Originally Posted by riverboatking
just because something can be purchased for some amount of money doesn't mean it's for sale.
being able to be purchased and being for sale are two different things in our vernacular, so if ur gonna troll at least be clever and not trite.
my family is not for sale.
my good health is not for sale.
I was led to believe that all assets are always for sale at the right price. Thats what makes the world go around.
evidently alex didn't have the right price. I'd guess bout $350,000,000 would have been way more than enough even $35,000,000, maybe $3,500,000, probably not $350,000. dunno.
regarding the OP, sounds like Alex asked for a transfer and really needed a loan. should have just been upfront and avoided the embarrassment.
but you are correct.. in the world of trolls, I'm likely just a bad reg.