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Robbi Jade Lew Poll After the Recent Hustler's Report Robbi Jade Lew Poll After the Recent Hustler's Report
View Poll Results: Your Thoughts Before & After Hustler's Report
Not Guilty / Not Guilty
90 28.04%
Not Guilty / Guilty
74 23.05%
Guilty / Not Guilty
3 0.93%
Guilty / Guilty
154 47.98%

10-12-2022 , 10:33 PM
Not guilty, the prosecution hasn’t definitively proved anything, just conjecture and speculation.
10-12-2022 , 11:42 PM
Need a Guilty / Not not Guilty ...
10-12-2022 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by dogshipdude
Not guilty, the prosecution hasn’t definitively proved anything, just conjecture and speculation.
Remember when she was so innocent that she faked IM's but couldnt even avoid her grammatical tics that make her write like a 13 year old teenie bopper?
10-13-2022 , 12:09 AM
I accidentally voted guilty/guilty, the results are tainted
10-13-2022 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by javi
Remember when she was so innocent that she faked IM's but couldnt even avoid her grammatical tics that make her write like a 13 year old teenie bopper?
You couldn't not miss it.


What was the story of the guy who was cheating on 888 and they caught him coz he posted on 2p2 under a few diff accounts and did the same thing as Robbi basically?
10-14-2022 , 12:56 PM
50% of folks here think Robbi will, eventually, be found guilty. Even though 2 weeks after the event no evidence of any guilt has appeared!
10-14-2022 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
50% of folks here think Robbi will, eventually, be found guilty. Even though 2 weeks after the event no evidence of any guilt has appeared!
anybody with a brain and some live poker experience immediately realized there's cheating going on from the J4o hand alone.

the effect of a pair of plastic boobs apparently is not be underestimated around here.
10-14-2022 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
50% of folks here think Robbi will, eventually, be found guilty. Even though 2 weeks after the event no evidence of any guilt has appeared!
No they don't. Was Postle found guilty? His cheating was blatant and prolonged but nothing was absolutely proven to a layperson.

Anyway, what do you specifically mean by "found guilty"? In a court of law, Vertucci's investigation, the court of opinion?
10-14-2022 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by kerr
No they don't. Was Postle found guilty? His cheating was blatant and prolonged but nothing was absolutely proven to a layperson.

Anyway, what do you specifically mean by "found guilty"? In a court of law, Vertucci's investigation, the court of opinion?

They'd be simping too if it was Michaela Postle.
10-15-2022 , 02:43 PM
Gman assured us HCL wasn't involved, then an HCL employee steals chips. He is going to destroy HCL and one of his income streams. He should apologize and return the funds right away and play her heads up naked as she proposed. No one cheats for just one hand and then have it as a coin flip. You cheat when you 100% know you will win after the cards are out.
10-15-2022 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by 6Devil6Trips6
I have no idea if she was cheating but a few red flags sways me into thinking she was more likely cheating, than not.

1. She was bankrolled by another player sitting on the table without telling the other players he had an investment in her.

Players get bankrolled in high stakes games 85million times a day and is very common.

2. She soft played trip Queens with Ace kicker against her backer, who also held the same hand.

Friends soft play against each other 110million times a day. Who is going to play hard against their bankroller?

3. She moved up from medium stakes to nose bleed, and is clearly a huge fish, and a bad investment for any backer, if they were playing the game fairly, that is.

Because she got a free-role from a backer who most likely is trying to get in her pants if not already.

4. Her backer kicked-off big time when Robbi gave her winnings back to GMan. So clearly the money meant something to him, but he had no problem backing a total fish with hard money?

He was her backer, she gave away 50% of his money. Who wouldn't be upset there in the country?

5. A Hustler staff member stole 15k from Robbi's stack and she did not realise her stack was short of 15k? Bearing in mind this money belonged to her backer, one would think she would know how much she had on the table. Then Robbi refused to press charges against the thief. What did her backer say about this? No shouts of pussy like he made against Garret. Just silence as far as I am aware. This stinks to high heaven.
She did press charges. Her initial instinct was it wasn't worth pressing charges. She has close to 0pct chance of restitution.
10-15-2022 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by randorambo
The fact that Jake Paul's manager is involved seems to be highly correlated with the level of people coming to her defense with objectively horrible takes. There is a mob of people on twitter defending her, all of whom appear to be non-poker affiliated or just random sock puppet accounts. All professional analysis of the situation that I have seen raise way too many red flags for it to be coincidental.

The major non-poker related red flag is that she was following the guy who "stole" 15k from her stack on Instagram. That is the type of stuff you cannot overlook as an objective investigator.

I follow many people on Twitter who I don't know. I've like a post from some professional sports players and they follow me. Means nothing who you follow on twitter in regards to knowing someone. Facebook maybe a little different, but Twitter means nothing. (it was twitter not instagram)
10-15-2022 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by TheKingHold
No one cheats for just one hand and then have it as a coin flip. You cheat when you 100% know you will win after the cards are out.
i mean she has teh iq of a goldfish so i wouldnt really use the whole "this would be a dumb spot to cheat" angle
10-23-2022 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by HooLeeSheet
anybody with a brain and some live poker experience immediately realized there's cheating going on from the J4o hand alone.

the effect of a pair of plastic boobs apparently is not be underestimated around here.
''anybody with a brain''? Are you 11 years old ?

Did you notice the players at the table that evening who have given an opinion-Ivey, Persson, Stacks- did not think cheating was going on. Do they not have ''brains''?
10-23-2022 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
No they don't. Was Postle found guilty? His cheating was blatant and prolonged but nothing was absolutely proven to a layperson.

Anyway, what do you specifically mean by "found guilty"? In a court of law, Vertucci's investigation, the court of opinion?
Found guilty'' as in evidence as to how Robbi cheated, the how, as well as the why, currently missing!
10-26-2022 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
Could you add an option for "dgaf (about any of this drama)" ?
10-30-2022 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
Could you add an option for "dgaf (about any of this drama)" ?

Also in the dgaf/dgaf category.
10-30-2022 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
''anybody with a brain''? Are you 11 years old ?

Did you notice the players at the table that evening who have given an opinion-Ivey, Persson, Stacks- did not think cheating was going on. Do they not have ''brains''?
Yes, it is not as though Ivey and Persson would want to be invited again to games there, so would turn a blind eye to what is happening, is it.
10-30-2022 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by MrMiragi
I accidentally voted guilty/guilty, the results are tainted
Obvious voter fraud fail; y'all are getting taken to the woodshed!
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