Originally Posted by superleeds
I'm sorry but this is a horse**** answer. Yes they would in fact retain someone like the people you have which makes the fact that you haven't used a reputable firm fishy. There are only two reasons I can think off either you wish to retain some control of the situation or you don't want to spend the money. Do you have others?
this this this
Cake is a babe-in-the-woods trying to come up with procedures to go back in hindsight. What reputable companies do here is hire experts in assurance and attestation. The auditing company puts its name and label on the line. Its selling point is its name. If its wrong, it goes down (see Arthur Andersen). Yes, it looks like Cake poker made some good hires. But, shouldn't we let internal control experts decide what is necessary and sufficient? You don't know what you don't know.
It's really sketchy of almost all the gaming companies that they don't seek out the very best in internal control auditors. The gaming companies rely on crummy 3rd party commissions that do very little other than slap a label on a website for a fee.
Cake's actions so far have shown me that they haven't even learned the biggest lesson of this debacle: hire real internal control auditors to prevent the problems before they occur. Cake is showing that they don't value such companies. Will we, the players, be surprised at all about the next lapse at Cake?