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Register is dead is dead

07-22-2008 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Guess they should have voted for moderation when they had the chance.
Yep, a vote that was defeated by spammers and paranoids.

Now they have the place to themselves. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
What % of 2+2 posters have never heard of RGP?

I'm guessing it's > 50%.
Originally Posted by reefdawg
So you're saying most 2+2'ers have heard of RGP?
Originally Posted by Froobert
You're smart is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by B00T
I remember Russ sent me that infamous cheating DVD in the mail. I think it was supposed to be these 1 on 1 interviews. I don't think I ever actually watched it. Thankfully, I don't live there anymore

Anyone else get it?
Yes, actually watched the whole thing. Horrible sound/video quality. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by N 82 50 24
What about natarem doing live tourney coverage via blackberry from AC circuit events?

This was pre-pokernews et al uber instant live tourney coverage.

Yeah we had some great ideas back in the day.

And by "we" I mean "you".

Originally Posted by yimyammer
Whatever happened to felknight? I went to his blog the other day and it was gone
I have some funny stories but I'm trying to be more of a positive person these days. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by volcati
RGP was awesome back in the day. I remember GambleAB, felknight, Tayna (sp?)...all good players and folks who were willing to help on hands and play.
fellknight turned me on to the mini-rampage (which actually worked on some site I don't play on anymore for some reason).

Tanya posts here afaik. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by GambleAB
I have some funny stories but I'm trying to be more of a positive person these days.
Aweee comeon... what happend to Fellknight!?!!?

He was like Dutch Boyd and the Crew.. poised to take over the poker world!

At least give us cliff notes. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
What % of 2+2 posters have never heard of RGP?

I'm guessing it's > 50%.
old nerds itt is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 09:26 AM
64 is a good hand right? is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 09:50 AM
Even better if it's s00ted. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 09:55 AM
god those days were crazy. i remember making a few well thought out strategy posts and people either thought it was ground breaking or just ignored it because it wasn't how they were used to playing. stuff like "you should raise suited connectors preflop" or "if someone is running you over you have to play back at them, not wait for a hand."

i have no idea how i found that board but i read it pretty religiously from late 2003 to early 2005. then i met the p5's guys and i pretty much stopped reading that board.

i also remember russ g incessantly rambling about the poker mafia and all the cheating in poker. i actually think some of the stuff he said probably had some truth to it, but he just wouldn't ever shut up. it was an interesting time for poker and i'll always look back fondly at those times, too bad it had to end.

Taylor is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 09:56 AM
ps how the **** am i one of the old guys on here at 24 years old????? is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Taylor Caby
ps how the **** am i one of the old guys on here at 24 years old?????
For some reason, this lament made my day.

Taylor, it is the way of nature .... Ever see that kid on the Etrade commercials ? is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 10:15 AM
Curious .... in the UB thread today, page 164, there is a poster named Jourdain who says he read something on RGP TODAY, (related to the Shulman Family, UB-2, and UB ownership) ... can that RGP post be what really killed RGP ? is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 10:55 AM
RGP is still a functioning newsgroup, at least until there's some sort of USENET vote on it to remove it. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
I remember it as one of the first forums on the web. Very hard to navigate and I gave up on it pretty quickly.
History lesson: was (and still is) a USENET newsgroup, not a web forum. It predates the web by many years.

It remained mostly useful and readable until the advent of web interfaces to Usenet. Back when you had to find an NNTP newsreader like Agent or Gravity or TIN, it was filled with knowledgeable readers and very few kooks.

Then the likes of and other web-to-Usenet interfaces made it such that any fool with an opinion and a web browser could post... and the death spiral was inevitable. The kook-to-serious-player ratio skyrocketed.

If has gone off the air, that probably bodes WELL for the newsgroup, but sadly, the damage has long since been done. It will probably not recover.

What a shame.

Jester is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by ADBjester
History lesson: was (and still is) a USENET newsgroup, not a web forum. It predates the web by many years.

It remained mostly useful and readable until the advent of web interfaces to Usenet. Back when you had to find an NNTP newsreader like Agent or Gravity or TIN, it was filled with knowledgeable readers and very few kooks.

Then the likes of and other web-to-Usenet interfaces made it such that any fool with an opinion and a web browser could post... and the death spiral was inevitable. The kook-to-serious-player ratio skyrocketed.

If has gone off the air, that probably bodes WELL for the newsgroup, but sadly, the damage has long since been done. It will probably not recover.

What a shame.


So what you guys are talking about is completely different from I am kind of confused honestly. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 12:04 PM was a way to view . is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath was a way to view .
yep. this brought in a whole ton of new people and basically was a lesson to anyone with a brain that you need some form moderation to have any successful internet community.

it's sad because recpoker brought in a ton of great players to RGP. now they all came to 2p2... good for 2p2 .

taylor is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 12:25 PM
But what will become of Irish Mike? is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 12:38 PM
Global thermonuclear war, joshua? is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 03:22 PM
recgroups is still up and a better internet (non-newsreader) interface than recpoker ever was. Sigh, I loved RGP, my first poker forum, and its still OK, just so much noise and spam, I slowly have moved away. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
Whatever happened to felknight? I went to his blog the other day and it was gone
Go to, He posted today. is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 03:43 PM
Ya, I started reading this site when I first got into poker. I got a lot of my no deposit deals through their ads, which led to my bankroll as it is today. I think I was linked to P5's through there, and was an active poster for a year. I did look @ 2+2 a few times but never gave it a chance cause the forums looks like liquid ****s.

Now this is my exclusive forum really, I occasionally post in others when someone says something so stupid it makes my head explode. LOL..I remember tanya, felk, all those guys. Russ G was insane and always wanted everyone to know how doyle, chip, etc always had the road traveling crew of cheats is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 04:06 PM
I remember when tanya posted that she choped a $20/180 sng on stars when they first came is dead Quote
07-22-2008 , 04:14 PM
Hmm, I don't remember that Bad, but if I posted it, it was true.

I left RGP about 6 months to a year ago when went down and went through a huge interface change and I just do not handle change well. I also just lost interest in that newsgroup at the time. I came over here, lurked for quite a bit then decided to start posting.

I just went back to RGP yesterday, through and wow, Russ is on a rampage lately. I went back mostly due to BARGE coming up and wanted to touch base with others before seeing them again.

So now, both RGP and 2p2 is blessed to have me!


(I kid, I kid!) is dead Quote
