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RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else

04-17-2012 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
I would think that any1 with a half decent poker mind would utilize reason and logic rather than emotion to make a decision which is in his/her own best interest.
yes and its in most peoples best interest to not plead guilty to fondling a child...jusst sayin
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
From what I've seen there seems to be very little science in these sort of predictions from doctors...mainly guesswork.
One thing you cannot discount is the human will to live.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
I would think that any1 with a half decent poker mind would utilize reason and logic rather than emotion to make a decision which is in his/her own best interest.
With virtually any crime I can think of I agree with you.

But with paedophilia, it is all about emotion.

If you deal, you will be reviled by the vast majority of people and you will be unable to live an ordinary life ever again.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by The Camel
If you deal, you will be reviled by the vast majority of people and you will be unable to live an ordinary life ever again.
And if you don't deal and are judged guilty, you will be reviled by the vast majority of people and you will be unable to live an ordinary life ever again. And you will have a much more severe sentence.

I don't think you'd be doing the right thing by yourself if you confined yourself to jail for a long period of time, just so you can defend yourself to other people. I think certain people would stand by you if they believed in your innocence, and others would revile you whatever you say.

RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
Amarillo Slim's contribution to society as a whole is tiny compared to that of Michael Jackson but it was still significant enough that it should overshadow a few molestation cases (which, if true, would have only negatively impacted an extremely tiny subset of the overall population).
What did either of these men do in a positive way for society that would outweigh their degenerate and predatory criminal behavior inflicted upon the weakest and most vulnerable in our society?

What both of these men had were good lawyers. The ability to hire good lawyers does not add in any way to one's contribution to society.

I feel for his family but Amarillo (or anyone) that preys on kids should never have the opportunity to make it to a hospice.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:51 AM
Hers's a nice Amarillo slim story.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:51 AM
gg Slim
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:02 PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:04 PM
Whats that Bin Laden is on his death bed...lets all wish him well and shout down those that want to make an issue of the crimes he committed on humanity.

Its no different when the person involved is white, american or a celeb. He plead no contest to avoid a trial on child don't get any worse than that. Lets not make him out to be a hero.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by traderdc
Whats that Bin Laden is on his death bed...lets all wish him well and shout down those that want to make an issue of the crimes he committed on humanity.

Its no different when the person involved is white, american or a celeb. He plead no contest to avoid a trial on child don't get any worse than that. Lets not make him out to be a hero.
trying to pretend like this never happend is just lol
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:10 PM
judges and jury itt
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by sonieme
Hers's a nice Amarillo slim story.

Jesus, wat a slow-rolling *******
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Smooth90

Also, his prop bet that he could hit a golf ball a mile is quite a story.
This was Titanic Thompson, not Amarillo Slim.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by sonieme
Hers's a nice Amarillo slim story.
Lol thanks for posting, if this story is real amarillo is an epic douche
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:30 PM
giving some1 **** whoes dying u never met or barly know is ****ING ridiculous

all the best slim

RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by SeaJigga
giving some1 **** whoes dying u never met or barly know is ****ING ridiclus

all the best slim

The flip side is that giving someone praise who is dying that you never met or barely know is equally as ridiculous.

Frankly, it is only social protocol that causes this to happen, as if death absolves anyone from being a jerk while they were living. I don't really understand why RIP threads are reserved for just honorariums if there are other things in somebody's life that stand out.

I'd think charges of being a pedophile might be one of those things that stand out.

We can both mourn Slim (when he passes) and discuss his shortcomings.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Charlotte FatMan
The flip side is that giving someone praise who is dying that you never met or barely know is equally as ridiculous.

Frankly, it is only social protocol that causes this to happen, as if death absolves anyone from being a jerk while they were living. I don't really understand why RIP threads are reserved for just honorariums if there are other things in somebody's life that stand out.

I'd think charges of being a pedophile might be one of those things that stand out.

We can both mourn Slim (when he passes) and discuss his shortcomings.

i think ur right

but imo it is a question of class and character not to give someone **** who is on the floor dying

RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 02:23 PM
I have a good story playing with Slim.

About five years ago when I was a 1/2 & 2/5 grinder Slim sat in a 5/10 game at Winstar that was very juicy. I saw it as an opportunity to play with a legend so I sat and was playing above my bankroll.

We got involved in hand where I said to myself I am gonna beat slim in this pot no matter what. He raised with 10J, I repop with AQ in position. Flop comes 10103. He check raises me and I am ready to shove. He looks at me, flashes a 10 and asks me if I am ready to play a big one? I fold and he gives me his famous smile.

For all the bad stuff being said about him this was one of the nicest gestures I have ever had extended to me at a poker table. He most likely had me on an overpair and knew I was about to shove but flashed me the 10 to keep me in the game as he knew I was only playing because he was there.

May you rest in peace when your time comes Slim.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 02:36 PM
When someone dies (dying?) everything will come out.

Regarding the molestation charges, which I followed, it was strange. He didn't act as an innocent person would act, imho.

I also think he cheated at poker. But everyone did back then. If you weren't cheating, you weren't trying.

Great book and he was a great self-promoter. Good reason Johnny Carson had him on his show so often. When was the last time a poker pro was on a national late-night show?

Last edited by SGT RJ; 04-17-2012 at 05:37 PM.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Charlotte FatMan
The flip side is that giving someone praise who is dying that you never met or barely know is equally as ridiculous.

Frankly, it is only social protocol that causes this to happen, as if death absolves anyone from being a jerk while they were living. I don't really understand why RIP threads are reserved for just honorariums if there are other things in somebody's life that stand out.

I'd think charges of being a pedophile might be one of those things that stand out.

We can both mourn Slim (when he passes) and discuss his shortcomings.
When my Mom passed away someone mentioned her shortcomings during a speech at the wake. I waited a couple days and knocked his ***** teeth out. GG slim
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by callthosebets
When my Mom passed away someone mentioned her shortcomings during a speech at the wake. I waited a couple days and knocked his ***** teeth out. GG slim
No wonder the preacher is missing his two front teeth.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by callthosebets
When my Mom passed away someone mentioned her shortcomings during a speech at the wake. I waited a couple days and knocked his ***** teeth out. GG slim
So you never met or barely knew your Mom?

That's a key part of what we are talking about here - barely knowing somebody and yet praising them in death and ignoring shortcomings.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by sonieme
Hers's a nice Amarillo slim story.
Originally Posted by IamPro
Jesus, wat a slow-rolling *******
That story doesn't bother me. Amarillo Slim has to slow roll the tens in that hand. It's part of the costume, the performance, the act of being the world famous poker player Amarillo Slim.

The crowd/audience expects and needs Slim to have the fullhouse, and turn them over one card at a time. That's what happens in the movies.

You expect Slim to sit and grind with you for 12 hours? To quickly flip the 10's over after you call, and silently rake the pot?

Anyone else, do the tables break into applause? No one would even care it happened.

Sucks to be the original poster and lose with the Aces. Just had the misfortune of playing the role of the foil in that one. But he got an Amarillo Slim story out of it.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Charlotte FatMan
So you never met or barely knew your Mom?

That's a key part of what we are talking about here - barely knowing somebody and yet praising them in death and ignoring shortcomings.
I think its fine to ignore a strangers shortcomings while they're on their death bed.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
04-17-2012 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Charlotte FatMan
The flip side is that giving someone praise who is dying that you never met or barely know is equally as ridiculous.

Frankly, it is only social protocol that causes this to happen, as if death absolves anyone from being a jerk while they were living. I don't really understand why RIP threads are reserved for just honorariums if there are other things in somebody's life that stand out.

I'd think charges of being a pedophile might be one of those things that stand out.

We can both mourn Slim (when he passes) and discuss his shortcomings.
best post itt. This is a public forum not some pre school class. There are numerous solid reasoning pointing to him being a pedo so if people want to say nice things go ahead and if people want to call him a disgusting person they should be able too. This isnt the guys wake ffs

IMO I could care less about him really. i dont know him at all but I also dont agree with people suffering so hopefully he goes in peace, If he did molest kids well hes a goof and good riddance

Last edited by SGT RJ; 04-17-2012 at 05:39 PM.
RIP Amarillo Slim  - discuss here the good, the bad, and the whatever else Quote
