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In praise of Jovial Gent In praise of Jovial Gent

09-22-2009 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Freudian
Yeah, but how much did he have to pay in buy-ins and Oreos to win this much?
think hes break even for the year now, guy loves his oreos
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 01:58 PM
WOW... if this were me, I'd stop playing poker and just enjoy life, travel the world etc.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by VegasNoobinator
WOW... if this were me, I'd stop playing poker and just enjoy life, travel the world etc.
He can travel the world and play poker and make even more $$
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:19 PM
one sick guy, nice work !
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 03:03 PM
sick life. it really felt like djk was the nuts going into the FT too. didn't rail much of it but i was watching him 4 handed w/ like an 18m stack at chip leader. guess he busted soon after. what happened? run bad?
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by keeptahoeblue
sick life. it really felt like djk was the nuts going into the FT too. didn't rail much of it but i was watching him 4 handed w/ like an 18m stack at chip leader. guess he busted soon after. what happened? run bad?
He doubled up reddeevil (can't remember the cards). Then he decided to put all his chips into the middle with pocket tens vs Jovial's KK.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 04:21 PM
looks like its a good time to get back into tourneys...
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by VectorWega
He doubled up reddeevil (can't remember the cards). Then he decided to put all his chips into the middle with pocket tens vs Jovial's KK.
AJ v KJcc on an Axy flop with two clubs
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Green Plastic
wow congrats
Sign him
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
Sign him
Actually, this.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 06:45 PM
lolol nice results
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 07:07 PM
You're all being too results oriented.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 07:14 PM
oh my sweet god he shipped the monday 1k too.. thats bananas
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 08:48 PM
Jesus wtf
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 08:50 PM
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 08:59 PM
He's won the Sunday Million before too (for $250k; beat apestyles HU), so now he's basically just missing a WSOP bracelet.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:01 PM
absolutely incredible
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:17 PM
congratz sicko :-)
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:19 PM
Congratulations Jovial Giant
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:22 PM
Time for a Well!!!!!!
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:51 PM
What is Jovial Gent's style that makes him successful? How does he compare to Elky, Negreanu, Ivey? Does he play cash also?
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by rafdogg2000
You're all being too results oriented.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by ReyzorXxX
What is Jovial Gent's style that makes him successful? How does he compare to Elky, Negreanu, Ivey? Does he play cash also?

the fact of the matter is this; you will never be as good as him, I will never be as good as him, and everyone who posted in this thread will never be as good as him. with that being said, it really doesn't matter what his style is because even if you know what it is, you'll never be able to emulate it. these players see everything, instantly pick up on opponent leaks and tendecies, instantly profile opponents, instantly know what range of hands each opponent is capable of folding or calling with in nearly every situation possibly, instantly know which players are capable of squeezing so instead of 3betting in spots they'll just call if a big squeezer is to the left, and the list goes ON and ON and ON. that is only part of what makes them sickos. jovial gent is a true prodigy. jovial and poker can similarily be compared to a 10 year old kid graduating from harvard law school. GENIUS abilities and instincts.

it was impossible for everyone who posted in this thread to graduate law school from harvard at 10 years old. IMPOSSIBLE.

it will also be impossible for everyone in this thread to be as good at tournaments as jovial gent.

some people don't think the game of poker works that way and that anyone can become a tournament beast but that is just not true fellas. i think a lot of people can become average winning players with a lot of hardwork. but very very few people can become the jovial gents of poker.

most winning players you see are similar to division 1 college basketball athletes (very successful and respectful in their given field in comparison to society as a whole). then the ranked tournament players on p5's would be like the best players in college basketball. then the top 10 guys are the NBA athletes (that mighta been a bad comparison but u get the point). then the people such as jovial gent, isaac baron, durrrr, JC tran, cole south, brian townsend, brian hastings are the lebron james of basketball in poker. the gap that seperates those guys from the rest of the pack is pretty huge and the exact reason as to why coudln't even be explained by modern day scientests. if you want to learn more about how these guys's brains work; then I recommend you research the word "genius" because that is what they are.

Last edited by Troy Gamble; 09-22-2009 at 10:48 PM.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Troy Gamble
these players see everything, instantly pick up on opponent leaks and tendecies, instantly profile opponents, instantly know what range of hands each opponent is capable of folding or calling with in nearly every situation possibly, instantly know which players are capable of squeezing so instead of 3betting in spots they'll just call if a big squeezer is to the left, and the list goes ON and ON and ON.
Wow, sounds like he studied game theory with Vanessa Rousso.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
09-22-2009 , 10:50 PM
i didn't study game theory with vanessa rousso but I gaurantee you that she's a much smarter and better player than yourself and probably almost everyone who posted in this thread besides green plastic.
In praise of Jovial Gent Quote
