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questions/open thread for ftp questions/open thread for ftp

09-20-2011 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
he has already addressed these points in the thread, including why other SHAREHOLDERS did not pay back.
No he hasnt.

show me where he posted the exact figure he owes and why he didnt pay FTP back when he has known for months they had a shortfall in player funds.

Were his motives for sticking with FTP the fact he owed them money and would have been called out on it if he walked away.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by durrrr
haven't talked to chris, rafe or ray since black friday (texted with ray for a few days following so april 18ish or w/e for him).

to howards credit he's been answering questions and answering the phone etc. throughout. that does make me trust him way more and think the chance hes clean (or at least thinks he is) is much higher than most people think.
does this mean u know where howard is right now?
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:12 PM
Why isn't ivey's name in the document released today and is he player 1 or whatever they refer to? Did he give information to people?
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
do not put words in his mouth.

he did NOT say he knew they were insolvent. he said he knew of the shortfall.

when pressed on the subject, he then said his numbers did not match up what Noah and the DOJ reported.
Are you durrrs agent? Don't put words into his mouth? Really? wtf are you talking about?

Durrr admitted he knew FTP was screwed and were making bad decisions that would negatively effect players ability every where's to cash out. Whats the difference between the shortfall, of which he prolly knew the size of, vs. insolvent? Basically the same thing given the size of the shortfall imo.

His reasoning for keeping quiet was to help FTP get a deal/protect his friends $. It didn't work out though, and he could have said FTP is ****ed which could have stopped RoW players kept putting money onto FTP that they may never see again. How is that not helping FTP continue the BS of stealing player money?
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz

In my opinion, the elephant in the room wasn't the "hole" in processing. FTP paid out 4 times that much money in bonuses to Team FTP/owners. The terrible decision to allow players to deposit without having a way to collect shouldn't have come close to burying the company.

In my opinion, the elephant in the room was greed. Pure and simple.

That is the reason the company is dead. Not only that, they continue to run operations and use whats left in the bank (more player's money) to pay salaries and licensee fines.

My question is this. Did you know how much each FTP team pro was being paid? Did this bother you at any point? Did you ever ask if they player's funds were segregated/safe?
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09-20-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
Can you go into any of the specifics at all for why the deal 2 weeks ago finally fell through? What were the specific stated reasons for said investor deciding to not buy the company?
Dwan mentioned somewhere that the bottom line was the potential investor didn't have enough money to buy FT at their asking price.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:17 PM

Do you have any concerns that the US government or class action lawyers will attempt to reclaim your profits from playing on FTP using claw-back provisions? (This isn't a level, please see the Tobey Maguire poker lawsuit as there is some historical merit. My question is also assuming the US government confirms FTP is a ponzi.)
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09-20-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
No he hasnt.

show me where he posted the exact figure he owes and why he didnt pay FTP back when he has known for months they had a shortfall in player funds.

Were his motives for sticking with FTP the fact he owed them money and would have been called out on it if he walked away.
He mentioned that he didn't pay the money back because he didn't want it going into a black hole. In other words he wanted to make sure the money was being put to good use rather than misused like so much of the other money Full Tilt has had their hands on over the years.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:21 PM

Have you any knowledge as to scope of financial information (if any) that was disclosed to the Alderney Gaming Commission, and why it took them so long to realise the extent of the financial difficulties FTP were experiencing?

Either they had no knowledge of financial data and procedures, that, or they did and falsified information was submitted, or perhaps they turned a blind eye and gave them time to get their affairs in order?

All scenarios are equally disgusting imo.

It would appear as though their licensing agreement with FTP, was nothing more than a rubber stamp.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by durrrr
haven't talked to chris, rafe or ray since black friday (texted with ray for a few days following so april 18ish or w/e for him).

to howards credit he's been answering questions and answering the phone etc. throughout. that does make me trust him way more and think the chance hes clean (or at least thinks he is) is much higher than most people think.
Answering the phone and saying he doesnt know what happened does not excuse him of responsibility. I'm sure you agree.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
What is your relationship with Ivey right now? What do you think he is worth and do you expect him to give a lot of it to a FT payback fund? What about PA? Anyone else you know will do this?

As an aside, I don't really get the controversy over dividing your payout. Isn't it 100% clear what you should do? Just put in a general fund where people are getting their money back based on the amount in the fund relative to liabilities. So if you are giving 1mm, then everyone is basically getting like .3% thanks to you. No more fair way than that.

I dont think that way is fair nor smart to do that. Giving back 1m to all the players wouldn't make any of them happy. Some with 10k in there would get 30 bucks? You think they really want that or it would make them feel better about anything. I agree that I think x% of players should receive 100% of their money or somehow go about things that way.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by durrrr
haven't talked to chris, rafe or ray since black friday (texted with ray for a few days following so april 18ish or w/e for him).

to howards credit he's been answering questions and answering the phone etc. throughout. that does make me trust him way more and think the chance hes clean (or at least thinks he is) is much higher than most people think.
This is what blows my mind.

Imagine you are Tom Dwan, your face is front and centre on the FTP website and FTP TV adverts and TV poker shows.

Why wouldnt you be going ****ing mad behind the scenes if they were not taking your calls or answering you?

Why wouldnt you threaten to walk if they didnt tell you EXACTLY what was going on and where you stood.

After all, your reputation is on the line.

Tom admitted he found out about the shortfall post BF yet "haven't talked to chris, rafe or ray since black friday"

Maybe I am a different person but If I had both my reputation on the line and millions in BR I would be getting on planes and knocking on doors.

If I was totally ignored I would have to walk away.

These people are obviously untrustworthy if they treat someone like Tom Dwan like that?

Which begs the question. Why didnt he walk if all this stuff was going on?

Last edited by SGT RJ; 09-20-2011 at 08:34 PM. Reason: circumventing the profanity filter
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:28 PM
Why is everyone focused on the depositing-without-really-depositing side of this? Sure, that's a problem and a major scandal but isn't the fact that FT didn't separate player accounts and operating accounts the bigger issue? After all, all of the pro salaries/loans and dividends/payouts of the owners come out of this one account. It seems that if the depositing issue was the only key issue, as Durrrr says, FT could have scrambled, tightened some belts and ultimately paid all the players off. The one account withdraws look to have put too much stress of FTPs bottom line and thus they went busto. My question is this, does the one account debacle fall under prosecutive authorities of the alderney gaming commission or the DOJ? I would think the players are in better sted if this falls under the more powerful prosecuting abilities of the DOJ. To Durrrr: it might be a very long shot, but can you see if Howard or maybe FTP reps would answer at least a few of the broader questions posed on 2+2 (like that lawyer did before he resigned) instead of just providing canned statements every 1.5 months as standard?
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:29 PM
I just want to thank you for being one the few non-sociopaths in poker (apparently anyway).

Also, I have a question:

Is there any chance records from FTP will be seized/released (or do they even still exist?) that will prove who had what amounts on their site?

I mean we all know what we had, but proving it is another story.

Thanks a lot man, some of us are hurting bad right now because of this, and any goodwill is appreciated bro.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:31 PM
Are the pros "loans" set up as such. Signed for with interest, determined payments and timeline. Or are they an endless line of credit with/without interest.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
I think its important to ignore the crazy questions or questions he doesn't know the answer too.

Questions like "will we get our money back" are totally unanswerable by anyone at this moment in time.

Nobody knows how this will play out.
Thanks; I'm ignoring the multiple repeat questions, or ones that he almost certainly doesn't know the answer to like "how much was x pro making?" or "where is x right now, is he in America?" or "what are the odds we're getting our money back". Also ignoring ones that he already answered - if you are uncertain if he has already addressed a question, please read the locked/stickied thread at the top of NVG. All Q&As from this thread and the "do you still respect durr" thread have been put in that one thread.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by mg0698
Hey Durrrr I have a few k's locked on FTP (not much at all compared to most of the people) But I feel like you don't owe us anything. You were not a shareholder from what I understand, you didn't know anything about this scandal, You just seem to be a regular employee of FTP from what I understand.Unlike Howard, Jesus and, PI who were big shareholders. Why do you feel the need to pay back the $ they paid you? Isn't/ wasn't that just part of your salary?

I do appreciate that you want to give it back tho, shows a lot of class, thanx for doing this.
I totally agree. I mean i guess it's a nice gesture, but you weren't a owner/shareholder and had no say or involvement in how the owners and shareholders FUBAR'd the company. Literally anyone else in the poker community would have done the same thing in your position in terms of signing with ftp and not being able to foresee the mismanagement.

I would also think it would be more practical to give the 1 mil to a organization trying to improve the legality of poker for the players and their issues going forward, then to try and deal with the logistical nightmare of paying people back half a cent on the dollar or paying 5% of players 5 cents on the dollar or whatever. This will be a huge pain in the ass no doubt, and the biggest beneficiary will likely be whatever company gets the fees to do it.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:33 PM
Tom, Are you only going to answer the easy questions? I appreciate your coming here, but not if you're going to pull a "Jeff Ifrah" and answer only the questions that you can answer with vague non-answers or personal opinions.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:35 PM
Durrrr - not gonna ask you when you took your last sh** but with all this craziness no chance of you fetting in trouble right?
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
This is what blows my mind.

Imagine you are Tom Dwan, your face is front and centre on the FTP website and FTP TV adverts and TV poker shows.

Why wouldnt you be going phucking mad behind the scenes if they were not taking your calls or answering you?

Why wouldnt you threaten to walk if they didnt tell you EXACTLY what was going on and where you stood.

After all, your reputation is on the line.

Tom admitted he found out about the shortfall post BF yet "haven't talked to chris, rafe or ray since black friday"

Maybe I am a different person but If I had both my reputation on the line and millions in BR I would be getting on planes and knocking on doors.

If I was totally ignored I would have to walk away.

These people are obviously untrustworthy if they treat someone like Tom Dwan like that?

Which begs the question. Why didnt he walk if all this stuff was going on?
No advantage in either case. Durrrr isn't behind the scenes, so to what advantage is it for FTP to be revealing stuff or even talking to him at this point? If he walks/goes to the DOJ, who cares? FTP is strictly dealing internally at this point and have no need for a "public face". And Dwan has very little on FTP that the DOJ doesn't know. So really why would FTP want to talk to Dwan? Props to Howard for talking and hopefully he'll find a soul and answer a few questions (as par my previous statement.)
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:36 PM
Tom, thanks for doing this it's much appreciated. You say there's a bit over a 10% chance we get our money back.. are there any active buyers still discussing cutting a deal with FTP? Or do you just think there's a chance a new one emerges?
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by durrrr
have some stuff to do next few hours, hopefully noah and sgt rj among others can move questions they think are relevant (or that a lot of other people think even if they dont) and i'll answer when i come back.
Posted 4.30 PM PT
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by conebone69
tell us your honest opinion durrr. now that almost the whole FTP lineup has been officially indicted by the DOJ, US player funds are barely their concern anymore correct? lederer/fergusons number 1 priority is keeping their ass out of federal pound me in the ass prison.

earlier you said there was only a 5% chance we'd all get to see our bankrolls back, does that mean you guys have no investors/aren't in discussions with people save all our bankrolls anymore?
the only way the ftp lineup gets out of it is if us (and european) player funds are returned. so the doj finally has clearly put their priorities in line. I said i'd take 5%- i think the real chance is over 10% to get 100c/$ (or at least 98/99- mebbe some accounting trickery), but i already have a huge % networth bet on it.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
He mentioned that he didn't pay the money back because he didn't want it going into a black hole. In other words he wanted to make sure the money was being put to good use rather than misused like so much of the other money Full Tilt has had their hands on over the years.
Maybe I am being to harsh but that sounds like a convenient excuse considering he only made it known today that he owes FTP money.

That begs the question If he felt the FTP management were untrustworthy with money he owed FTP (or any money) then why did he not walk away from FTP?

Why stay and endorse them with your silence. (or even the promise of 1 million if FTP didnt pay!)

So far the common thread with all these FTP "pros" is they were paid multiple millions yet it was never enough.
So far we have Ivey, Benyamine and Tom Dwan who alledgely owe FTP multiple millions.
We dont know about the rest.
Quite a few have houses for sale, guess we can draw our own conclusions.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by wags51
Durrrr - not gonna ask you when you took your last sh** but with all this craziness no chance of you fetting in trouble right?
i dunno. i've been advised a bunch not to post here b/c its opening up a legal can of worms, but im fully convinced i've done nothing wrong and that that'll holdup in a court (hopefully the 12 people i get werent the type who failed jury duty).

Think it'd be hard for anyone to make a case since i owned no % and am paying back every $ i made. if i owned a % i'd be pretty ***** tightlipped, altho id like to think i'd have guaranteed a large amount of $$ already.
questions/open thread for ftp Quote
