang1 ($8,743)
Seat 6: BeepBeepImaJeep ($11,844)
jeflang1 posts the small blind of $50
BeepBeepImaJeep posts the big blind of $100
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
play2kill has 15 seconds left to act
play2kill raises to $340
Cbomb21 calls $340
DaEvils folds
jeflang1 folds
DaEvils adds $7,652
BeepBeepImaJeep calls $240
*** FLOP *** [6h 5c 5s]
BeepBeepImaJeep checks
play2kill bets $800
Cbomb21 calls $800
BeepBeepImaJeep folds
*** TURN *** [6h 5c 5s] [2h]
play2kill checks
Cbomb21 checks
*** RIVER *** [6h 5c 5s 2h] [As]
play2kill has 15 seconds left to act
play2kill bets $1,300
Cbomb21 raises to $6,500
play2kill has 15 seconds left to act
SamH133 sits down
play2kill has requested TIME
SamH133 adds $10,000
SamH133 is feeling happy
play2kill raises to $15,100
Cbomb21 has 15 seconds left to act
Cbomb21 has requested TIME
Cbomb21 calls $8,600
*** SHOW DOWN ***
play2kill shows [Th Jh] a pair of Fives
Cbomb21 shows [3s 3d] two pair, Fives and Threes
Cbomb21 wins the pot ($32,867) with two pair, Fives and Threes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $32,870 | Rake $3
Board: [6h 5c 5s 2h As]
Seat 1: play2kill showed [Th Jh] and lost with a pair of Fives
Seat 2: Cbomb21 showed [3s 3d] and won ($32,867) with two pair, Fives and Threes
Seat 3: DaEvils (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: jeflang1 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: BeepBeepImaJeep (big blind) folded on the Flop
09-28-2008 , 02:07 PM
play2kill's line makes absolutely no ***** sense.

sick call still
09-28-2008 , 02:10 PM
more like sick value raise.
09-28-2008 , 02:16 PM
wow that is pretty sick
09-28-2008 , 02:19 PM
cbomb is a nit he should've shoved for value
09-28-2008 , 02:20 PM
in before "ZOMG superuser"
09-28-2008 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by SEABEAST
wow that is pretty sick
09-28-2008 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Pumpui
play2kill's line makes absolutely no ***** sense.
and cbomb's line does?
09-28-2008 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by SlowHabit
09-28-2008 , 03:00 PM
Maybe they have some uber-weird history with each other...or maybe they're both bad or maybe they're both amazingly good...sometimes it's hard to tell.
09-28-2008 , 03:37 PM
Yeah, that hand is beyond me. One thing I might add is that cbomb ran ~10 seconds off his timebank after play2kill 3-bet so I don't think he was trying to induce when he raised the river or anything...
09-28-2008 , 03:38 PM
($22328) with three of a kind, Kings
oogee: god
oogee: thats disgusting
neverwin: i just had aces
oogee: i know
oogee: this is awful
Dealer: neverwin has a pair of Fours
Dealer: oogee has two pair, Kings and Sixes
Dealer: Game #20767262848: oogee wins pot ($3028) with two pair, Kings and Sixes
oogee: ready to make a deuce rally?
Dealer: Hand cancelled
oogee: 1k/2k flips man
oogee: god how does a king come
neverwin: no im done u broke me for today
oogee: 20k joke
oogee: that was super stupid
neverwin: i need a loan
oogee: i can do that
neverwin: why cuz u bad beat with kings
oogee: if you're honorable
oogee: yes
oogee: it was stupid
neverwin: of course im honorable
oogee: ok
oogee: what kind of loan are you lookiing for
neverwin: just 10k
oogee: okay
oogee: it will be a while
oogee: stars security will email me
neverwin: yeah i know
oogee: but you gotta promise me to battle at deuce =)
neverwin: we never transfered before
neverwin: thats fine
neverwin: what limit
oogee: but no poker
oogee: flips
oogee: poker is gay
neverwin: no more plo?
oogee: plo is so dumb
neverwin: i just lost 70k straight in the last 12 hours
oogee: gosh =(
neverwin: and i was up 55k at one point today
neverwin: u sent to neverwin LA
oogee: yeah
oogee: no email yet
neverwin: k thanks
neverwin: i dont want to cancel the 80k cashout
neverwin: but if i have to to pay u i will
oogee: well i hope you rally off someone who isn't me lol
neverwin: theres always quarternion he will play me 500-1k holdem
oogee: you want to battle him there?
neverwin: u can take a piece of me if u really want
neverwin: well 10k wont be enough for that lol
oogee: ha
oogee: i mean
oogee: if you just win every pot
oogee: it will be
neverwin: maybe i can rally him 2-4 first
oogee: we should flip at deuce first
neverwin: hey seriously u send 10 though?
oogee: 1k/2k flips
oogee: 4k per flip
oogee: yes
oogee: but no email yet
neverwin: ok
neverwin: they might give u the chat the box

isnt neverwin known for bailing on things like this?
09-28-2008 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by the_dal_kid
something like this:

400NL/600NL = Setmining nits
100NL/200NL/1K NL/2K NL = ZOMG top pair I'm all in!
25NL/50NL/60K NL/100K NL = I have 10-high, I call.
hahahahaha so true

great river play by cbomb imo turning 33 into a bluff on the river and then p2k 3betting really makes no sense (good read tho) so 33 is a good bluffcatcher at that pt. sick hand but those spots come up every once in a while.
09-28-2008 , 04:01 PM
uhhh cbomb21 is a HUGE donk... you guys are giving him way too much credit

(played him one hand where he open shoved 40bbs with QTo)
09-28-2008 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
(played him one hand where he open shoved 40bbs with QTo)
Does it really matter what he had? Simply open shoving with 40bbs doesn't make much sense.
09-28-2008 , 10:43 PM
under/over 5 million loss, degenyamine will quit playing o8?
