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Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping.

06-29-2018 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by sublime_fan24
I agree completely on the portions of your statement that I underlined.

However, we will have to agree to disagree on your last paragraph. I don't see an entourage there; I only am going off what I see in the video, which is one dude yelling. I don't see his entourage close by, and though OP may relaying details about his friends that fell asleep as the source of this issue; I didn't notice a bunch of them. I acknowledge the possibility of a fight/brawl/violence occurring due to an obviously heated situation; however, I think the fundamental difference in my viewpoint is that that I think security would have escalated made a fight/brawl/melee more likely to happen; if they intervened more aggressively (either physically or verbally). I personally think the quiet, but present, stance was ideal for the situation; based on the video. Plus, the audio isn't great so we can't hear what security or others are saying; we can only hear villain.

Good discussion btw.

cool man, def agree about the discussion (rare for the zoo Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping.). i’m more on your side of the last part after watching the video again and taking note of the number of tables running (hardly any, guessing there’s max 5 games running in the column of tables not shown). my perspective is skewed as a reg who plays almost 100% during peak hours, and would feel more strongly about my original position if 20-26/26 tables in the front section were running, and perhaps security’s response would be different in that scenario.

not posting the following to make any point, just figured it’s relevant to the thread. new footage from on street in DC starts at 0:51, supposedly according to a different video of that brief chase the guy stole Casanova’s watch or something so don’t pay attention to the inaccurate title.

Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-29-2018 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
lol... who's he calling racist? Everyone around appears to be hispanic, asian, or african american.

Dude went way off the rails and knows it. Blows my mind that his friends didn't try and deescalate the situation.
you are aware that other races can be racist too right?
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 12:17 AM
vid is too long for me to care
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by tomuki
you are aware that other races can be racist too right?
That is not correct. In America only white people can be racist, other races can be prejudiced, however. Before attacking me please read the countless results when you Google only white people can be racist.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by sublime_fan24
(from what I recall, he only made veiled threats of "doing work" IF someone tried to remove him)
We all know what giving work means, so it's not even really thinly veiled, but at 4:55 he specifically says he will knock security out.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 01:29 AM
If he was winning we would have never heard about this.

Just another scapegoat attempt
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by homerdash
cool man, def agree about the discussion (rare for the zoo Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping.). i’m more on your side of the last part after watching the video again and taking note of the number of tables running (hardly any, guessing there’s max 5 games running in the column of tables not shown). my perspective is skewed as a reg who plays almost 100% during peak hours, and would feel more strongly about my original position if 20-26/26 tables in the front section were running, and perhaps security’s response would be different in that scenario.

not posting the following to make any point, just figured it’s relevant to the thread. new footage from on street in DC starts at 0:51, supposedly according to a different video of that brief chase the guy stole Casanova’s watch or something so don’t pay attention to the inaccurate title.

I do feel bad for the patrons and the staff members. For some, this is just unpleasant; however, for others, it can be scary. Patrons can leave; employees are trying to earn a buck while dealing with insufferable people like him. I want to be clear, I don't think Casanova has a leg to stand on and was completely out of line, and deserved to get 86'd and a ban (at least temporary); however, how to get to that point where he is actually 86'd is the point of debate.

Originally Posted by ClickItBak
We all know what giving work means, so it's not even really thinly veiled, but at 4:55 he specifically says he will knock security out.
You are right; I was wrong. Definitely not veiled. However, they were if/then threats. He didn't come out and say he was going to start knocking people out; rather, he essentially said if anyone other than the police tried to kick him out, there was going to be a altercation.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 02:01 AM
So he threatened to knock people out and "give work" but instead ran like a *****?
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 02:14 AM
Casanova ready to go back to Rikers over nothing smh.

"he was caught boofing (smuggling cocaine and razors in his anus) that led him to serve nearly three years in solitary confinement, causing him to lose his mind."
Give the guy a break.

His album 'Commissary' released today too. Wasn't very good imo. A lot of yelling/high energy as you could imagine.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 03:17 AM
someone with that kind of temper and lack of people-skills is simply doomed.
to get that out of control over something so meaningless is a serious red flag

as easy as it is to be disgusted with him, I would hope the next feeling you get it is pity and sadness for him

The recidivism rate for people who went to jail is insanely high, he will be back there.

This wont be the last time we hear about this guy and I assure you, it wont be for saving kittens and or getting his degree in elementary education with plans to teach

if you disagree, ask yourself this, would you bet anything of value that he wont be in trouble with the law again? of course you wouldnt.

Heck, tough call, which happens first? He goes back to jail or he goes bankrupt?

Some people are determined to make all the wrong decisions all the time.

A big part of being a man (or "adult" if you prefer) is sucking it up when things dont go your way and not throwing a temper tantrum like a 4 year old and this guy proved he is just a toddler trapped in a man's body. Zero self-control usually leads you to bad results.

My main takeaway from the video is, "wow, so glad I'm not him or have to live his future, because it wont be pretty"

and NONE of this has anything to do with his skin color, there are people of all colors who fit this description.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by Karmic
That is not correct. In America only white people can be racist, other races can be prejudiced, however. Before attacking me please read the countless results when you Google only white people can be racist.
This is nonsense or a troll ive been up for a while idk but obviously all races can think they are superior or at the very least partial to themselves and most likely deep down they do ( which is fine as long as no ones is harmed or affected by it) . even if they are not currently atop the social totem poll

you should really try thinking and reasoning for yourself rather than googling ever single thing for others to form your opinions. i bet you become moved while watching youtube videos with background music ?\

other than that im siding with the "rapper" on the grounds of i refuse to side with a casino on anything. lol
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by Raistlin16
someone with that kind of temper and lack of people-skills is simply doomed.
to get that out of control over something so meaningless is a serious red flag

as easy as it is to be disgusted with him, I would hope the next feeling you get it is pity and sadness for him

The recidivism rate for people who went to jail is insanely high, he will be back there.

This wont be the last time we hear about this guy and I assure you, it wont be for saving kittens and or getting his degree in elementary education with plans to teach

if you disagree, ask yourself this, would you bet anything of value that he wont be in trouble with the law again? of course you wouldnt.

Heck, tough call, which happens first? He goes back to jail or he goes bankrupt?

Some people are determined to make all the wrong decisions all the time.

A big part of being a man (or "adult" if you prefer) is sucking it up when things dont go your way and not throwing a temper tantrum like a 4 year old and this guy proved he is just a toddler trapped in a man's body. Zero self-control usually leads you to bad results.

My main takeaway from the video is, "wow, so glad I'm not him or have to live his future, because it wont be pretty"

and NONE of this has anything to do with his skin color, there are people of all colors who fit this description.
I played with him a few times and looked him up out of curiosity. I read about all the stupid jail stuff, and more about his background and he grew up treated like ****, neglected and abused.This has to be where his temper came from. I agree he's destined to go back to jail or go broke.

"A lot of yelling/high energy as you could imagine."

His energy level is absurd in general.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 08:36 AM
FWIW, and I've been gaming for four decades now, I've seen white people thrown out for sleeping in casinos on a regular basis. Slots, bathroom, empty blackjack tables, meeting rooms, the where doesn't matter, it's bad for business and scares off players.

They should of just tossed his friends and if he jumps up toss him too. easy game.

And I'm white as they come. If I would have started up acting the way he was acting and yelling in a casino I would have been tasered and handcuffed in a New York second

Last edited by jcorb; 06-30-2018 at 08:41 AM. Reason: add
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 08:49 AM
He is performing to the camera, not getting enough views for his music. Maybe this will help.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
This is nonsense or a troll ive been up for a while idk but obviously all races can think they are superior or at the very least partial to themselves and most likely deep down they do ( which is fine as long as no ones is harmed or affected by it) . even if they are not currently atop the social totem poll

you should really try thinking and reasoning for yourself rather than googling ever single thing for others to form your opinions. i bet you become moved while watching youtube videos with background music ?\

other than that im siding with the "rapper" on the grounds of i refuse to side with a casino on anything. lol
According to the Huffington Post and countless other people, groups, and organizations you are wrong.

At 3:09

Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
According to the Huffington Post and countless other people, groups, and organizations you are wrong.

At 3:09

According to a simple dictionary, you and the black people in the video, are wrong.

1.prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
2.the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
This is nonsense or a troll ive been up for a while idk but obviously all races can think they are superior or at the very least partial to themselves and most likely deep down they do ( which is fine as long as no ones is harmed or affected by it) . even if they are not currently atop the social totem poll

you should really try thinking and reasoning for yourself rather than googling ever single thing for others to form your opinions. i bet you become moved while watching youtube videos with background music ?\

other than that im siding with the "rapper" on the grounds of i refuse to side with a casino on anything. lol
Originally Posted by faxanadu
According to the Huffington Post and countless other people, groups, and organizations you are wrong.

At 3:09

isnt it ironic , dont ya think.......
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 02:27 PM
fishfood said

you should really try thinking and reasoning for yourself rather than googling ever single thing for others to form your opinions. i bet you become moved while watching youtube videos with background music ?\

You countered with propaganda video

[QUOTE=faxanadu;53996908]According to the Huffington Post and countless other people, groups, and organizations you are wrong.

I think you just helped solidify his point. Just because some people *huffpst, groups and organizations" are pushing an agenda does not make it fact.
Use you OWN good judgement to make a decision NOT the opinion of so called countless groups.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 03:24 PM

NVG is not the place to debate what is "racist", who is "racist", who "can be racist", etc.

This thread is a place to discuss the incident in question and related matters. But let's leave out any broad discussion of racism and racists.

Thanks much.

Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 05:17 PM
Without knowing all the details, it looks to me like the floor and security handled the situation almost perfectly. The smallest clue of what this guy is about lets them know that all his yelling is better than a possible physical confrontation, where multiple people could get involved on both sides and weapons are a legit concern. They let him spout off until they felt like he was sane enough to approach.

They went to him about his friends bc he looks like person of influence among the group he is with. This is what Casanova is thinking once they ask him to leave AFTER he's supposedly told his friend he's got to leave the gaming area bc sleeping:

To convicts like him (and it seems like this guy is certified in every way), they overplay perceived slights. Whether he was an 8 yr old kid or a 19 old rikers 3 timer already, any "disrespect" can't be tolerated. It's a defense mechanism borne out of fear.

The reason he was esp angry when they tried to kick him out is that when he sees security showing up, he feels like there is an implicit threat (which there is). The key is this concept within his psyche - anybody who isn't legit law enforcement is considered a "civilian." While his ego can accept the demands of law enforcement, he def cannot accept challenges from civilians. Those security are civilians to him. So just like he wouldn't suffer another patron walking up on him, he was not willing to suffer any perceived threat from the security, without letting them and everybody else in the establishment hear him yelling that he was gonna put his hands on anybody but police if they got near him. Its his fight or flight kicking in and his nature is to always fight.

The things he's learned in life are not the lessons most of us have learned in life. After incarceration (where the smallest slights have to be handled), temper tantrums like this are common. They will usually taper off in frequency the longer he's on the street. If he's gone from stick-up kid that's prob got a couple bodies, to a rapper that is throwing tantrums after losing money and feeling disrespected, I'd say his life graph his trending upward. He lost 5 figs that night, so might have a small net positive for poker economy as well. Hopefully he can act half normal and stay off the Island. For his own good and that of his family. But mostly for the good of society (maybe a little for the poker economy too hehe)
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by MacauBound
Without knowing all the details, it looks to me like the floor and security handled the situation almost perfectly. The smallest clue of what this guy is about lets them know that all his yelling is better than a possible physical confrontation, where multiple people could get involved on both sides and weapons are a legit concern. They let him spout off until they felt like he was sane enough to approach.

They went to him about his friends bc he looks like person of influence among the group he is with. This is what Casanova is thinking once they ask him to leave AFTER he's supposedly told his friend he's got to leave the gaming area bc sleeping:

To convicts like him (and it seems like this guy is certified in every way), they overplay perceived slights. Whether he was an 8 yr old kid or a 19 old rikers 3 timer already, any "disrespect" can't be tolerated. It's a defense mechanism borne out of fear.

The reason he was esp angry when they tried to kick him out is that when he sees security showing up, he feels like there is an implicit threat (which there is). The key is this concept within his psyche - anybody who isn't legit law enforcement is considered a "civilian." While his ego can accept the demands of law enforcement, he def cannot accept challenges from civilians. Those security are civilians to him. So just like he wouldn't suffer another patron walking up on him, he was not willing to suffer any perceived threat from the security, without letting them and everybody else in the establishment hear him yelling that he was gonna put his hands on anybody but police if they got near him. Its his fight or flight kicking in and his nature is to always fight.

The things he's learned in life are not the lessons most of us have learned in life. After incarceration (where the smallest slights have to be handled), temper tantrums like this are common. They will usually taper off in frequency the longer he's on the street. If he's gone from stick-up kid that's prob got a couple bodies, to a rapper that is throwing tantrums after losing money and feeling disrespected, I'd say his life graph his trending upward. He lost 5 figs that night, so might have a small net positive for poker economy as well. Hopefully he can act half normal and stay off the Island. For his own good and that of his family. But mostly for the good of society (maybe a little for the poker economy too hehe)
or maybe he is just a violent arsehole
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
06-30-2018 , 10:18 PM
And, then, there is this, also on June 28:

Casanova 2X Chases Man Down the Street
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
07-01-2018 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by magking1
or maybe he is just a violent arsehole
Oh I'm not disagreeing w you there. Just needed a lot more words to do it
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
07-01-2018 , 05:28 AM
If i hadn't seen the first video the second video would have me thinking this is some kind of comedy video, people repeating the same thing over and over again, little weird looking guy chipping in etc. It just needed dude with annoying voice of camera shouting worldstar over and over.

Last edited by roddy; 07-01-2018 at 05:33 AM.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
07-01-2018 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by sublime_fan24
dude served 8 years at Rikers island;
Probably still waiting for his day in court.
Rapper goes ballistic in DC Poker room after floor tells his friends to leave for sleeping. Quote
