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"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) "Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF)

01-29-2023 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
He’s not wrong about Berkey though, guy’s terrible at poker, loses like 90% of streams he goes on and runs a training site rofl
I'm not sure how to tell you this, but, Berkey is +410k on 3 Hustler episodes. And it's possible he plays off stream...

(Having said that, I think he's mediocre)

Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Matt Berkey is one of the biggest pseudo-intellectuals in poker.
He really is
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 03:16 AM
Someone I play low stakes with told me they paid like $3500 or so for a week of Berkey coaching and it was like a group thing
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by Noobtard
I think he's certainly in the higher tier of recreational players on HCL alongside Double M, Ryusuke and Mike X
Mike X is pretty bad at poker but for some reason he gets to play in the game while literally playing tighter than Vertucci.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
I'm not sure how to tell you this, but, Berkey is +410k on 3 Hustler episodes. And it's possible he plays off stream...

(Having said that, I think he's mediocre)

He really is

"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 04:08 AM

Last edited by happy to be hear; 01-29-2023 at 04:08 AM. Reason: I mean airball seems like a really good guy. :rolleyes:
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
Airball was casually sitting with $800K on the table last night, so there's a good chance he can afford an excellent libel lawyer.

And there are a lot of holes in Berkey's whiter than white image of being the self-proclaimed "Mr Clean Hands". I'm not gonna rake over them again, they are covered in other threads.

I don't currently see any negatives around Nik Airball. He's a good personality at the table, plays a lot of hands and provides more entertainment than most.

The vast majority of people in the HCL chat don't like him, but that's because the convention (belief) among the vast majority of poker players, players that have very limited
table talk skills themselves, and are even worse at coping with another player's table talk, is that if you talk a lot at the table, talk trash, needle, or do anything like
that, that you are a bad person! Not just badly behaved at the poker table, but a bad person. Lol at that thought process.
Good personality???? Dudes a complete ass. The way he treated clickr and that woman player a few weeks back was absolutely Abhorrent. Of course im of the belief that people have the right to be jackasses so long as they aren't breaking any rules. Just not sure i would say that's a good thing unless you happen to enjoy the company of abrasive loud mouths
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by Koshko
After he’s done playing Berkey. Please play me. Please.

Note: if you’re reading this Berkey, don’t play him at HCL. Or you goin’ run into alooot of “coolers”. Ask clickr he can tell you all about his experience.
yea if Berkey is half as smart as he thinks he is he'll demand a neutral site
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by dude45
Good personality???? Dudes a complete ass. The way he treated clickr and that woman player a few weeks back was absolutely Abhorrent. Of course im of the belief that people have the right to be jackasses so long as they aren't breaking any rules. Just not sure i would say that's a good thing unless you happen to enjoy the company of abrasive loud mouths
You have to remember the source. Can we just ban sagedonkey2.0 already? Every thread I have to scroll through half of it ffs
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 07:11 AM
I don't really follow live poker much, but S4Y in has a culture of using made up terminology to explain how they are playing poker. Any good poker player can see them for what they are.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by dude45
Good personality???? Dudes a complete ass. The way he treated clickr and that woman player a few weeks back was absolutely Abhorrent. Of course im of the belief that people have the right to be jackasses so long as they aren't breaking any rules. Just not sure i would say that's a good thing unless you happen to enjoy the company of abrasive loud mouths
It's his poker persona. It isn't real life.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by preki
You have to remember the source. Can we just ban sagedonkey2.0 already? Every thread I have to scroll through half of it ffs
As I've been scrolling past the posts I've never really understood if it is a troll account or not.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
It's his poker persona. It isn't real life.
That's the issue and I'm surprised you've been duped by it. Airball seems fake af. Laughing at all of his own jokes, trying to talk himself up as a blaster while he folds sets and flushes, acting like he's a gracious guy then talking **** behind people's back. He doesn't even use his real name.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
Mike X is pretty bad at poker but for some reason he gets to play in the game while literally playing tighter than Vertucci.
Yea true he's, he's got a golden ticket being able to play in those games with such low vpip
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
That's the issue and I'm surprised you've been duped by it. Airball seems fake af. Laughing at all of his own jokes, trying to talk himself up as a blaster while he folds sets and flushes, acting like he's a gracious guy then talking **** behind people's back. He doesn't even use his real name.
I am not duped by it all, quite the opposite.

It is all part of the live game, although the vast majority of posters on twoplustwo don't get that, especially North Americans.

Furthermore, on HCL especially, the games are deliberately built as half poker, half soap opera, i.e. Ryan Feldman (and DGAF of Mondays) are putting together a cast of characters,
so that the show is entertaining in terms of hands played, characters, and personalities at the table, and rivalries.

If you look at what Live at The Bike are currently doing, well they have almost zero of the soap opera element in their games and their line ups, and in fact when players who have also played on HCL play on LATB, it is noticeable that they tone down their poker persona and are a lot quieter. LATB is frankly very boring, it has the atmosphere of a morgue.

All of the above aside, part of live poker is being able to cope with things you find distracting, such as very talkative or needling players. You can't just dismiss those factors as "wrong". It doesn't work like that.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
That's the issue and I'm surprised you've been duped by it. Airball seems fake af. Laughing at all of his own jokes, trying to talk himself up as a blaster while he folds sets and flushes, acting like he's a gracious guy then talking **** behind people's back. He doesn't even use his real name.
He goes by "Nik" and his real name is "Nikhil" and you're somehow making a point of that? Bruhh

Bill Klein also uses a fake name eh! (William)
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
He goes by "Nik" and his real name is "Nikhil" and you're somehow making a point of that? Bruhh

Bill Klein also uses a fake name eh! (William)
Also, the whole of the list below, and none of them using their real or full names. None of them.

All, very, very, suspicious!

Double M
Mike X
Aussie Al
Prince Charles
Francisco the pro
Luda Chris
Mr Dr Batman
Cowboy John
Sammy The Bull
Sia The Bot
Bear Jew
San Man
Armenian Mike
Yoh Viral
Israeli Ron
Andy Stacks
Big John
Brazil God
DJ Washburn
Boston Jimmy
Vegas Vinh
Suited Superman
Rainbow Kitty
Raver Poker

Last edited by PokerPlayingDunces; 01-29-2023 at 12:25 PM.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Cloven
I don't really follow live poker much, but S4Y in has a culture of using made up terminology to explain how they are playing poker. Any good poker player can see them for what they are.
Seismic Pool Tendencies Value Migrations
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 12:40 PM
Sagedonkey palling around with his pals…..
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-29-2023 , 02:06 PM
come to think of it, Berkey's... hustle (I think that "scam" is a too strong of a word) is quite smart, maybe even brilliant.

It is trivially true that you can be a losing player and still make a ton of money from staking if you can get multiple stakes for relatively small sample sizes. Of course, the "getting multiple stakes" is the hard part here and Berkey's approach to that is really unique.

Instead of trying to actually get good at poker, he seemes to solely focus on establishing himself as a different thinker than all the pros (thus all the made up terminology etc.). Rich whales will often imagine themselves as elite investors, capable of spotting opportunities others have missed.

So, seeing someone approach the game completely differently, even when ridiculed by his peers, could make them think that they have a unique investment opportunity that others have missed.

The whole coaching/media presence is likely just a byproduct on that, or even means to an end - I thought that he would be losing money on his coaching business, but apparently there are people willing to pay him, so maybe he does profit from that as well. But even if he didn't, that would still be very useful in establishing him is an "independant" and "innovative" poker thinker in the eyes of his marks.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-30-2023 , 02:28 AM
unpopular opinion (come at me):

berkey gets a ton of hate from online regs/fans bc they look at his game through a purely technical "SoLvEr ApPrOvEd" lens. his edge comes from experience with live meta and maximizing off the rails against unpredictable wide fish; granted it's low-hanging fruit, but it's still a valid skillset. the hate reminds me of guys who play at the YMCA talking **** to brian scalabrine ("Listen, I may suck for an NBA player, those guys are pretty good, but I don't suck compared to YOU. Like, you? You suck, compared to me. I suck compared to Derrick Rose and Russell Westbrook, and those guys.")

that said, all of these "bootcamps" popping up from various companies give off serious PUA vibes, and I'm expecting someone to start calling themselves a "guru" any day now
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-30-2023 , 02:49 AM
Why was this thread deleted and put back on now?
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-30-2023 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
Why was this thread deleted and put back on now?
I complained
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-30-2023 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
I'm not sure how to tell you this, but, Berkey is +410k on 3 Hustler episodes. And it's possible he plays off stream...

(Having said that, I think he's mediocre)

He really is
Sick sample size
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-30-2023 , 08:34 AM
Airball and Berkey are both insufferable. Airball is correct though. How S4Y manages to charge several thousand for a training academy that makes you worse at poker is beyond me.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
01-30-2023 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
Why was this thread deleted and put back on now?
Originally Posted by preki
I complained
what a strange thing to lie about! you only get weirder for each post of yours i read.

what really happened:
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
Can a mod let me/us know please why the Nik Airball challenging Berkey to $500/$1K HU thread appears to have been deleted?

I put quite a lot of effort, as did others, into posting on that thread and it was about a legitimate topic/challenge that Nik Airball made on the HCL stream.

Thank you
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
I see that he was spamming his own YT channel in several threads, so he was presumably banned with auto-deletion of all of his posts for that.
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yeah, that's on me guys, sorry. Didn't notice he actually created a thread that wasn't spamming his YT and had garnered interest, or I would have made sure that didn't get deleted. Fixed now.
here are your contributions:
Originally Posted by preki
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
Can a mod let me/us know please why the Nik Airball challenging Berkey to $500/$1K HU thread appears to have been deleted?

I put quite a lot of effort, as did others, into posting on that thread and it was about a legitimate topic/challenge that Nik Airball made on the HCL stream.

Thank you
Only you put in the effort. Many many rewrites I bet
Originally Posted by preki
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
No rewrites, only grammatical corrections.
Those are rewrites

Airball makes the show almost unwatchable for me. him laughing at his own jokes and generally being a douche and flaunting the wealth his mommy has earned, as if it were something he can take credit for.
"Airball" expresses his thoughts about Berkey and Solve For Why (DGAF) Quote
