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Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video
View Poll Results: Your opinion on the video & music.
It's great!
40 15.15%
It's alright
67 25.38%
It sucks and I hate Autotune
64 24.24%
The most God awful video I've ever seen.
67 25.38%
26 9.85%

09-28-2016 , 06:18 AM

Yo Prahlad, even when I improvize
it's still better than Hazy Eyez
tho i'll admit, the clip's legit
I really like Aida's ass

The house and the car
yeah, that's ballin' real hard
I'm impressed
but the shorts and the vest
took it too far

yeah, rhymes I'm putting plenty in
in battles I have many wins
you best show some respect
cuz I'll be on your neck
like you forgot to put an ante in

Action is on you, Spirit Rock
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-28-2016 , 06:36 AM
Prahlad, work with srsly serius on a song if you can. Would be something amazing
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-28-2016 , 07:15 AM
I'm going to refer to rolling papers as beautiful white dresses from now on.
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-28-2016 , 09:04 AM
Why when I sit at my computer in the morning, is Pragress's lil r&b tune come into my mind? You win Prahlad... you win...
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-28-2016 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by joedot
Prahlad, work with srsly serius on a song if you can. Would be something amazing
No, Prahlad's voice sucks, his music sucks. Seriously doesn't need to collaborate with him because he can do everything better himself alone.
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-28-2016 , 12:19 PM
Aida: "Please HurtNCYDE I want the sexy time.

HurtNYCDE: "Nah way too chunky and curvy gtfo. Also your skin is way too dark. Lmk if you have any tall blonde friends that wanna **** tho
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-28-2016 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by joe_seboks_luck
I think Prahlad must have dumped a pile of dough into Google/YouTube. I watch this video once -- not even the whole thing -- and it shows up at the top of YouTube's recommendations for me for days now.

Ad tech is cheap

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-28-2016 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Deldar182
well done
I don't geddit?

Originally Posted by Maliant
Not nearly as good as Poker is Fun. Chick is a knock-off Rihanna and Prahalad reminds me of Jamie Kennedy in Malibu's Most Wanted.
If this chick is a knockoff Rihanna then I'm going to presume you think Spirit Rock is a knockoff Eminem, AMIRITE?
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-28-2016 , 11:47 PM
Why can't I find the rap video that PF did with those other two guys? It doesn't seem to be on YouTube.
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-29-2016 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by The Apex
Aida: "Please HurtNCYDE I want the sexy time.

HurtNYCDE: "Nah way too chunky and curvy gtfo. Also your skin is way too dark. Lmk if you have any tall blonde friends that wanna **** tho
lmao sounds about right tbh. Although there are definitely girls that aren't white that I do find attractive, the Kim Kardashian look just isn't my thing at all.

Fwiw I really do like Prahlad, and I loved his podcast. I just hope he goes down a different path, and doesn't become one of the many generic rappers that do little but constantly put out garbage about how much they love cannabis and big black asses.
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-29-2016 , 02:59 AM
this song is lit you guys r f'n poker dorks
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-29-2016 , 02:02 PM
Was gonna vote The most God awful video I've ever seen but switched to It sucks and I hate autotune for one big ass reason
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-29-2016 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by joedot
Prahlad, work with srsly serius on a song if you can. Would be something amazing
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-29-2016 , 03:38 PM
her ass is disgusting, unless you like cellulite.
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-29-2016 , 04:19 PM
<3 nvg

pointy elbows etc
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-30-2016 , 04:20 PM
What a tool.
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-30-2016 , 05:08 PM
they need some ghost writers. beat was good. My boy could have given you a sick verse on it.
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
09-30-2016 , 11:06 PM

Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
10-01-2016 , 02:02 AM

or AIDA?

Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
10-01-2016 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by kerr
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
10-01-2016 , 03:05 AM

prahlad needs to contact this guy
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
10-01-2016 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
Well I like Prahlad and I'm rooting for him. He just needs a little help
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
10-01-2016 , 11:35 AM
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
10-01-2016 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by cold front
I've always had the thought that you had to be extremely intelligent to make it to the high stakes (even in the golden era) but the more I learn about these tools more I realize the money must've just been THAT easy back then lolol. There's a 100% chance he actually watched this and thought 'damn that's fire dawg'
Just read fooled by randomness by taleb. Early years of poker will apply pretty good to that
Prahlad Friedman reemerges as Pragress in new rap video Quote
