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Reporting Chat Violations Reporting Chat Violations

02-08-2010 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Douche my arse. Poker traditionally demands that players display a certain amount of decorum to each other. No f-bombs. No personal insults. No threats of violence. Why should onlline be different?

There's very good reasons for this: The weaker players can often be weak personally. They don't want to feel threatened while they're having fun and losing their money. They feel threatened they'll pick up an go.

I damn sure aint gonna listen to some pimple-faced dork insult or threaten me in person, why would I wanna read it in chat? I've tilted a guy or two and had them open up on me, call me names, threaten to drive up and beat my arse. Lol, whatever. It's funny at first, but if it keeps up, I've got no prob IM'ing a mod. I've only done it twice, the mod came on and gave a warning, and that was that.

This is grown-up game, played for grown-up $$. Even @ nano-stakes where I play. Act like it.

What, are you gonna whine like a baby cause somebody told on you? Call them a tattle-tale? Sounds like somone needs their binkey.

i very rarely post in bbv...but i felt obliged to reply to this....

Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-08-2010 , 04:21 PM
The trouble, I find, is that grinding is pretty dull, and childish squabbling is pretty funny. Unfortunately I won't be doing the latter for a while as someone has snitched to 5-0 about the way I circumvented my chat ban

Hello PrinceWillliamOfUK,

This email is to inform you that your transfer privileges have been removed
temporarily from your account as we have noticed you use our transfer tool
to spam other players with transfers of $0.01 with offensive messages. This
is something we will not tolerate and we are hereby issuing you with a
warning regarding this behavior and urge you to stop.

If you wish to have your transfer privileges restored you must reply to our
email stating that you will refrain from this activity and that you
understand that if you continue doing this you will permanently lose your
transfer privileges.

Waiting on your kind reply.

Kind regards,

********** Security
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-08-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by PrinceWilliamOfUK
The trouble, I find, is that grinding is pretty dull, and childish squabbling is pretty funny. Unfortunately I won't be doing the latter for a while as someone has snitched to 5-0 about the way I circumvented my chat ban

Hello PrinceWillliamOfUK,

This email is to inform you that your transfer privileges have been removed
temporarily from your account as we have noticed you use our transfer tool
to spam other players with transfers of $0.01 with offensive messages. This
is something we will not tolerate and we are hereby issuing you with a
warning regarding this behavior and urge you to stop.

If you wish to have your transfer privileges restored you must reply to our
email stating that you will refrain from this activity and that you
understand that if you continue doing this you will permanently lose your
transfer privileges.

Waiting on your kind reply.

Kind regards,

********** Security
LMAO. Very creative sir.
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-08-2010 , 06:26 PM
lol @ people that act like douches in chatbox calling people that report them douches. Both sides are correct in a way. If chat reporters are getting "offended" then turn off their chat. If **** talkers hate getting their chat being banned, then quit talking **** or use clean words. It's not that hard.

I've stated in this thread b4, I'll report if they are berating fish or speaking a different language. Why? B/c they both could potentially cost me money. And turning the chat off doesn't help with that now does it.
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02-08-2010 , 08:30 PM
There's no possible way that anyone who lets chat bother them enough to report it is a winning player. I mean...if you don't like what someone says, taking their money is the best revenge. Obviously, those who report chat, aren't capable of winning that money.
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-08-2010 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by PrinceWilliamOfUK
The trouble, I find, is that grinding is pretty dull, and childish squabbling is pretty funny. Unfortunately I won't be doing the latter for a while as someone has snitched to 5-0 about the way I circumvented my chat ban

Hello PrinceWillliamOfUK,

This email is to inform you that your transfer privileges have been removed
temporarily from your account as we have noticed you use our transfer tool
to spam other players with transfers of $0.01 with offensive messages. This
is something we will not tolerate and we are hereby issuing you with a
warning regarding this behavior and urge you to stop.

If you wish to have your transfer privileges restored you must reply to our
email stating that you will refrain from this activity and that you
understand that if you continue doing this you will permanently lose your
transfer privileges.

Waiting on your kind reply.

Kind regards,

********** Security
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-08-2010 , 08:52 PM
it depends on what's being said. if someone is just flaming or says a curse word, i think it's douchy. at the same time, i have no tolerance for racism, so if someone is making racist comments, i give them a warning, and if they persist i report them.
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02-08-2010 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by RUSH HUDSON
This, ladies & gentlemen, is a prime expample of some young wannabe who listens to rap and like acting gangsta on the internet
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02-08-2010 , 11:40 PM
I got a question for you miserable snitches out there. If you were sitting at a dinner table in some restaurant with some people you just met and one of them happened to call you a filthy life donk or worse then what would you do? would you call the waiter and say "mr waiter man this guy is making mean towards me"? would you expect the waiter to put a muzzle on this person? as someone else already noted in this thread the fact ur a snitch is why u were always picked last for anything as a kid and I suspect as an adult too.
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-09-2010 , 12:30 AM
"Альбом для рисования"

"That's it, I'm e-mailing support!"
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-09-2010 , 12:48 AM
I only report blatant racism or hatred like that.


I can't believe people report others for speaking a different language.. if you're that concerned pull up google translate, babelfish, whatever, and copy paste it in there. no one's colluding against you in an open public chat. you're playing ONLINE POKER, that's beyond America/Canada/UK/Australia/New Zealand/whatever, that's the entire world.

Last edited by tvstealer; 02-09-2010 at 12:53 AM.
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-09-2010 , 01:45 AM
I'm reporting all of you for posting in this thread.
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02-09-2010 , 02:01 AM
What's with all this snitches and ditches thing? Are there actually real gangsters in the thread. My friend in Baltimore told me of a family who snitched on a Local Drug dealer who then had their house set on fire and a few folks were killed. But...reporting people for chat abuse is very different. Is it snitching? I suppose. Is it going to get you killed? No. I'm sure it won't. I often think there are people here who like to make out they are more gangsta than they really are, just cos they know some of the lingo.

FWIW: I wouldn't report anyone for chat abuse but that's cos it would eat into my masturbation time...which is sacred.
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-09-2010 , 02:44 AM
Reporting chat abuse is fun for ev'ryone
except my opponents
they shoulda
practiced avoidance
they ain't big proponents
in thinking
not just in the moment
but the possible
future problems
sometimes 'comes tough
to solve them
Reporting chat abuse is fun for ev'ryone
except for my opponennts
they shoulda
practiced avoidance

Amen Spirit Rock!
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-09-2010 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by tvstealer

I can't believe people report others for speaking a different language.. if you're that concerned pull up google translate, babelfish, whatever, and copy paste it in there. no one's colluding against you in an open public chat. you're playing ONLINE POKER, that's beyond America/Canada/UK/Australia/New Zealand/whatever, that's the entire world.

I have been playing on the ELG network for quite some time. Now with the merger of UPN, foreign language at the table is over half the chat.

Why is it fair for a European who just joined the network to be subjected to only English? If you have a concern, use babelfish,
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-09-2010 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by tvstealer

I can't believe people report others for speaking a different language.. if you're that concerned pull up google translate, babelfish, whatever, and copy paste it in there. no one's colluding against you in an open public chat. you're playing ONLINE POKER, that's beyond America/Canada/UK/Australia/New Zealand/whatever, that's the entire world.
Wow, how naive can you be? This has happened on my table more than once.
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-09-2010 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by TheTroutsTaint
I got a question for you miserable snitches out there. If you were sitting at a dinner table in some restaurant with some people you just met and one of them happened to call you a filthy life donk or worse then what would you do? would you call the waiter and say "mr waiter man this guy is making mean towards me"? would you expect the waiter to put a muzzle on this person? as someone else already noted in this thread the fact ur a snitch is why u were always picked last for anything as a kid and I suspect as an adult too.
Why would someone i just met call me a filthy life donk or something worse? There has to be some provocation, you'd think anyway. In the past when random people get a bit stroppy and start insulting me I ask myself if they are a psycho, carry a knife and/or on the look out for violence and go from there. But then i live in pretty rough neighborhood. However in your silly scenario, in some random eaterie this is be called a filthy life donk...or worse, by someone i just met - in an eaterie. In fact your analogy is so piss poor...i ought to report you to the brain police.

And who calls anyone a filthy life the real world? Man you ought to be horsewhipped with a pig-iron just on principle. By the way if you're only fourteen i take it all clearly haven't a clue and are too young to know better. If you're over fourteen...sorry...but i think you should breathe less.
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02-09-2010 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
I report only when the Euros keep talking German and whatever, ENGLISH ONLY!
Fair enough. I am german myself and I wouldn`t talk anything other than english while sitting on a table.

I only reported one dude so far and he was going on and on about what a f ing nazi I am and how I hate jews etc. etc. very mature.

I think everybody knows what nationality can make stupid insults like this. I was born 40 years after the end of WWII and still get the nazi ****...
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-09-2010 , 05:45 AM
is your favorite meal cheese?
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02-09-2010 , 09:29 AM
hello OP, do u at least have the courage to nickname yourself Slick da Snitcha ???
if not: diagw
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02-09-2010 , 06:59 PM
cool people slow roll and berate in of my favorite moves is to suck out on a player and then call him a donkey

Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-21-2010 , 12:30 AM
I thought that reporting people for chat was incredibly lame, until today when a random UK donk chatted me this beauty...

teppum4u (Observer): 9 11
teppum4u (Observer): haha
Hotel_Detect: this noob is following me arround laughing about 911
Hotel_Detect: classy
teppum4u (Observer): and
teppum4u (Observer): it was funny
teppum4u (Observer): was like xmas
teppum4u (Observer): got rid of a fair few unwated yanks didnt it

This was a small portion as he followed me around for 30 min after taking a beat in a THREE DOLLAR SUPER TURBO!

The player is from the UK which incidentally seems to spawn some of the rudest and worst players on the internet.
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-21-2010 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by srm80
i report racist dbags all the time, and i dont mind doing it
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-21-2010 , 06:48 AM
English only is the only thing worth reporting. The rest is just funny.
Reporting Chat Violations Quote
02-21-2010 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by simplify1121
You are all a bunch of wimps that probably got picked on a lot when u where younger. I often get berated in chat because i play like a monkey but that does not mean im gonna whine about it to support. Grow a pair.
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