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Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live
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View Poll Results: Was cheating involved?
395 45.04%
482 54.96%

10-05-2022 , 11:29 AM

10-05-2022 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
It's presumed the table transmits RFID IDs to the production software, which has a database that correlates each RFID to each rank/suit. In theory, if only RFID reader was compromised and not the production software then the reader would transmit the RFID's to the cheater, who then would have to maintain his own database correlating each RFID to each rank/suit.
Trying to further understand.

In this case, if the cheater had their own Database wouldn't it read as NULL or N/A since the unique values would be different rather than tying a new unique ID to the 4h previous unique ID?

I really don't understand from a technology standpoint how this linkage would be broken and return incorrect values.

Old Card ID for 4h -> Transmitted to production DB -> Hacker receives and inputs row into DB with unique value for 4h

New card ID for 6c -> Transmitted to production DB -> Hacker receives new ID and somehow inputs 6c for old 4h in DB

If the cheater had a Database, and compromised the Reader, wouldn't it just not recognize the new cards vs mix them up?
10-05-2022 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by parisron

Thrust upon him? lol what a joke this guy is.
10-05-2022 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by madchens123
Trying to further understand.

In this case, if the cheater had their own Database wouldn't it read as NULL or N/A since the unique values would be different rather than tying a new unique ID to the 4h previous unique ID?

I really don't understand from a technology standpoint how this linkage would be broken and return incorrect values.

Old Card ID for 4h -> Transmitted to production DB -> Hacker receives and inputs row into DB with unique value for 4h

New card ID for 6c -> Transmitted to production DB -> Hacker receives new ID and somehow inputs 6c for old 4h in DB

If the cheater had a Database, and compromised the Reader, wouldn't it just not recognize the new cards vs mix them up?
Please read my post above, all the RFID chips are generically the same. Someone has to physically program a card to be a specific card. In this case, it’s either the card manufacturer or the casino.

Basically you can give me the ace of spades and with the appropriate equipment easily change it to the 2 of diamonds, etc

Additionally, this explains why only two cards were swapped out versus an entire deck, as it would be a lot more expensive to pay for 52 of these cards. I would imagine the other tables not lived stream have complete deck replacements and lack this technology
10-05-2022 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by madchens123
I don't understand the theory.

6c and 4h were swapped out and somehow their cheating device logged this and registered the 4h as 6c?

Aren't the RFID signals completely unique to each card and encrypted? As a result, they'd need to not only update the device reading RFID to log this new unique ID but ALSO have the encryption key to decrypt and update. It would seem that it would more likely just show up as Jc "other card not known" or NULL or something rather than show 4h as 6c. If they were sophisticated enough to hack the RFID I'd guess they'd be able to get the cards right.

Legitimately trying to understand what is being suggested here.
Here I'll throw out a theory of the how for fun.

To those on the thread who have used and know the system? Could this be possible?

The cards have to be registered at some stage so let's imagine that they did somehow get swapped and registered incorrectly. I think Berkey said they have 50 decks in rotation for his 'Solve for Why' studio which they use for shows on a rotating basis. You have to imagine given the number of shows Hustler runs they have hundreds. Let's say the incorrect cards are caught on a previous stream from weeks/months back and rather than reregistering the cards they are changed on the software side in the backend. I remember the stream going through stretches with wrong card graphics quite often so not implausible that some of them got changed in the backend? I have read you can change the cards in the backend system. The system already has a software fix in the backend so these cards are now read correctly when they are introduced to this stream. If someone though is somehow getting the information from a raw RFID feed they wouldn't have the software fix and would be receiving the cards wrongly.

I am presuming in the system this is an easy thing to check for Hustler if cards were in fact ever changed by them on the backend?
10-05-2022 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by -ThePimp-
Couldn’t you notice them all? You can focus at money while still acknowledging Grandma.
that would be too much info for my tiny, alcohol rotted brain to process
10-05-2022 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by 5mcory
Remember when Reddit tried to ID the Boston Bomber. This is what your "fact-finding effort" looks like to any reasonble person outside of the circle.

You arent the FBI. You arent even Nick. People are out kicking their coverage big time here.
Without speaking to this specific case, this is the kind of response people wrote in the early stages of the UB and AP issues. Maybe the people here aren't the FBI, but they're not idiots either and are more than capable of rational investigation.
10-05-2022 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
It can be done both responsibility and irresponsibly, the same as how investigations performed by the police or FBI can be done responsibly or irresponsibly.

Others have a different take on what this looks like "outside the circle". For example, Margaretta Evans:
I enjoyed that article. It did a good job highlighting both of the points we are making. I think more people should read it.

I also think this is a more unique case than the ones described in the article though. This took place inside a casino. We should have tons of video evidence clearly showing what happened. We do not need to crowdsource information. We need a qualifed unbiased 3rd party to go over the evidence we already have.

All the "crowd-sourcing: happening right now is only damaging the situation further and I dont think Robbi or Nick deserve that.
10-05-2022 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Aschuler
Let’s say they put the 4H into the slot reader. The 6C would be sitting on the table. When they are going through the RFID code, it asks them to put in the information of the card. The person looks on the desk and sees the 6C. He typed 6C in the computer. The 4H is now programmed to read 6C because that’s what he typed. He then swaps the cards and does the same thing without thinking as critically because he just went through the procedure. He gives the new cards to be swapped out that are program swapped, and play goes on.
Except on the show her 4H was displayed correctly as 4H. No mistake was made. Another red herring.
10-05-2022 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Aschuler
Additionally, this explains why only two cards were swapped out versus an entire deck, as it would be a lot more expensive to pay for 52 of these cards.
This is what I was thinking. Not the expense but the work involved anyway, if they have to manually assign each card.
10-05-2022 , 11:44 AM
so they swapped out the cards and Robbi was supposed to get J6cc but instead got the 4h by some sort of screw up. This is all coming together now.
10-05-2022 , 11:47 AM
It’s insane that those were the TWO cards that were swapped
10-05-2022 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by jcorb
so they swapped out the cards and Robbi was supposed to get J6cc but instead got the 4h by some sort of screw up. This is all coming together now.
Either that or an outside party relaying Robbi info thought she had J6cc. Or it's just a dumb coincidence. But it's one hell of a strange thing tbh
10-05-2022 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Aschuler
Please read my post above, all the RFID chips are generically the same. Someone has to physically program a card to be a specific card. In this case, it’s either the card manufacturer or the casino.

Basically you can give me the ace of spades and with the appropriate equipment easily change it to the 2 of diamonds, etc

Additionally, this explains why only two cards were swapped out versus an entire deck, as it would be a lot more expensive to pay for 52 of these cards. I would imagine the other tables not lived stream have complete deck replacements and lack this technology

Surely, the cards and software they use come pre-programmed and the floor isn't doing this in real-time?

Wouldn't there have been errors, on stream, with the infographics, when ANY player held the 6c and the reader/infographic showed 4h on anyones subsequent hole cards? Also, wouldn't her hole cards have been wrong on stream....showing the 6c vs the 4h?

This doesn't really make sense logically to me that they got mixed up. Her hold cards would have shown 6c rather than 4h in the hand via the card reader.

Maybe someone can look at that since I am not invested enough to then go through each hand to see.
10-05-2022 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Calling someone a cheat without sufficient evidence is extremely irresponsible.
Is accusing some guy of strong arming a woman for $100k+ responsible when you didn't witness the conversation?


Yes, it certainly looks like Garrett requested the money. Is that a crime? No.


I'm having a real tough time taking a lot of posts on this forum seriously because there seems to be a lack of real understanding of how insane this call was. There seems to be a large swath of people claiming that she made a good call. There is an even larger group of people who think Garrett is the problem for being a poor loser as if this hand was your standard bad beat that could happen every Friday night.

This was not a good call by Robbi and this was not just a bad beat. Period. Garrett was not and is still not alone in the poker community in thinking this hand threw up a big red flag. His concern is justified.


I personally haven't seen any smoking gun evidence that cheating was involved, but due to the absolute insanity of that hand, Garrett has every right to concerned. He's not out of line to look stunned when the cards are revealed. The media and Robbi keep using this phrase "death stare." What the **** are they talking about? He was sitting there quietly, staring at his opponent during an absolute cluster**** of a hand. That's perfectly fine. He doesn't even start questioning Robbi's play out loud until SHE starts talking first. He was just sitting there steaming quietly--good for him. His mouth was shut until Robbi starts running her mouth about blockers and ace-highs and saying arrogant **** like, "You keeping letting me do this to you." I don't know what footage you guys are watching but she comes off like an incredibly poor winner who is rubbing the loser's nose in it after winning a six-figure pot. Not cool.


I'm not convinced any cheating happened. Maybe this really just was a freak occurrence in which she made the worse goddamn call I've ever seen in my life at the most convenient moment possible. Poker is weird like that sometimes. But I still find Garrett's concern about that horror show of a hand completely justified. 10 minutes after the cards were revealed, when asked what would make this right, I don't think him saying "Return the money" is a crime. Out of context, it looks shady as ****, but I didn't hear his tone and more importantly, I didn't hear all the information that came out between him, Robbi, and Feldman that preceded that request. And neither have any of you.


I'm already said this once in this thread but it needs repeating. Everyone seems to want to throw Garrett under the bus based on the media's misogynist portrayal of him and Robbi's tweet in which she accused him of a strong arming her. She asks her twitter followers to imagine what Garrett's like OFF camera if he stared at her in a real mean way on camera. She isn't painting a real clear picture--she's asking you to imagine something ugly and then whatever you imagine, maybe that's what happened.


Garrett and Feldman have both denied that she was strong armed.


Should the money being given back? Hell, I don't know. Maybe it should be put in escrow until the investigation is over, but then again, who knows? I'm not privy to all the information that Garrett has. I'm not throwing Robbi under the bus and saying she's definitely a cheater.

But ...

TLDR: I think calling Robbi a cheater and calling Garrett a strong-arming poor loser are equally irresponsible at this point.
10-05-2022 , 11:52 AM
where is Woodward and Bernstein when you need them? Someone get ahold of Erin Brokovich.
10-05-2022 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
It’s insane that those were the TWO cards that were swapped
Imagine getting cancelled from the community over this.

Could possibly be the sickest running 2 outer in history if that is just a coincidence and it somehow effects the outcome.
10-05-2022 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
Obsessively creating accounts with names like gman4gaschambers is definitely showing that you aren't biased!
The funny thing is that he still doesn't understand that we just nuke his account and all posts with one single click. So nobody even has to bother with wasting time to delete his posts by hand.
10-05-2022 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by madchens123
Surely, the cards and software they use come pre-programmed and the floor isn't doing this in real-time?

Wouldn't there have been errors, on stream, with the infographics, when ANY player held the 6c and the reader/infographic showed 4h on anyones subsequent hole cards? Also, wouldn't her hole cards have been wrong on stream....showing the 6c vs the 4h?

This doesn't really make sense logically to me that they got mixed up. Her hold cards would have shown 6c rather than 4h in the hand via the card reader.

Maybe someone can look at that since I am not invested enough to then go through each hand to see.
That’s the interesting part, no they wouldn’t have. Which makes me even more suspicious
10-05-2022 , 11:56 AM
lol imagine being a grown man and making multiple accounts on a poker forum to troll in the space of 24 hours. Then telling other people to kill them self like they are the ones with a mental health problem.

Feel sorry for some of you people.
10-05-2022 , 11:58 AM
Wp Gman donating 135k
10-05-2022 , 11:59 AM
lol@donating money which does not even belong to him...this guy
10-05-2022 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I don't recall all of your posts in this thread, but I'd expect that to get to 80% cheating, there might be some of this involved for you: "He's projecting his mindset, thought process and understanding of the game onto an entirely separate human being.", but perhaps I'm mistaken.
You are indeed mistaken. I got to 80% without considering anything going on in her mind, other than peripherally considering that she isn't nuanced enough to cheat based on her nebulous excuses that were projecting from her mouth. My 80% was formed based entirely on observing her as a visual/aural and had nothing to do with what was going on in her head.
10-05-2022 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
This is what I was thinking. Not the expense but the work involved anyway, if they have to manually assign each card.
Exactly. Without any human interaction, this method would be more secure and easier to use for whatever data mining, collection and arts and crafts projects you can run. It allows you to do so many things tracking wise. All player tendencies on every turn with every card combination are automatically saved on the cloud with this method, but you run the risk of an insider cheating in this exact way.
10-05-2022 , 12:01 PM
It’s not about the $$.. he still has it. Almost seems like it’s bait.
