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Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck

11-04-2010 , 05:22 PM
and scotty relys on booze
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 05:50 PM
Online players rely on luck.

Live plays rely on luck(or collusion, chip dumping, and cheating).

Also, I never cross that line, baby. Except for that one time, and several other times.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 05:56 PM
Hey you know Babyyy.. at least your girl is smoking. Some of us have to really grind for pussy like that.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 06:25 PM
wtf scotty do u forget how its feel man?
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by OhioPlayersGang
2+2 posters dont know how to ignore idiotic statements you hear everyday from drunk(most probably) guys.

Scotty is the man though.....could care less if he is hated on here....I loved the dressing down he gave DeMichele. I love the swagger he had on the last hand of his ME win....the "21" comments/bluff at Humberto in 2003....etc. etc.

He is a character, and is GREAT for poker.

Scotty is an over the top caricature of what a Vietnamese gambler would be/look like......and he is a campy hoot.
Very well said!! Agreed!!

I doubt Scotty knows much about online poker thus who cares what he says about it.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by JimmyLegs
There is no spoon

hah this actually cracked me up for some reason
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by AllenZ
This might have been true when on line players actually watched the tables and played a solid game. These days the mass multi-tablers don't even know what is happening on each table and are so out of touch that they need a script to hit the time bank because they can't keep up. That is not poker experience, it is video gaming. I don't see how that prepares anyone for real poker in a legitimate poker setting. As someone once said, there is a difference between playing poker on line and playing on line poker.

You can flame as I know you will, but you cannot demonstrate how playing that type of on line game prepares you for live games. These people aren't seeing many situations, hell you aren't even watching the game.
um, nano could completely bankrupt the majority of live pros at NLHE. Obviously the majority of rakeback pros are just playing ABC TAG, but they could still destroy most live cash games.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Downbylaw11
and scotty relys on booze
indeed he is a disgrace drunk nothing else whoever listen to drunk like Scotty
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 08:13 PM
thread is so full of nguyen, baby.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 08:22 PM
so he basically talks about how bad the new players are how they have to rely on luck, and then says the game is much harder now. Doesnt make sense to me
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 08:30 PM
some days you can't beat a drunk, baby
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Mcdonald'sWorker
all i gotta say about that is... NUT NUT BABY!!!!
Scotty doesn't like burgers, he prefers Pizza. HUT HUT, BABY!
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 08:59 PM
And if he doesn't lay off the booze, he's gonna end up with a beer GUT GUT, BABY!!!
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Alzke
wtf scotty do u forget how its feel man?
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-04-2010 , 11:42 PM
"When I give someone hell at the tables I don't cross the line that makes them hate me.

"I may bust them but they still respect me because they know I never cross a line that shouldn't be crossed."

I lol'd
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 12:44 AM
he's an idiot.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by AllenZ
This might have been true when on line players actually watched the tables and played a solid game. These days the mass multi-tablers don't even know what is happening on each table and are so out of touch that they need a script to hit the time bank because they can't keep up. That is not poker experience, it is video gaming. I don't see how that prepares anyone for real poker in a legitimate poker setting. As someone once said, there is a difference between playing poker on line and playing on line poker.

You can flame as I know you will, but you cannot demonstrate how playing that type of on line game prepares you for live games. These people aren't seeing many situations, hell you aren't even watching the game.
Online poker is a legitimate poker setting...yes difference between live and online is very big but online is absolutely a legitimate poker setting... a lot of pro poker players make most of their money online.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 01:51 AM
What he probably meant can best be illustrated by the situation where you have QQ and you think there is a good chance your opponent has AK. Older players tended to wait to see the flop before moving in while modern players tend to move in immediately. That is the kind of thing I think he was talking about. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that modern players count on being lucky.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Paul Finn
"Scotty has battled has batted many demons over the years, including alcohol"

Well baby, that's the most understated sentence I've ever read.

May I refer you to Exhibit A:
I don't see how it was understated. Maybe you just don't read much?
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
What he probably meant can best be illustrated by the situation where you have QQ and you think there is a good chance your opponent has AK. Older players tended to wait to see the flop before moving in while modern players tend to move in immediately. That is the kind of thing I think he was talking about. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that modern players count on being lucky.
AK vs QQ? Ok gramps, more like KQ vs 99.

I was actually about to post the same thing though. It seems like nobody actually read the article. More accurate would to be he said that online players take more chances than live players which leads to luck having a greater impact. And given the way the online games have evolved with insane preflop aggression that is obviously true.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by OhioPlayersGang
2+2 posters dont know how to ignore idiotic statements you hear everyday from drunk(most probably) guys.

Scotty is the man though.....could care less if he is hated on here....I loved the dressing down he gave DeMichele. I love the swagger he had on the last hand of his ME win....the "21" comments/bluff at Humberto in 2003....etc. etc.

He is a character, and is GREAT for poker.

Scotty is an over the top caricature of what a Vietnamese gambler would be/look like......and he is a campy hoot.
And you're a douche.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 02:42 AM
What happened to the PhotoShops that were suppose to be posted? Could have been an epic thread
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by rchang
I don't get your point. Duhammel is an online pro too, no?
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by carradioyes
I don't get your point. Duhammel is an online pro too, no?
his point is that there's no money in live tournaments. everyone is solid.
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
11-05-2010 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by AllenZ
This might have been true when on line players actually watched the tables and played a solid game. These days the mass multi-tablers don't even know what is happening on each table and are so out of touch that they need a script to hit the time bank because they can't keep up. That is not poker experience, it is video gaming. I don't see how that prepares anyone for real poker in a legitimate poker setting. As someone once said, there is a difference between playing poker on line and playing on line poker.

You can flame as I know you will, but you cannot demonstrate how playing that type of on line game prepares you for live games. These people aren't seeing many situations, hell you aren't even watching the game.
REAL poker man it only matters if it's REAL poker with REAL chips and REAL cards and REAL people at a REAL table
Scotty Nguyen: Online players rely on luck Quote
