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Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.)

11-10-2007 , 12:39 PM
If it's fake, why would helmuth spend 15 min. begging for insurance?
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 01:03 PM
your OP is funny cuz the show you claim is fake is the real one and the show you claim as real is the fake one. well done, OP, well done.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 01:25 PM
A guy in the airport mens room the other day (no, he wasnt a senator) told me that he had heard from his wife's second cousin, who bowls with Doyle's yardman, that Doyle said that HSP is legit. So there!
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 01:52 PM
guy in the airport mens room the other day (no, he wasnt a senator)
Too Soon?
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 01:58 PM
this can't be fake. I heard that Brad Booth bought into that High Stakes Poker TV Show with A Cool Million.

By definition, if anyone buys into that high stakes poker tv show with A Cool Million, then it certainly isn't fake.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 02:09 PM
your OP is funny cuz the show you claim is fake is the real one and the show you claim as real is the fake one. well done, OP, well done.
You response is even better, b/c as you'll notice in my OP, I personally claimed nothing.

These threads are like that rumor game, you whisper something in someone's ear and then see how it morphs about 20 people down the line.

I just repeated verbatim what was said to me at a poker table. If you notice, which you didn't, I stated that I didn't believe it.

Sooooooo, there, nyah!
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 02:23 PM
IMHO I don't think HSP is fake, and I agree with an earlier poster that if it is fake, the players deserve oscars.

In comparison, I do question PAD. They must have deals made ahead of time, etc. There is NO EMOTION on there EVER. There is TV drama, but no emotions tied to the cards. Plus in reading so many of their books, blogs etc. what makes the WSOP so great is the EXACT opposite of PAD. Huge fields of fish versus 6 sharks, WINNER TAKE ALL?!?!?! Seriously?! Who would get in this game repeatedly without a greater respect for the winners. Hansen has 3 WPT titles, Doyle, Chan and Helmuth are sick with their 31 WSOP bracelets, but if PAD is legit, from top to bottom, I am more impressed with these winners ESPECIALLY at super tough tables. Not to beat this horse more, but how many times have you heard pros talk about what a bad table they drew at this tournament or the next, those are, with exception for the big HORSE tourney, for much less than the $20,000 or $50,000 required for PAD. AND THIS IS WINNER TAKE ALL, alledgedly.

I say HSP real, PAD questionable.
I've won a much tougher sng than anything seen on PAD. True story.
details or link please. I believe you b/c if you are who I think you are then you won one of the Party super steps or whatever the hell they were called. Did you buy straight into the top step? Were you backed in it? Who else notable played in it? How many of them went off total? etc.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 02:37 PM
Scotty's still bitter about the WSOP.

No way HSP is fake.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 03:46 PM
IMHO I don't think HSP is fake, and I agree with an earlier poster that if it is fake, the players deserve oscars.

In comparison, I do question PAD. They must have deals made ahead of time, etc. There is NO EMOTION on there EVER. There is TV drama, but no emotions tied to the cards. Plus in reading so many of their books, blogs etc. what makes the WSOP so great is the EXACT opposite of PAD. Huge fields of fish versus 6 sharks, WINNER TAKE ALL?!?!?! Seriously?! Who would get in this game repeatedly without a greater respect for the winners. Hansen has 3 WPT titles, Doyle, Chan and Helmuth are sick with their 31 WSOP bracelets, but if PAD is legit, from top to bottom, I am more impressed with these winners ESPECIALLY at super tough tables. Not to beat this horse more, but how many times have you heard pros talk about what a bad table they drew at this tournament or the next, those are, with exception for the big HORSE tourney, for much less than the $20,000 or $50,000 required for PAD. AND THIS IS WINNER TAKE ALL, alledgedly.

I say HSP real, PAD questionable.
I've won a much tougher sng than anything seen on PAD. True story.
details or link please. I believe you b/c if you are who I think you are then you won one of the Party super steps or whatever the hell they were called. Did you buy straight into the top step? Were you backed in it? Who else notable played in it? How many of them went off total? etc.
it was a live SNG in vegas consisting of like 7 of the 10 best SNG players in the world and bones, who won it.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 05:19 PM
IMHO I don't think HSP is fake, and I agree with an earlier poster that if it is fake, the players deserve oscars.

In comparison, I do question PAD. They must have deals made ahead of time, etc. There is NO EMOTION on there EVER. There is TV drama, but no emotions tied to the cards. Plus in reading so many of their books, blogs etc. what makes the WSOP so great is the EXACT opposite of PAD. Huge fields of fish versus 6 sharks, WINNER TAKE ALL?!?!?! Seriously?! Who would get in this game repeatedly without a greater respect for the winners. Hansen has 3 WPT titles, Doyle, Chan and Helmuth are sick with their 31 WSOP bracelets, but if PAD is legit, from top to bottom, I am more impressed with these winners ESPECIALLY at super tough tables. Not to beat this horse more, but how many times have you heard pros talk about what a bad table they drew at this tournament or the next, those are, with exception for the big HORSE tourney, for much less than the $20,000 or $50,000 required for PAD. AND THIS IS WINNER TAKE ALL, alledgedly.

I say HSP real, PAD questionable.
I've won a much tougher sng than anything seen on PAD. True story.
details or link please. I believe you b/c if you are who I think you are then you won one of the Party super steps or whatever the hell they were called. Did you buy straight into the top step? Were you backed in it? Who else notable played in it? How many of them went off total? etc.
it was a live SNG in vegas consisting of like 7 of the 10 best SNG players in the world and bones, who looked for excuses to brag about it.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 06:22 PM
Obviously, it's not fake. It's questionable how good the people were as players, but it would be amazing if they were that good at acting. I have never participated in anything where I didn't put up the whole buy in. I have never saved a percentage with anyone, but that kind of thing happens, though I don't know about it happening on HSP.

There was a thread last year where someone quoted Bobby Hoff saying that some of the hands were set up. I asked Bobby and he said he barely knew about the show and had never said anything.

Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 06:41 PM
not fake
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 06:52 PM
Obviously, it's not fake. It's questionable how good the people were as players, but it would be amazing if they were that good at acting. I have never participated in anything where I didn't put up the whole buy in. I have never saved a percentage with anyone, but that kind of thing happens, though I don't know about it happening on HSP.

There was a thread last year where someone quoted Bobby Hoff saying that some of the hands were set up. I asked Bobby and he said he barely knew about the show and had never said anything.

Thank you, Barry, for your post. I'd like to add this from a column posted in Poker Pro magazine about the second season of HSP:

"Fans will witness “Sheiky” hanging around the set on the first day waiting for a seat to open up. However, Shawn had a piece of Mike Matusow, and because of this, the producers would not allow him to play while Matusow was still in the game."
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 07:10 PM
Obviously, it's not fake. It's questionable how good the people were as players, but it would be amazing if they were that good at acting. I have never participated in anything where I didn't put up the whole buy in. I have never saved a percentage with anyone, but that kind of thing happens, though I don't know about it happening on HSP.

There was a thread last year where someone quoted Bobby Hoff saying that some of the hands were set up. I asked Bobby and he said he barely knew about the show and had never said anything.

I'll say it...

End of Thread.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 08:07 PM
Let's break out of this "Fake" vs. "Real" dichotomy we've been using so far. (We can blame Scotty for his loose language.)

The real questions we should ask are:

"Are there players on HSP that are swapping percentages, AND, if so, does that significantly alter the way they play, AND, if so, is this a good thing or bad thing for us?"

I wouldn't be surprised if the answers are yes to all three. Here's why:

Suppose you're a player on the show:

1 -- Given the size of the stakes, the quality of (most) the opposition, the TV/endorsement pressure to not be nitty, and the few amateurs you will want to play big pots with in a short period of time, if there's a time to swap, this would be it.

2 -- If you are heads up with someone you have swapped, say, 25% with, you will play more LAG against that person.

3 -- LAG is good for the show, good for your popularity, and good for your image at your normal game.

4 -- You'll still care about losing a big pot to someone, even if you own 25% of them, because you will still lose money. You will simply have your losses cut, from say, $100,000 to $75,000. Therefore, your reactions will be "real."

5 -- HSP may take an official stance against percentage swapping, but it may be weakly enforced. The players have an incentive to do it, and HSP has an incentive to "look the other way" because of the great fireworks swapping can produce. On the other hand, HSP has an incentive for fans to believe this stuff is not prevalent, so they will want to deny it.

So if all these side deals are going on, is this bad for us?

The up side is that a lot of action will be produced, which is fun to watch.

The down side is that the educational value for us will be reduced because the players on HSP will be making moves based on calculations that most of us won't normally need to make when we play.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 08:33 PM
From my experience, swapping percentages is for tournaments; in cash games the people I hang with have always just done 50/50 splits. Although, probably comparing apples and peaches.

I am pretty sure that I referenced this before but it might not have been here. The majority of the players are not playing on their "own" money. In some instances the Bellagio and I am sure other rooms have put up cash in exchange for face time in the hotel/casino.

This is a friggin T.V. show. It is produced...
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 08:47 PM
scotty is not trustworthy, he is a friend of Men the master.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-10-2007 , 08:53 PM
i heard scotty nyugen is fake. apparently hes a myth fabricated by the american government to give the impression communists are all degenerates who have come to steal your gambool and your wife.
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
11-11-2007 , 03:51 AM
3) The game may be -ev as it is surly not the easieast game in town... but since the players get an appearance fee the game may be breakeven, or even +ev for some... This factor ways in some, but i dont see how it would constitute the game being "fake"...
nice level
Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake?  (x-post from t.v.) Quote
