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RPM Poker Manager Admits Shilling with anonymous accounts RPM Poker Manager Admits Shilling with anonymous accounts

09-28-2011 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by iluvpopeye
cliffs anybody?
noah and his buddies continue to fondle with themselves all day long, until they come up with someone they can lash out on the next day and turn them into a piece of ****..

jkjk, who knows at this point in the poker world for real
09-28-2011 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo
why does it matter? I am not being facetious.
Let me ask you this. If you made a deposit on a poker site and they stated they will only ever pay back 75% of your account value would you play there?
And for RPM and/or their Rep to do this surreptitiously is even worst and it is unethical. I don't see you getting alot of support on this issue.
09-28-2011 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo
What I see here is nothing more than someone marketing the site they are working for. Some companies create shills, some companies put banners up that emphasize their strong points and ignore their weak points, others purchase commercials.

I mean, yeah I don't like being exploited and lied to, but this doesn't stand out to me as anything particularly scummy or even unethical. We are marketed to 100's of times a day in many different ways, I fail to see how this is any different.
It's different because it corrupts a system of trust that has existed until recently. Everyone knows actors are hired and commercials are produced to endorse a certain product, and that it's all really meaningless and you should take it with a grain of salt. Studies show that people will still buy a brand of deodorant if Brad Pitt says he wears it, regardless of however unlikely it is.

However until recently, there has never been a reason to question what anonymous individuals on the internet have had to say. Afterall, you arent being paid, so why would you endorse something that you didnt truly recommend? The lack of bias is what earns your trust. Well those days are gone now as PR firms exist to troll the internet and post fake reviews for products under the guise that it is an everyday average person.

As you can see this is a very powerful lie, when an average nobody is given more credibility than a celebrity. Now we basically have to assume everything everyone says about anything is total garbage and make up our minds for ourselves. People like Steve have created that environment, so they can go **** themselves.
09-28-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by jayzwannabe
when does it end, this poker indistry makes the mob look honest
subforum should be renamed news, views, and scams imo
09-28-2011 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by javi
However until recently, there has never been a reason to question what anonymous individuals on the internet have had to say.
09-28-2011 , 12:34 AM
Seth- while not stepping over where you feel the line may be (actually buying the money), the community has no reason to ever know this to be true, and now the word of someone who was manipulating the community is your only hope.

I hope you see why this was incredibly stupid. You may want to rethink your position on defending having made the posts.
09-28-2011 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
Let me ask you this. If you made a deposit on a poker site and they stated they will only ever pay back 75% of your account value would you play there?
And for RPM and/or their Rep to do this surreptitiously is even worst and it is unethical. I don't see you getting alot of support on this issue.
Completely with you on this R*R. If people working with/for a poker believe in that site then they should never devalue the worth of a dollar on that site. If the fundamental problem of crazy long cashouts was fixed, then this exchange market would not exist, or at least to the same extent
09-28-2011 , 12:37 AM
This crap is getting old. Poker will always have a dark side because of the shady people who ruin it for the honest people trying to make a living.

Thanks mods for doing a great job!!
09-28-2011 , 12:39 AM
I obv. want to hear more details about this but being a shill for a site on 2+2 is not a hangable offense assuming he didn't buy RPM dollars with a vig. Every site has used shills on here. In fact I wonder how many mods on 2+2 work for a Pokersite? A lot and there's nothing wrong with that either.
Any feedback I hear about any site I take with a pinch of salt until evidence is clearly shown that a site is good or not.
09-28-2011 , 12:42 AM
This has to of broken the deal for having the forum with 2+2 right?

You would assume if you were going to do something like that you would clear it with 2+2.

The shilling for RPM also made Seth's defense look very week since it wasn't needed to achieve his "goals" and he did it anyway for marketing reasons.
09-28-2011 , 12:42 AM
I have brought the issue up twice in the RPM forum and Seth has deleted the thread both times.....

Am I wrong in thinking he should address this in his forum as well (we shouldnt assume all rpm regulars view NVG should we?) If he is confident he did nothing wrong what is he attempting to hide from his players? I PM'd Bobo to express my concerns, Im not going to open another thread in his forum - but imo how he is handling this in his own forum is a joke!
09-28-2011 , 12:49 AM
Seems to be a lot of shady guys behind these sites. It really sucks to be a poker player lately!!
09-28-2011 , 12:54 AM


If not, calm down everyone.
09-28-2011 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by LoSwaga
Tbh, now it just looks like zbthort and his buddies trying to **** over the reputation of another person who is just trying to protect his site... hope to hear more from seth
Hi Seth. You sir have commitment
09-28-2011 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
I don't see why people should cash out over this. I think what's mostly important is that people know that the information that he was spreading through these accounts was false and to figure out if he ever did any of the unethical transactions that he proposed.
so you think the poker community should trust a company that has obv attempted to fool and take advantage of their customers (and the community)? I cashed out all my funds and I would do it every time in a heart beat. Sorry man but when people are holding onto thousands of my dollars, I feel the need to be able trust them.
09-28-2011 , 12:58 AM
This is just a political attack IMO.
09-28-2011 , 01:07 AM
I'm an RPM reg. Not a big one but there is nothing here that suggests RPM the company will function any differently then it has been. At least I hope not.

Obviously, the post buying RPM money is real shady but I think we all need to keep in mind it was one time. If we were looking at a confirmed or especially several transactions then I think that we'd have a much bigger story here.

Right now it just looks like he went about marketing the company in a really shady way. I hope thats the extent of the damage. I'm waiting for answers and they better come sooner then later.
09-28-2011 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by fergie12
I remember this guy...I just thought he had a hard on for RPM...I specifically remember the simpsons avatar he had....

Guess he was a shill...
This is another one of the unfortunate results of a situation like this; people start seeing shills in every closet.

No, we have absolutely no reason to believe that was a shill account.

Originally Posted by TheRaiderr
This has to of broken the deal for having the forum with 2+2 right?

You would assume if you were going to do something like that you would clear it with 2+2.
I wouldn't make that assumption.

To put this in perspective, there is another potential advertiser that I've turned down in the past because of some of their practices. Now they may be allowed to advertise with us, but only under the condition that they have a thread where they will have to answer to 2+2ers. I'll be letting them know that I don't expect the thread will go all that well. Right now, they don't have an active rep on 2+2. I'd rather they advertised with us and had to answer the tough questions than not be here at all. Not just from a 2+2 point of view, but from a player's perspective as well.

Of course we do draw a line at some point - Cereus is a good example of a company on the wrong side of the line.

Originally Posted by Do Not Blink
I have brought the issue up twice in the RPM forum and Seth has deleted the thread both times.....

Am I wrong in thinking he should address this in his forum as well (we shouldnt assume all rpm regulars view NVG should we?) If he is confident he did nothing wrong what is he attempting to hide from his players? I PM'd Bobo to express my concerns, Im not going to open another thread in his forum - but imo how he is handling this in his own forum is a joke!
This is something you should address to Mat. Advertisers get pretty free reign in their own sponsored forum AFAIK, but it's certainly a point you can bring up with him. But regardless of what he is or isn't allowed to do there, this thread is here in the busiest forum on 2+2, so it's not like he's able to unilaterally eliminate any criticism of his site on 2+2.
09-28-2011 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by xosubucknutsx
Hi Seth. You sir have commitment
damn, beat me too it...wp

If rpmSeth ends up with a ban, would he be the first site rep to get banned on 2+2?
09-28-2011 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by MATEUSZEK


If not, calm down everyone.

IMO both parties seem fishy in this not just RPM
09-28-2011 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by javi
It's different because it corrupts a system of trust that has existed until recently. Everyone knows actors are hired and commercials are produced to endorse a certain product, and that it's all really meaningless and you should take it with a grain of salt. Studies show that people will still buy a brand of deodorant if Brad Pitt says he wears it, regardless of however unlikely it is.

However until recently, there has never been a reason to question what anonymous individuals on the internet have had to say. Afterall, you arent being paid, so why would you endorse something that you didnt truly recommend? The lack of bias is what earns your trust. Well those days are gone now as PR firms exist to troll the internet and post fake reviews for products under the guise that it is an everyday average person.

As you can see this is a very powerful lie, when an average nobody is given more credibility than a celebrity. Now we basically have to assume everything everyone says about anything is total garbage and make up our minds for ourselves. People like Steve have created that environment, so they can go **** themselves.
I hope you would do this anyway….

I don't see a huge problem with RPM Seth creating accounts to trump up business. Shame on him for stooping to that level, but it's not that big of a deal. Dishonest, sure, but you must be living with your head in the sand to not know such practices happen online. If you're joining a site without doing your own research, shame on you. Joining just because some toolbag on an internet forum talks up a site is just naive.

What concerns me much more is him trying to buy $RPM for .75/100. The repercussions of such an act could be far-reaching, as has been mentioned by previous posters. Claiming that he did it to out scammers is a flimsy excuse and we should demand evidence (if any can possibly be given) from multiple sources that this is, in fact, what he was trying to do. If any funds changed hands, then **** should really hit the fan. Until more information comes to light, though, I'm reserving judgment.

Last edited by ChaseNutley26; 09-28-2011 at 01:19 AM.
09-28-2011 , 01:12 AM
Bobo, do you or the other mods, know of any shill accounts that have not already been outed?
09-28-2011 , 01:16 AM
Fishy/Shady/small poker site still serving us players did something unethical?

09-28-2011 , 01:37 AM
This is one of the reasons I am happy to play on Hero. LOL @ Seth's excuses, its pretty damning when you are trying to buy RPM funds at 75%. The other shady acts also make your site look pretty bad. If RPM keeps you as a rep, it means they were aware of your activities. If they get rid of you, it could just be damage control.
09-28-2011 , 01:40 AM
I'm also unsure how I feel about what appears to be a coordinated pissing war by SP using 2+2 resources.
