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"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? "Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto?

08-10-2010 , 04:59 PM
Yukon...I posted something about you a while back..always liked you..felt you were the real deal and emulated the poker lifestyle all of us broke degens wish we could is the post...and good luck..
this was way back in November of 2009
Originally Posted by Barry1219
Always liked this guy...and hearing him agonize about how tilted the UB scandal affected all aspects of his life...
At 8:03 in segment 2 he says he had no idea how many fake accounts he was losing to..107 or so...sick..
Mentions he lost over $2.5 m and received 10% back in a settlement..the guy is for real and is not afraid to name names...
Talks about how he knew he should have stopped playing but he COULDN"T...tell me he is not a degen we can all identify with..

Brad Booth....busto or not...guy gets my respect and well wishes to see him go on a rush...
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 05:33 PM
I met Brad in a suite at a Canucks game last year...couldn't have been a nicer guy.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 05:35 PM
this was filmed like last summer though
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Daddy Warbucks
I don't think most of NVG are sitting in the same games as Brad.....

Also +1 to never understanding the Yukon hate, one of the nicest guys in poker.
You'd have to be pretty damn sensitive to misconstrue this thread as hate. We are actually treating him like his buddies would imo.

NVG doesn't sit in games with Brad because all of NVG is broke after learning table selection/br management from him.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 05:59 PM
didn't he get get Phil Ivey to lay down pocket kings (preflop?!?!?!?) in HSP?

as much as you guys cyber suck ivey you gotta give him credit for that.

(if it actually happened)
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Widespread Panic
didn't he get get Phil Ivey to lay down pocket kings (preflop?!?!?!?) in HSP?

as much as you guys cyber suck ivey you gotta give him credit for that.

(if it actually happened)
Ya but he could have been down like 10-20 lambos if he gets picked off. That play was tv spew.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Widespread Panic
didn't he get get Phil Ivey to lay down pocket kings (preflop?!?!?!?) in HSP?

as much as you guys cyber suck ivey you gotta give him credit for that.

(if it actually happened)
It didn't happened.
He did however get Phil Ivey to lay down pocket kings (on the flop)
(the picture in the OP)

The hand:
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 06:09 PM
Obv strugling at poker but his Pokerwater was amazing.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 06:29 PM
Have tons of respect for brad. Lol at only getting 10% back. Shouldn't Russ pay all these people back?
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 06:36 PM
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 09:57 PM
Yukon seemed like a good guy. I hope he makes a big comeback.

Does anyone remember the HS episode when he told Daniel he had played poker every single day the last 8 years. Daniel asked him "EVERY DAY?" He said yes every day.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-10-2010 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by c-c-c-combodraw!
Brad was one of the biggest victims of the UB scandal. He got scammed out of more than a million dollars.
This can't be true unless Yukon had wayyyy more accounts than i knew of.

+1 to Yukon being a good dude, except that one alter ego xxragedxx or whatever it was when he just used to talk crazy talk to tilt people... Was just bizarre lol. Met him once or twice and always thought he was a nice guy. Loadin up that game selection vid now.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by cescfabregas
It sucks when 2p2 picks on one of the nice guys of poker when there's so many who deserve the hate so much more.

How true! He alway has time for anyone who wants to speak to him. I've encouraged a few newer players at the BCPC to just go up and say hello and he's always been very gracious to them. Not all the "name" players are so kind.

Oh yea, and he gives great hugs!
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by wherearethefish
Is it busto week?

now that would be a week worth watching. put 6 guys at a table on a freeroll who are all busto and watch the pain on their faces as they all bust out one by one
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 04:54 AM
I don't think anyone (that matters) equates money with personality, so people speculating that he is busto are not giving him tool status. I happen to be a fan as it seems most are, and I'm sure that % would only increase if only we could hear the ffffffffffffffdddddddddd up story/stories.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by Downbylaw11
now that would be a week worth watching. put 6 guys at a table on a freeroll who are all busto and watch the pain on their faces as they all bust out one by one

I like the way you think
but really busto like upcoming court case, bailiffs, angry Vegas backers, etc.
"PAD - Last Chance Saloon" better than Loneshark no g/f nonsense
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 06:45 AM
Ike discusses a hand with Brad.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 06:50 AM
am i the first person ITT to wonder whether lindgren is still with erica schoenberg given this PAD thing?

wow, i'm officially a creepy NVGtard
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 06:53 AM
this took place before they hooked up. I was actually wondering if being on this show encouraged him to go out and hook up with her..
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 06:36 PM
never knew xxRagedxx was him.quite the trash talker, of sorts
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 07:02 PM
every poker player goes busto. degens 4 life

my advice to brad is to find a new career, like hunting or something else Canadian
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Green Plastic
This can't be true unless Yukon had wayyyy more accounts than i knew of.

why is that?
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Flip-Flop
It didn't happened.
He did however get Phil Ivey to lay down pocket kings (on the flop)
(the picture in the OP)

The hand:
This is actually brilliant. Pre-flop Brad represents to Ivey... you giving me 20:1 implied odds on my small pair. When the flop comes in low... Brad represents a small set so freaking well... that Phil lays it down. One of my all-time favorite hands. Don't try this at home.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 11:04 PM
Barry said when he was talking to Ivey about that hand, Ivey thought Brad was just some rich donk and figured he had AA and never would have folded if he knew Brad was a pro.

EDIT: Brad's description of the hand, followed by Barry's account later in the thread.

When Phil called me at the break, he said, "When a businessman acts like that, he often has Aces." I said Brad's a professional poker player. Phil said, "I didn't know. I've never seen him before. That's a different story."

Phil called me at the next break and said, "I would call him in on the two Kings hand in two seconds now that I've played with him for a couple of hours."
Barry's post continued at

Last edited by gregorio; 08-11-2010 at 11:10 PM.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
08-11-2010 , 11:14 PM
great find gregorio.
"Yukon" Brad Booth is back.. Not busto? Quote
