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11-24-2010 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
What do you mean, "non-randomly"?
It's not a euphemism. When I say non-random I mean not random.

No one has ever suggested, afaik, any particular hands are missed, except run it twice. Just all the ones that name coaches win.
The RiT hands is exactly what I'm suggesting.

Does he get it allin good significantly more often than he gets it all in bad?
That's exactly what I'm saying.

If PTR missed all RiT hands, that I hypothesise that players who win at showdown (non-redline winnings, I think they are) but lose at non-showdown, then they will get it in 'good' more frequently. Therefore PTR will systematically under-report their winnings.

Whether this is the case specifically with Ansky I don't know. That's not the point i'm trying to make.
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11-24-2010 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by TheTruthSpeaks
LOL. This isn't football dude.
It's really not that hard to imagine situations in poker where this would be true. For example, there could be a player who struggles with tilt/emotional control but who thinks about the game very well. Obviously, somebody who thinks about the game less well (but hopefully has better emotional control) could learn a lot from this particular coach, just not much about how to not tilt.

Beating highstakes poker requires doing a lot of different things well. In order for a coach to help you, he only has to be able to do some important things considerably better than you and be able to clearly articulate to you how you can do those things better. You also need to be able to identify which areas he can help you with, and which areas he can't.

Also, I doubt that a coach's inability to beat 40k NL is much of an indication as to whether he can help you earn an extra 1-2 bb/100 at 400-1k NL.
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11-24-2010 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
LOL at idea PTR only misses the hands you win and LOL at idea it only misses the second run it twice, which you always win. Obviously, tough games have thin margins and not everyone can win a ton. Some very good poker players are going to lose money some of the time.
Meh. My goal for the year after giving up on SNE was the top winner at 400NL on the year on Stars so I have been basically chasing Gogol's Nose. After I have like a 15+ buyin session, I'm stoked since I closed the gap, but BAM, PTR has me up half a buyin.. WTF.

IDK why, but it does miss hands. They have me at like 2.1 ptBB/100 (maybe lower) on the year and that is pretty off.

On FTP (not included in the screen shot), it is really sad. I ran like God on that site over a very small sample (70k hands) and it is off by 80 buyins. Maybe RIT plays a role, I have no clue, but FTP results are too off to be given any credit.
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11-25-2010 , 10:02 AM
PTR showcasing coaches' results is ******ed, at best. It'll hurt the coaches who's PTR are either way off or because they play on other sites that PTR doesn't track... I'm pretty sure my PTR page is way way off my actual results. (shocking, I know)

They really don't gain anything from it so I have no idea what their goal is except spur up some discussions about it.
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11-25-2010 , 10:04 AM
im sure highstakes DB has skrantz up 2.5
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11-25-2010 , 06:18 PM
PTR may have some "random" inacuracies but it also completely misses/ignores RiT hands. This introduces a bias in the results, there is no way around it.

As an extreme but possible example, imagine a HU match between player A and player B where both have RiT clicked.
Player A is a tilt mokey who auto-shoves 100BBs everyhand and Player B just keeps folding his blinds until he picks up a hand he can profitably call with.
Even if player B wins 20 stacks from player A, at the end of the match, PTR will inevitably show player A as the big winner because it only tracked the hands where player B folded.

In a more reasonable scenario:
Very agressive players - who give up a little bit of equity in all-in confrontations (not tracked everytime) but compensate by winning more non-SD pots (tracked everytime) will have their winrates overestimated. Obviously, the opposite applies to nitier players.

It also doesnt show EV-adjusted winrates (I dont really understand why, they have all the info necessary and it should be really easy to implement this but whatever)...

That being said, it is still a valuable tool to evaluate a players ability, but many of you guys are only looking at actual winnings when you really should be looking at the players BB/100.
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11-25-2010 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
I can't speak for the other DeucesCracked coaches, but I have been working with Ansky for basically the whole year (started in maybe March?). My results have been pretty good and can honestly attribute a lot of it to Dani (obviously my poker friends also helped):

I mean, he might not be a good fit for everybody, but he was basically a perfect fit for my learning style.
Do your poker friends happen to live in a sick house in Thailand?
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11-25-2010 , 09:59 PM
PTR was also notorious for missing last hands of sessions in my experience when I played lots of heads up, which more often than not would be a hand in which I stacked my opponent and he quit. As far as I'm concerned, though, the bb/100 is, overall, a pretty reliable indicator of each players skill at given stakes with enough hands. If you're losing 2bb/100 over 250k hands of 25-50 and a name pro, then you're likely not good enough to beat 25/50 barring a player pool change or significant improvement to your game.
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11-25-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Sigh, this is dumb.

Look at my OPR. I coach MTTs. I am up a whole lot of $$ in them. Live ones too!

And god damnit, use a reasonable picture. I've lost 70lbs and had Lasik since that picture was taken.
I have a better picture somewhere.
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12-09-2010 , 10:10 AM
Whelp looks like FTP was able to stop PTR from tracking, so no more threads like these I guess.

It's been a while and obv not just because of a simple issue. Whatever they did they meant to, because Doug already responded to someone asking him about it. Kudo's go to FTP
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