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Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live
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View Poll Results: Was cheating involved?
395 45.04%
482 54.96%

10-07-2022 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by archii
Because it's a ****ing stupid consideration. How would he have cheated?
A signaling device.

Therefore allowing his shock upon seeing her exact holdings to be at least somewhat genuine.

Last edited by mcmicro; 10-07-2022 at 03:59 AM.
10-07-2022 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
When she answered "Is he backing you?" with a direct "Yes," it was direct, candid, and honest. In the next question, "Did the players at the table know?" ... her "yes" had a different tone and ring to it that I wouldn't bet on the truth of.
I tuned in for a couple minutes and she's so obviously a pathological liar to anyone who was not born yesterday, her inflection and tempo give it away so clearly

She's also trying to emotionally manipulate but she's not particularly good at it because she's not smart so it's just cringe

She attempted the same thing right after the hand and it was just a terrible effort (I mean she was probably trying her best but she is just not smart enough to be crafty, I mean the first thing out of her mouth was "I thought you had ace high" when she called with jack high, seriously just lmao at that, easily the funniest part of this entire saga, that wasn't attempted emotional manipulation but I just had to bring it up again because it is so funny, literally just dumb as rocks)

Both of these two things (pathological liar, dumb as rocks) mesh well with her, shall we say, modified appearance (go ahead and type out on your keyboard that fake breasts and a face full of plastic are not indicative of any, shall we say, personality traits, and post it in full confidence so I can get a laugh)

I'm fairly convinced that the plastic in her body has genuinely just completely broken the brains of many men in the "not cheating" camp, subconsciously of course

That in combination with the fact she's a woman in the first place, and a lot of men who haven't had much experience with women view them all as docile, innocent creatures

Like someone said a few pages back, if this was just some old fat dude, everything would be completely different
10-07-2022 , 03:52 AM
All I can say is that they (Nick Vertucci & company) know how promote themselves. Talking so much about security all the time, but they had such a thief working for them is just unbelievable. I've listened for 2 years about high security, production,... everything on top level, but now we can see it's been the opposite.
10-07-2022 , 03:59 AM
It’s just so bizarre…someone mentioned how Nick insisted on keeping everything under wraps, yet immediately released this information. He makes a statement on Twitter that he will offer to pay the 15k back. Yet, he doesn’t tell the one person who was stolen from. She had no idea about it. It’s not like it was a large group of people that were victims. Im sure they talk on the phone. He didn’t call her about it first….
10-07-2022 , 04:03 AM
The 15k being stolen after this incident makes 0 sense to me. This guy had to of known the footage would be looked at. I find this ultra fishy no crook would be this stupid.
10-07-2022 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by cashgame4ever
All I can say is that they (Nick Vertucci & company) know how promote themselves. Talking so much about security all the time, but they had such a thief working for them is just unbelievable. I've listened for 2 years about high security, production,... everything on top level, but now we can see it's been the opposite.
I'm pretty curious if this is ultimately connected to the people running the stream, particularly with the Nick Bertucci's guy or whatever, I saw some reference to his shady past here and there but didn't look into it

Doubt the Ryan guy is an angel either if he's partnered up with a guy like Nicholas (assuming Nicholas is actually shady and people aren't exaggerating)

For the record, their pasts alone (assuming they were/are shady) don't indicate they were involved in it, that's a stretch

But I'd quite like to know how/why this technical guy who stole the chips got hired, did he have a history working on other streams beforehand? If he didn't, that's turning my curiosity into very tempered and very mild suspicion that something may be going on. Did he at least have good credentials? Did he know them personally? How did he land this job?

I have nothing against the actual act of hiring someone with a history, but now that he just yoinked money, and they constantly talked up the security of the stream or whatever, it's interesting for sure

I also still cannot fathom why Perrson is so adamantly defending Robbi, unless the plastic broke his brain as well, but it's so weird that he owns casinos and is heavily involved in the backend part of the industry and is just so damn confident, and was so damn confident right after the hand, that Robbi wasn't cheating

Does he know her personally? Was that the first time they met?

I'm not sure what odds I'd give it, but the chances of more people being involved than Robbi/her staker/the guy who got fired are above 0%

Who owns the company they hired to conduct the audit or whatever? Any connections there to anyone?

Originally Posted by yellowfever
The 15k being stolen after this incident makes 0 sense to me. This guy had to of known the footage would be looked at. I find this ultra fishy no crook would be this stupid.
With the rumors that he was punting off cash in private games or whatever, it's possible that he NEEDED this money, and was desperate. So far I don't think you should really be assuming the people involved are cream of the crop, I think you should actually assume rampant stupidity based on what we've discovered so far, just my 2c of course
10-07-2022 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Jay Why
She keeps saying he is 23, but the guy in the photos for his name looks way over 23, is she talking about the right person?
Pre-stream setup footage:

10-07-2022 , 04:15 AM
List of coincidences

1. The j4 call has very little equity vs his range(or vs atc) but was somehow a winning call
2. She won 3/3 times
3. The Hustler Live employee stole from 1 of 9 players - was her
4. Follows the theif on twitter
5. Didnt report the missing 15k
6. The AK vs A8 hand she cold called a 3bet, floated a cbet 4 way, then minraise turn. Was somehow ahead, again

She got a freeroll for the game. Shes challenging people to 2 million dollar heads up matches and claiming the money doesn't mean anything to her. Her husband is a metaverse lawyer with a .eth twitter name (down bad). Cant explain why she needs to be backed. Now this theif guy is possibly a photographer for Jake Paul fights (according to a few posts up)

Cmon man!
10-07-2022 , 04:16 AM
Where’s the surveillance footage of him palming three 5k chips?
10-07-2022 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yet another wild turn in this whole story; honestly, I'm not sure just what to make of it or the bigger situation. Significance of this is nothing at best, and pretty damning at worst. I find it interesting how much this has moved the needle for some people, though. I get that it makes people more suspicious (as it does to me), but moving some from 80-90% one way to 80-90% the other way surprises me.
It's a good excuse to move to the side which people are recognizing can not be solidly established as wrong but could be proven definitively right. When no evidence of cheating is ever produced, the accusing side can make up more excuses as to why it isn't, imagine more scenarios, and draw the question out further while slowly transitioning into people forgetting about this. It's dumb to take a risk when you can get on an open ended free roll. Of course you have to keep ignoring contradictory evidence but that's every American's God given right.
10-07-2022 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by realPhilIvey
List of coincidences

1. The j4 call has very little equity vs his range(or vs atc) but was somehow a winning call
Just watching the hand in a vacuum I thought it was likely she didn't cheat. But the more she talks and the more information that comes out the more likely it seems she cheated.

I'd like to know if the guy who stole $15K from her stack had access to river cards. In order for her to be cheating with him he either has access to river cards or he mistakenly thought she had the 6c instead of the 4. I'd like clarification on the likelihood of both.

I think the 6c is more likely because he would have to be the dumbest cheat (and poker player) in the world to signal her to call with J4o.

Last edited by jwd; 10-07-2022 at 04:30 AM.
10-07-2022 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by yellowfever
The 15k being stolen after this incident makes 0 sense to me. This guy had to of known the footage would be looked at. I find this ultra fishy no crook would be this stupid.
TBH people really need to stop projecting what they'd do onto criminals. Or assuming criminals are smart or masterminds.
10-07-2022 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by diplomaticaccount
Lol the delussion is real. Even if he is a gay C0unt he needs to learn to win and lose like a man. Also even if he is gay he can still intimidate a woman with his body and presence he is not one of them even if he also likes to suck d1cks.
God awful trolling, 1/10, this is an active vBulletin forum in 2022, anyone who enjoys this format of discussion has probably been on the internet for a long time, you need to do way better and be much more subtle, also the correct line is being an adamant "did not cheat" believer, not a Garrett hater, let me know where to send the bill

Originally Posted by XcrazylegsX
When I found out that Bryan mic'd up players before streams (including Robbi on the J4 stream), I decided to look into streams after the Robbi stream to see if he mic'd up any other players. I started watching the 10/3 Max Pain Monday stream and noticed something very unusual before game started:
Bryan comes into the stream area, reaches into his pocket, and hands off something to a player in the game named DGAF. What is he handing to him? I then looked into the hands to see if I could find any suspicious hand histories.

Suspicious Hand 1:
DGAF bets 400 into 1900 on the river in position and calls a check jam for roughly 2x pot effective.

Suspicious Hand 2:
DGAF cold calls a 3b, check calls down all 3 streets.

Suspicious Hand 3:
DGAF squeezes from the bb and peeled a very large back 4b, floats flop, and jams turn when checked to.

It seems very likely based on the handoff and these 3 very suspicious hand histories that Bryan was likely helping DGAF as well. The next step would be to look at other streams to see if similar interactions between Bryan and players happened before the game starts and if so examine the player's hand histories after said interaction.

Edit: DGAF wins 36k on the 10/3 stream and had a 73% VPIP (not sure if this is normal for him or not).
Nice work XcrazylegsX, you or someone else should consider posting this on Reddit so it doesn't get lost in the muck on here, it's certainly interesting if nothing else, it may spur more people to look into when this guy who got fired pops up, I'd very much like for this story to have significant developments the next time I check in on this saga
10-07-2022 , 04:27 AM
Another funny inconsistency I saw mentioned. Robbis husband is a billionaire lawyer who has vowed to legally crush anyone and everyone who has wronged his wife. Doesn't press charges against the guy who stole $15k from his wife ON CAMERA. LMAO. Like what?
10-07-2022 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
It's a good excuse to move to the side which people are recognizing can not be solidly established as wrong but could be proven definitively right. When no evidence of cheating is ever produced, the accusing side can make up more excuses as to why it isn't, imagine more scenarios, and draw the question out further while slowly transitioning into people forgetting about this. It's dumb to take a risk when you can get on an open ended free roll. Of course you have to keep ignoring contradictory evidence but that's every American's God given right.
I think this is why Doug and others are making such a big deal of this without actually explaining what it is they think it proves. If you ask them they’ll either ignore you, or just call you stupid while their minions join in. If the investigation turns up nothing they’ll point to this as if it actually means something.

If it comes out that Robbi and Bryan had a close relationship prior to the stream then I would start to actually be suspicious. So far, this doesn’t really change anything.

Garret’s little victory tweet where he graciously welcomes his naysayers back under his wing alluded to ‘more coming out.’ I imagine he must know something we don’t, so we’ll see.
10-07-2022 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
Another funny inconsistency I saw mentioned. Robbis husband is a billionaire lawyer who has vowed to legally crush anyone and everyone who has wronged his wife. Doesn't press charges against the guy who stole $15k from his wife ON CAMERA. LMAO. Like what?
Just FYI Robbi asked the cops if he looked contrite… and he did
An actual quote from Joeys pod

He looked sorry and he’s “Young”

So no prosecution. L0LOLOL0llLlOlololol
10-07-2022 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
This. And all the nonsense about "white knights" and "simps" is getting pretty old too. It's sad how many people have lost the ability to simply disagree with each other.

Yet another wild turn in this whole story; honestly, I'm not sure just what to make of it or the bigger situation. Significance of this is nothing at best, and pretty damning at worst. I find it interesting how much this has moved the needle for some people, though. I get that it makes people more suspicious (as it does to me), but moving some from 80-90% one way to 80-90% the other way surprises me.
Agree 100%.

This changes nothing/not much in my view. Before this we all knew anyone might cheat. There’s no nexus from him stealing to him and Robbi hacking the system. Only that if the system was hacked, there’s a big chance he was the one in on it.
10-07-2022 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
Another funny inconsistency I saw mentioned. Robbis husband is a billionaire lawyer who has vowed to legally crush anyone and everyone who has wronged his wife. Doesn't press charges against the guy who stole $15k from his wife ON CAMERA. LMAO. Like what?
But why would billionaires wife participate in an elaborate public scheme for chump change? None of this makes any sense lol, what a **** show
10-07-2022 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by realPhilIvey
List of coincidences

1. The j4 call has very little equity vs his range(or vs atc) but was somehow a winning call
2. She won 3/3 times
3. The Hustler Live employee stole from 1 of 9 players - was her
4. Follows the theif on twitter
5. Didnt report the missing 15k
6. The AK vs A8 hand she cold called a 3bet, floated a cbet 4 way, then minraise turn. Was somehow ahead, again

She got a freeroll for the game. Shes challenging people to 2 million dollar heads up matches and claiming the money doesn't mean anything to her. Her husband is a metaverse lawyer with a .eth twitter name (down bad). Cant explain why she needs to be backed. Now this theif guy is possibly a photographer for Jake Paul fights (according to a few posts up)

Cmon man!
Also consider the 4h/6c card swap just 15 minutes before the Jc4h vs 8c9c hand - if the 4h was mistaken for the 6c her hand would've been seen as a dominating flush draw over 8c9c.

10-07-2022 , 04:37 AM
The whole 15k theft thing sounds like BS to me…it feels like there’s some misdirection going on here. Is Doug Polk overseeing the investigation? Can anybody vouch that it actually happened. It’s Nick’s cameras, surely he can post the footage on Twitter.

Let’s say it did happen…wouldn’t the investigators sit on it? Instead they take immediate action and announce it publicly for transparency.
10-07-2022 , 04:41 AM
Here's an idea to consider:
The guy who stole $15K in chips, was an opportunistic thief.
He just waits till someone is away from the table.
Perhaps he overheard the argument, people shouting about her giving back a large amount of money.
So he reasons: "If she doesn't mind giving that much back, then she won't notice these 3 chips...".

Additionally (assuming she paid Garrett in chips):
he may be able to rely on the chip count being lost in the mix - did she drop some, when going to give Garrett the money?
Whoops, did I give Garrett back the right amount, or too much? etc.

If they were really in cahoots - surely they would just exchange the money outside the casino, away from the cameras?
(Unless, you now think the casino security camera operators were also in on it?)
10-07-2022 , 04:45 AM
Has anyone asked Robbi if she is alright? If anyone has threatened or coerced her or worse?

Why do all posts asking if anyone considered Garret being the one who cheated get ignored/deflected away from?

Are 30% of poker players on a team with him or something? Is this a case of: destroy anyone who would be so threatening as to call off vs the team with J3 there? Really? That would be discouraging for poker state and integrity.

Robbi - -She likely thought she had J3 (or AJ i thought it could’ve been at first). Draw-heavy board, both those have most draws beat. All of her play makes sense if so. -She didn’t want to admit this at first but has since admitted she thought J3. -She was probably uncomfortable about misreading her hand or winning such a controversial pot and by being pressured by Garret, which could easily explain inconsistencies of explanations. Perhaps it dawned on her that she just beat cheaters and has a lot of chips/cash and what kind of people are sophisticated poker cheaters? Yet, stuck around after hand in question. Even if she read her hand correctly, it’s a quite rare call on his turn shove but, it’s one of the options available to her and, she was actually ahead. -Got 15k chips stole from her stack after this?! However, won’t press charges for the 15k theft? Doesn’t seem to care TOO much about the $135k she gave back to Garret? Is she scared? Wealthy or extremely nice and/or just avoiding confrontation? -Still took interviews/answered questions. Has been talking/open online, at least some, since. -Has Garret’s team blackmailed/coerced her by trying to say they have her all set up as guilty (with the planted chirping noises, Bryan’s impending false confession falsely implicating her)? (In case THEY get caught for cheating or so that they don’t).

Garret- swindled Robbi for the money back from the hand then left the scene soon after. On some high horse online since, when he’s not being silent. IF he was cheating, all it took was his device to get signaled and a solid acting job of switching moods/roles into the “stunned” honest player once he saw her cards or, if the signal was only which player is ahead, his reaction to her exact holdings could have genuineness. Then ditching/destroying his device.

On 2p2, -any time someone brings up the possibility of Garret being the one who cheated, several regular posters will ignore that post and quote any other post or change topic to deflect the convo away from that possibility. -Total piling on of Robbi - are some other of the pilers teammates/co-conspirators with Garret? Obviously many would usually be independent posters/players with their honest opinion or maybe some wanting to bandwagon (np).

Garret has an almost unrealistic win rate on the streams?

Bryan stole $15k chips from Robbi’s stack AFTER the hand in question? After quick calculations, that’s 10% of her winnings?! After the event but before being caught for the theft insists that there’s zero possibility of cheating from IT/production. Consistent with someone who is trying to make sure that his work doesn’t get inspected (possibly for Garret’s team’s sake). What’s next?! False confession to manufacture guilt against Robbi?! How could they do that to her, or anyone?!

Bryan- actually does have a minor criminal record. Seems to be the fall guy for the operation who likely left open the card software to a hacker who signaled Garret or to the person who signaled Garret.

The chirping noise- was it planted by Garret’s team to further try to falsely incriminate Robbi? (In case they themselves got caught or to deflect attention from them).

I’m still wondering why no one else has posed this potential solution or if it’s all a big level or similar.

Obviously this is all possibly not the case. When I first saw the article and footage, I wondered if she cheated yet, stayed open minded. Then 1.5 days later ITT was the first time someone posed that what if Garret had been the one cheating. Still stayed open minded and followed story and thread and this eventually all seemed to click together to me.

I’m an honest poker player, hoping for less/minimal/zero cheating in poker with this. And safety, vindication for any victims, etc.
10-07-2022 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
When she answered "Is he backing you?" with a direct "Yes," it was direct, candid, and honest. In the next question, "Did the players at the table know?" ... her "yes" had a different tone and ring to it that I wouldn't bet on the truth of.
On Joey's podcast tonight Eric Persson said he was not informed of the Robbi/RIP backing arrangement before/during the stream.
10-07-2022 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
That’s true. It does prove there’s someone on the inside who would take the opportunity to cheat. But that’s always been the case unless you blindly trust people.
Saw this after my post. Agree 100%.

What’s amazes me is Phil Gafond evidently sees it differently.
10-07-2022 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
10/10 effort

2/10 execution

Come on man you can do better
Originally Posted by auralex14
This sums up most of Willbury’s posts. I think he gets paid by the word.
Sort of. I make money by writing. If I just fired out fragments and short choppy sentences, I'm out of a job.
