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Prahlad Friedman? Prahlad Friedman?

07-16-2015 , 04:56 PM
I remember he was rumored to be the biggest victim of the UB scandals and also recently went through a divorce. Always thought he was a solid player. Just checked his hendon mob and he hasn't had a live cash since 2012. I didn't read of him in any WSOP events this year either. Anyone know where he's been?
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 04:58 PM
I heard he's a professional free throw shooter, for the triads over in Macau.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 05:01 PM
Practicing avoidance

Last edited by SootedPowa; 07-16-2015 at 05:23 PM.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 05:18 PM
refining his rhymes.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 05:26 PM
Getting coached by Phil Laak to play 10-20 at the bellagio
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 05:36 PM
Probably still in a shower somewhere trying to scrub off the filth of signing with UB.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 05:37 PM
Top rappers move onto producing etc after their rap career?
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by ihavethewheel
I remember he was rumored to be the biggest victim of the UB scandals and also recently went through a divorce. Always thought he was a solid player. Just checked his hendon mob and he hasn't had a live cash since 2012. I didn't read of him in any WSOP events this year either. Anyone know where he's been?
He was playing 100/200 PLO at bellagio a few weeks back.

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Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 06:22 PM
In jeff's back pocket?

I heard he was just playing cash nowadays.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by SootedPowa
Practicing avoidance

Hes got all he needs....dignity for greed

Also, I didnt know Dnegs was bi-curious?
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
Hes got all he needs....
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 06:52 PM


Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by SootedPowa
White dudes (with the possible exception of Eminem) should never rap. Ever.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 07:27 PM
He's preparing for a battle against dizaster
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 07:35 PM
Now that dumb song is stuck in my head poker is fun for everyone but my stfu please
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 07:37 PM
I could have sworn he was talking to Vanilla Ice and Eric Lindgren about a poker related / home renovations show that involved playing Omaha Hi/Lo and mortgage loans...
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 07:42 PM
Maybe the worse rapper ever!

Vanessa shouda Practice avoidance
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by fthack
White dudes (with the possible exception of Eminem) should never rap. Ever.
Au contraire mon frére

You are welcome
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by ihavethewheel
I remember he was rumored to be the biggest victim of the UB scandals and also recently went through a divorce. Always thought he was a solid player. Just checked his hendon mob and he hasn't had a live cash since 2012. I didn't read of him in any WSOP events this year either. Anyone know where he's been?
He got some money back from UB, most of us affected by superusers, including myself, didn't get a single bob back even with hand history proof proving otherwise. UB only paid shills like ZeeJustin back their money who had connections.

Mahatma dominated a lot of people online, but even as early as 2004 there were plenty of people that were better than he was, and he also lost money legitimately in HS. He would have been a midstakes winner for a long while there after, but he didn't seem to want to ever drop down.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 09:31 PM
He'll be participating in Big Brother 18 under the name Noel Hayes
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 09:32 PM
donking pot for 3 streets against kayne west
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 09:39 PM
I thought that dude turned Amish, and then got busted for burglary in FLA earlier this year.

"If there was a problem, yo, I'd solve it."

Last edited by BadlyBeaten; 07-16-2015 at 09:56 PM.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by hmm422
He got some money back from UB, most of us affected by superusers, including myself, didn't get a single bob back even with hand history proof proving otherwise. UB only paid shills like ZeeJustin back their money who had connections.

Mahatma dominated a lot of people online, but even as early as 2004 there were plenty of people that were better than he was, and he also lost money legitimately in HS. He would have been a midstakes winner for a long while there after, but he didn't seem to want to ever drop down.
Lol what are you babbling about? He still plays huge live. "Including myself" Oh man you won a satellite into a $50 rebuy that potripper took down?!?!?! Get this man his equity piece stat!!!
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-16-2015 , 10:58 PM
He played a little hu high stakes NL on FTP a few weeks ago. Seemed really mad in chat.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
07-17-2015 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by xalas
Vanessa shouda Practice avoidance
wow, i remembered that selbst hand completely different. i thought she had A7 and figured prahlad would flat 4 the bet/ induce an extra street with big pairs rather than try to range merge/play chicken against AA. so she could shove w/ A blocker way ahead against only AA and bluffs. the actual hand was just, wow.
Prahlad Friedman? Quote
