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489 56.99%
█████, 1outter, 1percentBluff, 2girls1flop, 2J4U, 3betu, 3kingme3, 4Bet, 5thStreetHog, 88fingers88, 8minted8, 9.5fingershuffle, AceHigh, adamrichisdead, Aftermath, AGame18, aggie, alan1963, AlanBostick, amulet, An Inched Limns, andrewch199, andyEB, AngloTaipan, another_rack, Ansky, AntOWNius, Apathy, applejuicekid, AQhearts, ArcadianSky, areaman, Artdogg, asa, AU Stormcrow, Axis, ball dont lie, Barrasso, BatsShadow, bbbro, bdiddy12, Ben Young, benbeun, BennyMac, bevo_bux, bias1, BillyJoel, Binbs, BINGOBANGOFTP, bingobars, Birkin, bjohnson, Bjørn, BlaBlaBoem, blacklab, bnr, bobboufl11, BobFeduniak, bonds25, Bonified, Boredom, breadandbutter, brendons31, brent212, Brooks54, Brussels Sprout, Bruut99, bsheck, BT2, buckyb88, BudmansCom, Buff Disciple, Bumbaclat, cabbagehead7, CalPolyKid, cameronw01, CappieXL, Cardsfan2006, Cardstrom, cha59, ChattanoogaPoker, CheckDaQuads, checkm8, chob18, Choparno, ChrisA3, cking, colson10, comfortably_numb, CompleteDegen, Comtempo, corporalburgundy, Couch Cushions, CounterfeitKing, CPOner, craigthedeac, Crane, crashjr, crazyjon, Cruizn63, curtom, cwik, CyaET, CyberMuppet, d240t, daca, Dahotshot, dajatt13, Dak9885, Daniel Negreanu, danimsta, DassNoSeek, DAT MOOSE, Dave_K, David Sklansky, DaycareInferno, dblack, DCSW7, DeacNutt, Dead Monkeys, Deanglow, dheff84, diddy!, DIESEL PPP, dippy111, DJRinc, DLizzle, DLU, dmkai3, DockDD, dodgindueces, DOH!_28, Dom217, DopamineRelease, dotbum, Douglar, dreilly, drkamikaze, DrMickHead, dtw710, duh, DumbHick, DumbKid, earck, edh311, El Kabong, electrickshiite~, elmorrison, Extract1, fabadam, fairreplayer, Fast_Prophet, FatalError, Faustfan, Feike, FenderJaguar, FI5HMAN, finho, fishdonkey, fisherfolk, fishm0nger, fishmeout, fizix87, Franchise 60, FreeShot, funkyj, Funology, G-Funkmeist, gangstagangsta, Gary King, Gazillion, gazza137, gemic, George Lind III, gj_Sha0l1n, gogoo, got the nutz, GregoryGoris, guinnessz, Gydyon, Habib Marwan, Halfpoint, HalfSlant, hdbets, Heitauer, herebigfishy, Hickley, hime, Hitch, Hopscotch, houstonsaft, I Am Lazy, I Pwned Ivey, IDozeEveryone, igotsmilk, Ihatelosing, Imbrokeson, In the Zone, Influcted, Injection, insanity1956, insomniac86, IntotheMuckugo, istylez, Itachi414, italianstang, itsthekid, ivenhoe, I_Visor_I, J4est, jackwilcox, Jaconda78, jajangmyun, jamesh, JamesWilson20, jchauvin, jcl, Jedi Speed Racer, Jeremy517, jford000, JiggaJ621, jiHad2017, JJJ804, JMW, joem91484, joephe, jogden139, Josem, jtvjon, JumboChiliPeanut, J_HasTheNuts, KanMan, karlJavadi, karpov, katinas, kaz2107, Kclclclclfhg, Kevin8423, Kevmath, Kid_Warrior, kikadell, Killua, kineticgraphics, KingQ, kolotoure, krubban, L. Donkaments, Lawther08, laydown666, LazyBob, LazyRobot, Le Alexandre, leez13, Leprechaun, leviathan74, LFS, LG87, Life Tilt, LindyLu228, lippy, lnternet, Loki7, LonghornsNo1, loosbastard, lsc1022, Luckboxxx, m1ke, Mackenzieee, Mackerel, Madmaniac21, madnak, MadTiger, manoren, Marc Antony, marobidoux, maroneur, MasQue00, Mat Sklansky, MatoMachine, Matt Savage, Maxior, Mayo, meatpies19, mersenneary, MichaelB, mig_com, MikeHoncho, Milkyway, mindtrixx, Minotawrrr, MinusEV, mmmm, mn1000, moki, Moneyball16, Moneyline, monkeymaps, moomies, Morgaelin, mr cheesehead, Mr. Fantastic, Mr.JR, mrandom, mrbrownstone, MrFizzbin, MrSL, MrWookie, Mr_Pathetic, Muflon, myronbyron, n4rf, Narkissoz, Nchabazam, Nevermovingup, newhizzle, nflods, NoahSD, NoCountry4OldDonks, norfolk&chance, NoSoup4U, Nullstring, Number1Donk, nurabsal, Oachkatzlschwoaf, Obamapoker, OMFGSTFU, OMGBennyLava, oVan, padapuffis, palmer2k6, ParaRIOT!, PartyGirlUK, pat23, PatBateman, patstap, pdoran10, pepsimaxxx, Percussion, PerpetualCzech, Petter, phil hellmuck, Philuva, phos77, Pilkain, PlsTILT, Poker is Rigged, Pokerbrat, Pokerpingu, PokerStarSteve, Poker_is_Hard, PoppinFresh, PTpoker, Quorthon, rakk, Ra_Z_Boy, re-popped w/72, RedLetterman, redron85, reillyriverps, ReRaiseN, reuter798, Rips, rmoriar1, ROBERT PARKER, robinsons, Roborotica, Rocket Punch, rocketpoker828, RollLightSmoke, roybert07, runondiesel, rwesty, Rybb&Deckers, s1`, saeco, salesbeast, samwell, sandler1860, Scary_Tiger, Schneids, Schuintt, Schwallie, sdrawkcaB_ssA, SEABEAST, sean.c, selin, shaniac, ShaydeZW, Shephard, ShizzMoney, shuggen, sircuddles, sixsixtie, sketchy1, smicser, Smokey711, smudgie, snap411, SneakyFerret, soah, sokiraJ, sorry hage, sparkyAA, Spatula, speedle, spence79, Spladle, spooky shadows, SprattFactor, Squirrel54, stats79, stik, Stinger88, stringbetter, Stryd0r, Stu_Ungar123, SuaveDeceiver, syntaxeror, Tacto, takeittothehouse, Takeover, Tamesis, tcmNOWAY, The Argus, the clêaner, The Donator, The Drizzle, The Lee, TheCodeDog, TheGibbons, TheGreatWall, thenickh, thepaul1, thesilkworm, TheSlinger, thrasher789, Tiltyjoker, TimeLady, timex, TJT11, tNgrandbuyin, TomCollins, TPTK77, trontron, Truthfulaj, twonine29, TwoSixSooted, tyronebiggins, UbU, undertheradar, uppie_, ups, VailSkiBum, valtsu, Vaswanicheck, vegasbound, Velocity, Verde, vezj420, void, vtpp123, wash56, WeakerthanPaul, whatsitlike2win, Wheatsauce, wheelflush, where da ho go, WiCane, willie, Wintergedaerm, wiper, Wizardballs, WolfTickets, WRR1986, WWKMS, x3rces, Xylocain, Y2JohnK6, yellowjack, YippeeKaeYay, yonnyaus, Zam, zerochill, Zooter, ZuP, Zymgo, _Koby_
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369 43.01%
$kill Game, *Bucephalus*, 08/08/08, 10_kyle_10, 23467, 2SHAE, 36CampusAve, 75s00ted, adizzle13, ADK, Agadez, Aigyptos, Al Capwne, ALeoNN, AllBlackDan, ALLIIIIIIIN!, allthecardsatonce, Anadrol 50, AndrewB87, AnneFranks_DrumKit, AntonHeat, AP_Villain, art__vandelay, arvia1984, ASDFLKJ, asmortis, atakdog, BDRaddest, Benal, better_days, bicyclekick, Billy Bibbit, Blue350z, bluebird, bluffcalls, bmorganonap, BobK, boddicker, Boilermaker15, bordeel, boringname, Boy, BoyItalia, Brasky10, broo7198, Bulletproof Monk, Bullitos, buoyancy, bustam0ves, busterxl, buttonpusher, callmedonnie, candyman718, carradioyes, castro99, Caymancunian, Ce1ska, chrismystero, clutch, Coko, Cosmos, Cougars4444, crai4cs, crdjeep, Crockett616, CroMagnon, cs3, Cup o' Joe, Cursed Diamonds, czling, Damontis, Danastasio1, dandaman29, DanPoker, DarthBobo, DarthIgnurnt, daveydavey, DBLK, deathduck, Derbos, Dhani, diddlysquat, Dietch, Discipline, dkoleary, dopp16, doublejoker, DougO, Dr.SlowPlay, drzen, dthouse, dustybottoms, elgreenhornet, eloisezilla, Elrazor, ender, Enrico Pallazzo, evilhamit, Fermion5, Flyingbanana, fontaine, Frankie6636, Frantic_, Freudian, Fulcanelli, Furbykiller, Gad, GambitDaddy, Gandor, gangip, GaryTheGoat, Getcha_Popcorn, getterdone36, GiantWalleye, Gin 'n Tonic, GinaSD, ginseng96, gloves, GoAheadPutMeOnAK, Gobias Ind., GoldChocobo, Goodie, goodlookskid, Got Nutz?, grchjo, gregski, HappyOD, HavanaBanana, Headhunter13, HelpWanted0, hepzebah, Hoje, holy32, HorribleCall, hucker1, HumanSlayer, I am Shyguy, I4BETA2, icallicall, Icarus911, IceMountain, icepick, idcimallin, idk my bff jill, iggymcfly, ihatewells, ILikeMonies, imaburro, immot88, InDaFastlane, Into2ndWind, IWalkOnWater,, Jackal69, jdAA88, JDalla, Jehaim, JoeyBishop, John Wray, JonReremy, Joseph Hewes, jukofyork, JWD_51, kaboulinator, kakon3, Karganeth, kayakayak, kevin235, kgun3, KidsJH, Kodachrome, Koshur, kozmozz, KreellKeiser, Kris8400, La Brujita, Leader, Lessu, Loctus, LOLpokers, lootbag, LotsOfOuts69, Louis Cyphre, LUCIUS VARENUS, ma71turbo, madcrouton11, mako17pa, malteg, Marquoz, MATEUSZEK, maximbc, mayesy, Mcbrag, mcdon, melac, metron2321, MexKrax, MicroTilt, MikalSjekson, mikechops, mindwormz, MisterEx, MK78, Mkzrj, Mookie88, mp_all_in, Mr_Lo34, MYMESSIAH, Nandos, nghiemster, NickyC, nintendere, njardine, noarmsdanny, NoSurprises, notfreemoney, NotMitch, npknhldr, NuklearWinter, NVGtard, nyc_bullets, OBTrice420, ohcomeon, okterrific, OMGPHILGALFOND, OuchBye, panicked, parisron, paschl, PaulDLane, PaulS, peetar69, pfc_ivan12323232, pigtim, Pill Ivey, pimmelsau, pineapple888, Pitbullo, PluhssEV, pluscount, Pondus, Poolside, porquinho, PowellM, Prevaricator, Pro Merc, profesh railbird, pumpernickel, Pyramid_Scam, QuadLaser, questions, Rainmaker203, Rampage_Jackson, rayuki, rbenuck4, redsox105, redtrain, Reyska, rgballin, richNYC, Robin van Persie, Roeland, Rooger, RTTMS, rugmuncher, rungoodsauce, salmonhead88, Sandcrab, Sanokun, Saurus, Scamorza89, schwah, scotthog, scottyclark, Scrooge, SCTrojans, Searix, seat_empty, Sevenfold, Shentx, shogun88, Shrug, sickaz, SimonBarSinister, SirClay, Skleice, sk_limx, slanche, slayP00N, sledghammer, slipslope, SluggerWV, snake_eyes9, SNGaddict, solody, sonofavondruk, Spec, spike420211, spitfire4, squizzel, srm80, steckler, stetda, steven1983, Steve_Holt!, StewiesMinion, stinkypete, stngr, Strip6, subandi, suprmnjl, SurferEd, Swingin, tabako, tacoman98, Tamtaram, tbhouston, TempleGuard, The Icon, The Moocher, The Palimax, thefletch55, TheTruthSpeaks, TheWorm967, The_Machine, the_main, the_straightner, tiltyass, tireuw, Tommy2+2, tomrh3, Tomtah, TONY D DON, tooners, toshfcp, Transa, trial0r, triplej2688, tttwwwooo, tultfill, UncleChopChop, unlucky4me, Username^^, uter, Van Strummer, vanezza, vaz1981, venice10, W4RS4W, Wham, WiGuM, winningeazzy, winodikki, winooski8, wombat4hire, WroteForLuck, wywrot, xottbeck, xxnutxx, xxx, Yeniv, YouCheckRaise, ZeeJustin, ZELIC, Zenjo, zizazu, ZwiFT, ~Miller~