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Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change

05-02-2008 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Brocktoon
At the risk of sounding ignorant, why does delaying the final table make collusion so much more likely?
4 months>>>1 day in terms of preparing to collude. More time to buy a guy off, find out which guy needs money, create signals to collude, etc..
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-02-2008 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by SweetSassyMolassy
Because people would have time to develop elaborate collusion strategies that they wouldn't be able to pull off otherwise.
Yeah true, but there are hole-card cams and Harrah's could inact some super strict policy where a player shown to be colluding forfeits all prize money.

These people most likely will not know each other and won't be professional swindlers. In all likelyhood they wouldn't want to risk millions of dollars on trying to pull off some shady scheme right in front of a bunch of ESPN cameras and millions of viewers. Not to mention most people wouldn't want to ruin their reputation and look like a scumbag on national TV, even for some extra equity.

I don't think its easy to use collusion to your advantage in front of cameras, from what I've heard its actually difficult to pull off effectively at a full table under normal conditions. An amateur, or even experienced honest player is not going to want any part of it IMO.

All this talk about collusion being a guarantee and ruining the event sems a bit paranoid to me, but I could be wrong.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-02-2008 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Brocktoon
Yeah true, but there are hole-card cams and Harrah's could inact some super strict policy where a player shown to be colluding forfeits all prize money.

These people most likely will not know each other and won't be professional swindlers. In all likelyhood they wouldn't want to risk millions of dollars on trying to pull off some shady scheme right in front of a bunch of ESPN cameras and millions of viewers. Not to mention most people wouldn't want to ruin their reputation and look like a scumbag on national TV, even for some extra equity.

I don't think its easy to use collusion to your advantage in front of cameras, from what I've heard its actually difficult to pull off effectively at a full table under normal conditions. An amateur, or even experienced honest player is not going to want any part of it IMO.

All this talk about collusion being a guarantee and ruining the event sems a bit paranoid to me, but I could be wrong.
Making them give up all moneys isn't a super-strict policy, I think it's actually just policy. (See Stars WCOOP)

They have 4 months to get to know each other.

I doubt it's going to happen, just that it's much more likely with 120 days over 1.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-02-2008 , 07:59 PM
If it's at all possible, this is going to make the final table bubble even more of a grind.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-02-2008 , 08:06 PM
You make the final table - are you really going to ask two or three random other finalists that you don't know to "chat later" then ask - "hey - you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have this great idea that may net us a few more millions, let's collude!" no way. Still - a bit silly to delay it that long.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-02-2008 , 08:14 PM
Making them give up all moneys isn't a super-strict policy
Poor choice of words and bad phrasing. I was trying to emphasize the point that in this case the prize money is multiple millions of dollars, so the severity of forfeiting that is greater than normal, that's all I meant.

I still think making collusion a focal issue, or acting like it's a certainty as I read Todd Brunson had said, is going overboard. If we can't spot/prevent collusion by a bunch of strangers on poker's biggest stage then what chance do live/online games have and why are we playing in them?
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-02-2008 , 08:14 PM
Lara, I think you need an updated quote from Roy Winston.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 01:41 AM
I heart Lara Miller !!!
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by The_Dealor
What would happen if one of the guys who made final table was hit by a bus in the three months delay?
well hopefully the 3 months would give him enough time to heal...

seriously though why do people keep asking this ******ed question? what if one of the players from last years final table would have been hit by a bus on his way to harrahs to play at the final table? what difference does it make?
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by trixiemt75
"All the @%$* pros that agree with it are whores Harrahs. They think its the best thing, but I think it is horrible. This is the most horrific thing to happen to poker. Ever."----Mike Matusow
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 03:58 AM
I can't see any way ESPN would carry the FT semi-live for the 8, 10, or 12 hours it might take to get to HU. Then HU might take 1 hand or it might take several hours. A tv programmer's nightmare. What coverage they do show is going to kill the casual fan. They're just going to be bored out of their skulls.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
FWIW - As potentially exciting as I think it COULD end up being I fully acknowledge that Harrah's truly appears to be pretty incompetent on a lot of stuff..especially poker.

Putting their players up in a tent...and incorporating cards that that people had a tough time reading or distingushing between the 6 and 9...and other really incredible disasters do not bode well for them.

Andy Bloch has to throw a fit to get them to change the somewhat marked cards in a freaking $50k buy-in event.

..................... etc.
what about events being made 11 or 12 handed?
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
I can't see any way ESPN would carry the FT semi-live for the 8, 10, or 12 hours it might take to get to HU. Then HU might take 1 hand or it might take several hours. A tv programmer's nightmare. What coverage they do show is going to kill the casual fan. They're just going to be bored out of their skulls.

I think they are showing it the next day as a 2 hour show, its not live.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
The better you are, the less improvement you can get. Negreanu can't get much better, but the guy from Toledo in seat 9 with 4 months of training could go from okay to above average.
I think that Brandi has proven that this isn't neccessarily true.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by canvasbck
I think that Brandi has proven that this isn't neccessarily true.
Yep you went there!!!
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 04:43 AM
For ten million, how about one of the guys goes all Tonya Harding on the asses of the other 8 guys.

People have been killed for alot less.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by ericicecream
For ten million, how about one of the guys goes all Tonya Harding on the asses of the other 8 guys.

People have been killed for alot less.

I think that might smell a little fishy to the rest of the world.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by trixiemt75
"All the @%$* pros that agree with it are whores Harrahs. They think its the best thing, but I think it is horrible. This is the most horrific thing to happen to poker. Ever."----Mike Matusow
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Brocktoon
I think that might smell a little fishy to the rest of the world.
AJ Green might try it anyway
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by MrMore
Everyone will have the same opportunity to study their opponents. Everyone will be be in the same "dissipation of momentum from having to wait" situation. Everyone will have the same opportunity to get coaching. Net "unfairness": zero.

It's a big nothing. Calm the f down. It'll just put some drama into the outcome, and make the final tablists bigger stars. They'll be floating on air for three months. The talk of the poker town. Good for them.
Frankly, with all the time to study opponents, get mentored, etc, might actaully make the play better. Guys thinking deeper about the game, taking into consideration what their opponents know of their play, and countering it, could make play fun to watch. Momentum will be neutralized( at least for the moment), and maybe, just maybe, the best player at the final table will win.

Maybe not tho.....
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by cwsiggy
You make the final table - are you really going to ask two or three random other finalists that you don't know to "chat later" then ask - "hey - you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have this great idea that may net us a few more millions, let's collude!" no way. Still - a bit silly to delay it that long.
I think this is the point. With only one day before the final table, this is pretty much what you would have to do. With three months, there is ample time for the players to meet and feel each other out, groom each other, decide whether they are on the same wavelength.

Suppose two of them meet the night before another tournament a few weeks after the WSOP. One suggests that they take 10% of each other's action in this other tournament. If the other says he would rather not - that's the red light. If he agrees, that's sort of amber. But suppose he says 'How about 20%'?' That's pretty much the green light right there. Neither of them mentions the WSOP.

In a later conversation, perhaps at the WSOP Europe, they discuss the other players they are going to meet in the final table in a few weeks. They exchange notes. At some stage, perhaps after a couple of drinks, they start talking about whether there is more collusion online than in live poker. They discuss what can be got away with live, and what cannot, purely in hypothetical terms.

By the time the WSOP final table comes around, they have 50% of each other's action, and a basic agreement on how they are going to play the table.

In my view, it is likely that there will be players with pieces of each other's action at the final table. And while I think it is still unlikely that actual collusion will take place, I think the possibility is far less unlikely than it would be with only one day for like-minded people to seek each other out and make deals.

And if anything untoward does happen, can you really see Harrah's turning around and saying 'It was a rigged game'? They are in the PR business now. I think they'll say it was clean, pretty much come what may.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by Brocktoon
Yeah true, but there are hole-card cams and Harrah's could inact some super strict policy where a player shown to be colluding forfeits all prize money.

These people most likely will not know each other and won't be professional swindlers. In all likelyhood they wouldn't want to risk millions of dollars on trying to pull off some shady scheme right in front of a bunch of ESPN cameras and millions of viewers. Not to mention most people wouldn't want to ruin their reputation and look like a scumbag on national TV, even for some extra equity.

I don't think its easy to use collusion to your advantage in front of cameras, from what I've heard its actually difficult to pull off effectively at a full table under normal conditions. An amateur, or even experienced honest player is not going to want any part of it IMO.

All this talk about collusion being a guarantee and ruining the event sems a bit paranoid to me, but I could be wrong.
lol at dq without prize being super-strict. dq no prize is super lenient. dq, no prize, prosecuted for fraud (or whatever crime is appropriate) fined into bankruptcy, and jailed, would be standard. summary execution would be super-strict.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by OodaThunkett
And if anything untoward does happen, can you really see Harrah's turning around and saying 'It was a rigged game'? They are in the PR business now. I think they'll say it was clean, pretty much come what may.
This is a scarily believable scenario. Whatever happened with all those extra chips in the '06 ME anyway?
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by ike
lol at dq without prize being super-strict. dq no prize is super lenient. dq, no prize, prosecuted for fraud (or whatever crime is appropriate) fined into bankruptcy, and jailed, would be standard. summary execution would be super-strict.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
05-03-2008 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by ike
lol at dq without prize being super-strict. dq no prize is super lenient. dq, no prize, prosecuted for fraud (or whatever crime is appropriate) fined into bankruptcy, and jailed, would be standard. summary execution would be super-strict.
I already addressed this and said my phrasing and choice of words was poor. Its too late to edit it now.
Quotes from Pros about the WSOP ME change Quote
