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Sam Trickett bank account hacked Sam Trickett bank account hacked

12-05-2011 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by m00sy
Most good malware will never be detected or at least not until it's too late. My advice, any pro that's making decent money should buy a Mac/Macbook and never click links in emails.
meh, most malware/virii are actually pretty easy to spot. A lot of them leave some lol worthy traces in the actualy coding of the program.

But def advise to not click links you don't trust.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:09 AM
ID card + ID card reader...
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by bmwteam
I am a bit worried. I dont have balla bankroll, but still I dont want to lose it. How to protect yourself from hacking your poker account it's clear (tokens, passwords, anti-virus programs, etc.) But how can I protect from hacking my bank account? There are no tokkens and if someone have access to my bank account he can withdraw pretty much everything to anybody in just a seconds.

If a bank doesn't use RSA, it uses other ID tags that are unique to your computer. That said, even if someone could get around it, this isn't a ****ing poker site we're talking about. The money would be traced, returned back to you and the hacker would be charged with a felony.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:37 AM
Wait, so some B&M banks have online services with only a username and a password? Oh boy I take weird stuff for granted...
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Mitch Evans
If a bank doesn't use RSA, it uses other ID tags that are unique to your computer. That said, even if someone could get around it, this isn't a ****ing poker site we're talking about. The money would be traced, returned back to you and the hacker would be charged with a felony.
You wish. There are still plenty of banks that don't do anything more than username/password as the default. I know my bank does. And using PC id tags is pointless if your PC was compromised because a hacker will make sure all the info send to the bank is identical to what your pc would send.

Good thing is that the money will be returned to you. But in a lot of cases banks take that hit and the money itself has been converted to cash long before you have reported it missing. They might get their hands on some idiot that got paid to open an account and allow someone else to withdraw cash from it but that is where it ends most times.

Just check with your bank and get the RSA key or SMS confirmations. And if they don't have either one then close your account and go to another bank. These days most banks have at least the option though.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:33 AM
yeah like the banks havent already gambled your money for you
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by m00sy
My advice, any pro that's making decent money should buy a Mac/Macbook

no thanks
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 07:45 AM
scum gonna ****ing scum
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by SoLost

no thanks
he said a pro with money
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by HeaterPLZ
he said a pro with money

vwp sir!!
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by ToDeepToFold

vwp sir!!
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by SoLost

no thanks

get a token instead
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:24 PM
I am shocked about the posts in this thread. I was absolutly sure RSA keys or SMS confirmations would be standard for every bigger bank in every more or less civilized country all around the world.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:26 PM
why? for 99.99% of accounts it's cheaper for the bank to eat the loss or otherwise recover it. You don't spend $15 per account for RSA tokens when your average expected loss is less than that.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Aruj Reis
why? for 99.99% of accounts it's cheaper for the bank to eat the loss or otherwise recover it. You don't spend $15 per account for RSA tokens when your average expected loss is less than that.
Dont know, didn't do the math on it But I have three bank accounts on three different banks here in germany and none of them even ALLOW me to do a money transfer w/o at least confirming it with a code I recieve via SMS.

Just seems insane to me to run an account just secured by a simple pw.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 04:08 PM
My banks do not require much more (one is the largest or 2nd I think in the US you could probably find out). They have heuristic checks (or something) on transactions and when new IPs try to access the account. They'll stop and send an activation code SMS for an unrecognized computer, or it can be an email since not everybody has or wants SMS. But for regular log in where I can do bill pay or transfer money it's just uid/pwd. I've had them call my home phone when suspicious transactions come up (I bought something online from an international source).

2 factor authentication is the cool new thing but the simple equation is: X% chance of something bad happening times $Y cost compared to (100 - X)% times $Z cost of prevention. There are other factors too, mostly they would affect the value of XYZ, like if we verify suspicious transactions we can get X close enough to 0. I'm pretty sure banks have considered these comparisons and determined which is in their bottom line best interest.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 05:20 PM
Every bank has different security features like some banks have the card reader which gives a code before logging on online. You can set up withdrawal/transfer limits which can only be removed using a password or security question when you need to make a large transaction but it depends on your particular bank. You should obviously use a well-secured wireless network when checking bank accounts online, and report any suspicious fraudulent activities straight to your bank. You are generally not charged for any fraudulent transactions carried out after you have reported it, and often, your bank may call you if you are making unusual transactions to what you normally make just to check that it was you who was using the account.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by bmwteam
Few days after the news that he won $1.8m in Macao and tweets "printing", someone tried to hack his FB account.

that's his FB status

After that some one hacked his bank account and the hacker withdraw some money. (Fortunatelly, the bank refunded Sam's stolen money).

I am a bit worried. I dont have balla bankroll, but still I dont want to lose it. How to protect yourself from hacking your poker account it's clear (tokens, passwords, anti-virus programs, etc.) But how can I protect from hacking my bank account? There are no tokkens and if someone have access to my bank account he can withdraw pretty much everything to anybody in just a seconds.

Don't banks have insurance?

Isn't it the same as if someone hacked your account?

I myself bought a 2k safe, cemented it into my floor in my basement, and keep just cash and gold. I don't have a bank account anymore.
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 08:17 PM
I moved from the UK to the US about 4 years ago and was pretty shocked to be honest at how far behind Europe the US is on banking security and to be honest banking in general.

Moving money online between accounts is not easy - and everyone over here still uses paper cheques (checks) !! Remember them from the nineties?!!
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Geof11061
I moved from the UK to the US about 4 years ago and was pretty shocked to be honest at how far behind Europe the US is.....

Moving money online between accounts is not easy - and everyone over here still uses paper cheques (checks) !! Remember them from the nineties?!!
Ah the cheque (and later) cheque guarantee card. Pay by cheque, got 4 working days to get £ to the bank - happy days

Originally Posted by TakeYourEmpire
I myself bought a 2k safe, cemented it into my floor in my basement, and keep just cash and gold. I don't have a bank account anymore.
Fred West ITT
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 09:17 PM
hey op, hows the house?
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
12-06-2011 , 09:21 PM
Ah, so that's why his twitter account was deleted..
Sam Trickett bank account hacked Quote
