I think lowering rake to a calculated point would be hugely beneficial for the growth and sustainability of online poker and ultimately for the site’s profits in the long run. The reason poker is so popular/attractive is because it is a beatable skill game, viewed by many as a sport and anyone can win. It’s addictive because it is very tough to know if you are the winner or fool, which is why I think it’s so important that the industry sets its prices to result in:
1. A notable proportion of *average-skilled players going on heaters over decent samples
2. Evidence the games are beatable by a notable number of players equating to a desirable pro image
* average-skilled meaning player of average skill level
The effects rake has on variance
Player skills are relative, but the key to sustaining healthy games that contain whales and gods (the minority) is to retain a good customer base of average-skilled players (the majority) in between keeping the games running and churning rake. This is achieved by keeping the av-skill players blissfully unaware of their losing edge to the rake over a decent sample by fulfilling the 2 points made above. This is far from the case at the moment and the graphs below show the effect current rake prices are having on the average-skilled player.
To illustrate this point I am using these parameters and stats:
- Decent rec and reg sample size over 1 year
- Standard Deviation is 80bb
- Rake inc. rewards @ low stakes 7bb/100
- Winning player wins at 2bb/100
Effects of current rake produce <1% winners among average skilled players and winners experience huge variance over 1 year sample:
With a 43% reduction in rake, theres a huge increase in the number of average-skilled players now profiting, >10%, and winners have more desirable variance over 1 year sample
With an 85% reduction in rake, it is virtually indistinguishable how many average-skilled players profit vs lose, even by looking at this graph, and winners variance is well controlled and solid over a 1 year sample.
I understand that the large majority of poker players have to lose so that sites and skilled players can profit, and individually this isn’t a problem, but when >99% complain they never win, rarely go on heaters, and most good winning players suffer huge variance with some breaking even over a year, this seriously harms pokers image and fundamental attraction for beginners to the game, and rake is becoming a more prominent factor as skill levels converge
I’m not suggesting sites cut their prices by 85% but 1 look at these graphs and it’s obvious that a change in rake would make a huge difference of how online poker will be viewed and discussed by the masses, it would keep average-skilled players far more in the dark of their true edges and winners with a great image, to me it looks like there is a tipping point that can make the difference between a sustainable/growing industry and a passing trend and I’m not 100% sure sites give a fudge because their bottom lines for this year look great, and if poker could’ve taken off as a mainstream sport, they’d never know.
Thoughts? Actions? Picket signs?
Last edited by POW; 11-14-2012 at 09:49 PM.