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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-16-2011 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
This is absolutely incorrect, individual account funds are not company assests and the sites are required by law to hold them in trust.
Blah blah blah..... since when has the U.S. cared about laws?
04-16-2011 , 07:42 PM
Hotspot shield is free and changes your ip
04-16-2011 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by sdrf
So the indictment specifically mentions 'founders' of the companies?

Is this some standard wording or do the mean the people who actually started the companies? Wouldn't it be more important who actually owned/run the companies whenever these transactions that are the issue started?

Surely they didn't start doing funny banking the day after UEGIA?

It seems a bit like. 'We know some pokercompanies did some illegal banking. We don't really have it all figured out but let's go after the 3 big ones and arrest some people to see what shakes out. Hopefully they'll start rating each other out. Starting with letting us know who actually owns/controls the companies.'
Great point. BTW companies prob pay millions in legal consultation...aka calculated Risk. It's like make millions, and then pay fine if/when US puts foot down.
04-16-2011 , 07:42 PM
doyle is so delusional.. does he actually think he has an edge against any regs above 100nl..? i ve played doyle at 1knl on doylesroom many times..and he is usually the fish that gets the games started.. always making terrible moves..hes fundamentals are just so bad.. worse than a 10nl nitty reg. old man needs to realize the game has gone beyond his knowledge and competence. hes not the god anymore.. although i do believe he was probably the best back in the days..
04-16-2011 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by 6seven8
Because you must have an address based in Europe and we dont. how would we cash out?
That's a separate an issue. I was just suggesting, for those who want to continue playing, they could invest in a VPN service and logon to a European server. Obviously, this doesn't help out with cashing out.
04-16-2011 , 07:43 PM
Will someone in the US(that has only a few dollars to risk) go into their account and edit their player info to UK... and see if it lets you play?
04-16-2011 , 07:44 PM
i am so so sad
04-16-2011 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Sojufiend
doyle is so delusional.. does he actually think he has an edge against any regs above 100nl..? i ve played doyle at 1knl on doylesroom many times..and he is usually the fish that gets the games started.. always making terrible moves..hes fundamentals are just so bad.. worse than a 10nl nitty reg. old man needs to realize the game has gone beyond his knowledge and competence. hes not the god anymore.. although i do believe he was probably the best back in the days..
im going to go out on a limb and say hes good at live... and 1knl makes him tired and fat on the computer and he just shoves.
04-16-2011 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
This is absolutely incorrect, individual account funds are not company assests and the sites are required by law to hold them in trust.

I guess it wouldn't come as a huge shock to learn that UB have ignored this requirement, but there's absolutely no evidence to suggest Stars or FTP have.
Maybe its semantics, but I think maybe you are confused about what an asset is. If you make a deposit into a bank (or any financial institution in the US) the monies deposited are no longer yours. They are an asset of the bank. The bank makes promises/assurances to you about how they will try to keep your money safe and available to you should you need it, but, your money is now at risk. Should the bank President steal all of the money, or should the bank lose all its assets in a bad investment your money is gone. That is why the US government created the FDIC to insure depositors against a bank failure.

In the case of one of these companies, just like any bank, they have actual physical control of their depositors monies. Your money. They are not in "trust", no matter what the wording of the "regulations" are. They are operating capital plain and simple. They are used every day to settle up. They pay your debts and add your profits to your line on the balance sheets for your account as you win or lose. If your money is stolen by the Company President, or in this case the US Government, it will be gone. Forever? Who knows? The company may have remaining assets to help settle the claims. They may not. Even if these companies are prohibited by "Regulation" from using or taking player monies "Regulations", like laws only keep honest people honest and certainly do nothing to stop the US Government from trying to impose its own will in the matter.
04-16-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by 6seven8
Will someone in the US(that has only a few dollars to risk) go into their account and edit their player info to UK... and see if it lets you play?
You can't change your country
04-16-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by sdrf
So the indictment specifically mentions 'founders' of the companies?

Is this some standard wording or do the mean the people who actually started the companies? Wouldn't it be more important who actually owned/run the companies whenever these transactions that are the issue started?

Surely they didn't start doing funny banking the day after UEGIA?

It seems a bit like. 'We know some pokercompanies did some illegal banking. We don't really have it all figured out but let's go after the 3 big ones and arrest some people to see what shakes out. Hopefully they'll start rating each other out. Starting with letting us know who actually owns/controls the companies.'
Actually the indictment lists activities as early as 2001. Perhaps you should read it.
04-16-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by 6seven8
Will someone in the US(that has only a few dollars to risk) go into their account and edit their player info to UK... and see if it lets you play?
I did this and it brought back the cashier options, it works. If you have a non-us friend you trust, you could transfer your money to them and have them send it to you.
04-16-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by MannyDuuke
You can't change your country
did you try? it lets me select UK but im worried what will happen after i click okay
04-16-2011 , 07:46 PM
Guys move to Canada/UK/other countries but only FORMALLY.
Then use VPN and you'll be playing like the old times ( 3 days ago )

Poker is about adjustment. This is the time to use that skill in real life.
04-16-2011 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by MannyDuuke
You can't change your country
It lets me change my country, i changed it about 4times so far just testing it out.
04-16-2011 , 07:47 PM
1 mirrion views imminent, in a little over 24 hours--we have some very serious power in numbers, please let us use it to our best advantage
04-16-2011 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Free Huggs
Okay now I'm confused again.

In the example I gave, the 4 pieces of paper per x hours work was not being used for any good or service by that guy. The paper was sent out for use in another economy. The guy is not looking for a new supplier, there was never a thing that he was getting. The thing the guy got for his paper was sentimental, and there is no substitute for this within his new limited options.

I can see your point with restricting a particular good or service provider from doing business; but I am asking only about the impact of dollars sent out of the US economy.

Are these two issues the same in some way or?
Look at it this way if someone worked for you doing labor around the house 40hours a week and when he was paid he simply burnt the money would the Country be worse off? Theoretically all dollars in circulation would have infinitesimal more buying power and we would all be better off. In fact those dollars go over seas but they will return one day as a claim on assets, goods or services. If they never return we gain. Too often politicians and people look at things only from the position of the supplier of labor or a product and this is not the whole equation.
04-16-2011 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
1 mirrion views imminent, in a little over 24 hours--we have some very serious power in numbers, please let us use it to our best advantage
I've probably refreshed this thread >100 times, do those count as views? those numbers might be deceptive.
04-16-2011 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
we have some very serious power in numbers, please let us use it to our best advantage
Bwahahahahhahah . . . . . . .

What have we gotten from, say, the PPA so far, other than a YouTube video?
04-16-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by BigBootyCutie69
It lets me change my country, i changed it about 4times so far just testing it out.
Huh.. won't let me do it for some reason
04-16-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
most Canadians can play afiak
I can't stupid FT tries to update and fails, both desktop and laptop.
04-16-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Sojufiend
doyle is so delusional.. does he actually think he has an edge against any regs above 100nl..? i ve played doyle at 1knl on doylesroom many times..and he is usually the fish that gets the games started.. always making terrible moves..hes fundamentals are just so bad.. worse than a 10nl nitty reg. old man needs to realize the game has gone beyond his knowledge and competence. hes not the god anymore.. although i do believe he was probably the best back in the days..
Play him life at 100kNL and ask yourself who is better.
04-16-2011 , 07:50 PM

Steven Stradbrooke
April 16, 2011
5 Comments and 53 Reactions
This story is obviously evolving rapidly, so bear with us as we try to summarize the latest casualty figures. Meantime, here are links to the main Department of Justice documents:




First off, looks like Sen. Harry Reid’s going to get that blackout period after all… (Sorry, too soon?)

✖ In the day’s least surprising news, those US land-based casino giants are all disavowing the online poker deals they struck just weeks ago. Wynn Resorts says it has “terminated” its deal with PokerStars, while Fertitta Interactive says its deal with Full Tilt was always contingent on the poker company getting a US gaming license, and so the deal has thus “expired.” We take that definition as having nothing to do with anything time-related, but more to do with the ‘breathing its last’ connotation.

✖ Full Tilt’s CEO Raymond Bitar has released a statement saying he is “surprised and disappointed by the government’s decision to bring these charges,” although he is looking forward “to my exoneration.” In the meantime, Full Tilt recognizes that it “must suspend ‘real money’ play in the US until this case is resolved.”

✖ PokerStars has also suspended US real money play and changed the default URL on its associated sites to Money transfers have also been disabled. ESPN’s Andrew Feldman is speculating that the affected poker sites will shut down across the globe within 48 hours.

✖ Chad Elie, the payment processing figure (and former Intabill staffer) arrested in Nevada, appeared in US Magistrate Court in Las Vegas on Friday, and was subsequently released on his own recognizance (and, presumably, that of his FBI shadow) with a hearing scheduled in a New York court for this Tuesday (19th).

✖ Richard Perkins, the former Nevada politician and current PokerStars lobbyist, claims the push to pass the PokerStars-sponsored intrastate poker legislation AB 258 will soldier on despite the day’s events, as the bill “is not just about this company, it is about the policy of this state.”

✖ The Poker Players Alliance released a statement saying, in part, they were “shocked” by the DoJ’s actions. The PPA was good enough to note that “online poker is not a crime” but that’s not exactly what the DoJ is alleging here.

✖ Former Intabill head Daniel Tzvetkoff – who handled hundreds of millions for PokerStars, Full Tilt and others, plus allegedly funneling millions more into his own pockets — is being fingered as the canary singing loudest into DoJ ears. (Australia’s Courier Mail has a feature detailing the payment processing boy-wonder/Icarus and his subsequent fall from grace.)

✖ The scope of the internal company emails the DoJ has in its possession appears formidable. Our current personal favorite is the Sept. 29, 2009 message in which John Campos, the SunFirst Bank vice-chairman arrested in Utah on Friday, refers to a lawyer warning Campos of the risks involved in processing online gambling payments as a “wet blanket.”

✖ Among the details revealed in the emails is the wide variety of e-commerce websites used by the poker sites to handle transactions, including sites purporting to sell flowers, pet supplies, golf clubs, bicycles, clothing and/or jewelry. There was also a Green2YourGreen site that claimed to be a “direct sales” business in which consumers purchased enviro-friendly household products for resale to other customers in return for commissions. The site allegedly went as far as to include bogus ‘testimonials’ from satisfied customers re the green products. A DoJ sting apparently had two gamblers send queries to these phony co’s customer service re the charges that appeared on their bank statements, only to receive replies sent from PokerStars’ customer service.

✖ Worse, these emails directly indicate the poker companies’ complicity in these schemes, with PokerStars documents admitting that they were employing company names that “strongly imply the transaction has nothing to do with PokerStars” and that they used whatever names “the processor can get approved by the bank.”

✖ Is anyone buying the DoJ claim that these poker companies took in “one-third or more of the funds deposited by gamblers” via the rake? Makes the French regulated market look positively generous.

✖ It remains to be seen how foreign governments will react to the DoJ’s call for arrests of the indicted figures living outside the US, and for assets abroad to be seized.

✖ Finally, a big thumbs-down to FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Janice K. Fedarcyk, who decided to pepper her statement to the press with poker-related terminology. To wit: “These defendants … tried to stack the deck. They … bet the house that they could continue their scheme, and they lost.” Epic humor fail, Jan…

Views and opinions expressed are those of the Author and do not necessarily reflect
04-16-2011 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by GODSRAGE
I can't stupid FT tries to update and fails, both desktop and laptop.
i think you have to uninstall and install through the uk fulltilt site.
04-16-2011 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by iplaytobuyweed
stars is working fine here in Canada.

Woke up, smoked some doobs, loaded up stars, and proceeded to crush sng's !!!!! Games are VERY SOFT right now, god I love Canada !!!!!!
our borders are now closed, please don't come here!!!!!
Don't worry: I don't want to pay 90% taxes and have to wait six months for medical care if I get cancer or break my leg.

Also, I don't drink beer and I'm not a big hockey fan.
