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Pokerstars right now  - Important update: we are suspending all our services in Russia. Pokerstars right now  - Important update: we are suspending all our services in Russia.

03-11-2022 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by FunnyBunny.H
Oh wow, I wonder what gave it away. Must have been me referring to Russians in 3rd person.

No I am simply someone, who knows that less traffic leads to games drying up, and therefore it is bad for the poker economy. I have to mention that I do play PLO so I am not 100% familiar with the nitty sh.tfest you might have at NL50 and above, but I am positive there are more bad regs/recreational players at low stakes PLO than decent winning regulars from Russia.

Don't get me wrong, would it be a smaller site, where mass botting/RTA using is not properly monitored, I would not care that much. But Pokerstars despite a lot of negative things, is in fact still the safest site to play on, so that's not something to factor in. We simply losing a large chunk of the playerpool, and sooner or later you yourself will realise that it's not good.
theres like 0 chance russia leaving the poker economy is bad for the poker economy. Yes there are russian fish but its a lower %. Also I would once again point out that russia not the west disallowed recreational russian poker players from depositing two weeks before this ban which is why stars did such a thing in the first place. So there was literraly no russian rec players the last two weeks so im sure this ban is gonna tank the poker economy.
03-11-2022 , 03:48 PM
all western euro regs licking their fingers in this witch-hunt on russian regs here, trying to get rid of the russian crushers under the cover of political reasons. i cant argue against it much, but its still kinda funny
03-11-2022 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Harlow
Good day, people. I'm from Russia and this is my perspective.

I like how the recurring theme in the West up until recently, when it came to foreign conflicts, has been "what are we gonna get out of it?" or "of what concern is it to us?". Weak Chamberlain-like Western politicians, who didn't have enough insight to act proactively against Putin (everything about him was clear for years), didn't have enough guts to restore deterrence and prevent this invasion from happening in the first place, retreated once more - "let's not establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine", "let's continue with our "zero-emissions" agenda and continue buying fuel from Russia", "let's try to appease him and keep this conflict local" - and with that, left an open door for Putin. All they had to do is just to bang their fist on their desktop loudly, assist Ukraine with joining NATO, station some troops there and none of this would've happened. Instead, they evacuated all the embassies in advance (why didn't it happed in Afghanistan?), denied or delayed for years shipments of lethal weapons to Ukraine and played nice and cozy with Putin. History has repeated itself. Even today, they don't develop the Western energy industry (like Keystone Pipeline) - but instead come to negotiate with Venezuela and Iran. What a bad joke. I can imagine, if tomorrow Iran attacks Israel or Venezuela invades its neighbouring countries - they would come to Putin to negotiate the increase of oil and gas shipments from Russia. To make up for that, they decided to throw a scapegoat to the mob and exercise a global round of cancel culture against all the people who had the misfortune of being born in Russia. How exactly does the cutting of ordinary Russians from the opportunity to make their living helps to bring down Putin? He has solved his financial ambitions a long time ago, and believe me, he couldn't care less about us, and he wouldn't have a problem with making us eat grass, just like the Kim dynasty did in regards to the North Koreans.

If you think "this is all good, Russians should come out and protest", then you don't have the most remote idea of the hell you are even talking about. I did protest against Putin, long before it was mainstream. All I've accomplished was a fine and a case in the European Court of Human Rights, that's been awaiting decision for many years now. Some of my friends didn't get off so easily.

If you think that your virtue-signaling activities, like putting the blue and yellow colored clothing on and going out to have a walk in the streets of New York or London helps anything - you are wrong. Try coming to Russia and pull that in the center of Moscow, and I'll see how long you would last before Putin's dogs come crushing and beating you down and you end up crying in the police station.

If you think that posting a hateful comment against all Russians on the social media makes you a resistance fighter against Putin's tyranny - you are wrong. You are no different from those Russians who, whether by conviction or due to brainwashing, scream "bomb Ukraine" or "murder all the Ukrainians". And there's plenty of those, I can vouch for that - including most of my family members. But saying that all Russians should pay for Putin's and his cronies' crimes actually makes you a racist. But hey, there's nothing new about it, is there? Just another version of "all present-day Caucasians should pay for slavery" or "all men should pay for the fact that rapists exist".

Becoming a professional poker player has been a long-term dream of mine. I have tied all of my hopes about my future to it. My family was against it, which is why I left home several years ago with $500 in my pocket, cut all the ties with all the people I knew previously, and worked as a waiter in the restaurants, shop assistant etc, trying to save up money to be able to grind for several months and, hopefully, make a living off that. I specifically chose workplaces like international hotels and golf clubs, where I could have a contact with foreigners, I have read the Western news sources, watched movies in their original language - all to boost my English-speaking skills, so perhaps one day I could leave this damn country and pretend this was a nightmare. All of that goes down the tubes now. No opportunity to play poker, no opportunity to work in retail or food and beverages venues since most of them left Russia too. Back in the days it was the Soviet Union that established the Iron Curtain, now it's the Europe and US who try to keep victims of Russian Government's tyranny inside. Good job, West. Human rights protection at its best. This is me being cynical, I'm not angry at anyone, I have exhausted my ability to get disappointed a long time ago.

I guess I'm still alive - which is a better fate that many of the Ukrainians got, God save their souls, and by watching many different people over the years I have come to realisation that I'm smarter and more determined than most, which gives me hope of getting through this and eventually defecting from Mordor (for those who don't know, that is a slang term for Russia among Ukrainians and anti-Putin Russians). But smartness and honesty are not the qualities that get rewarded in a backwards place like this, it's more like being a leper. The only plan I have right now is to last this day, maybe another, then maybe a week.

In a better world, instead of leaving Russia and sanctioning ordinary people, why not make it a condition for the Russia-based players to donate half of their winnings to the Ukrainian war effort - whether it would be military procurement or civilian/humanitarian causes? Instead of ripping off the ordinary people, some of which are against the war and against Putin, how about giving them an opportunity to silently and secretly contribute to the cause of Good, since protesting out loudly would be more like a "suicide by cop"? I'm sure PokerStars Company would earn a lot of credit for doing that. But this is just me dreaming, I've always been good at that, too bad it doesn't translate into cash so easily.

Anyway guys, Слава Украине, death to Putin, and remember - just like there are many victims of Putin's lunacy abroad, there are also many victims of his tyranny domestically. Too bad Western companies and leaders decided to team up with him on that. I hope this comment of mine would help to change the minds of at least some rationally-thinking people.
I read it all and I am sharing with friends. Thank you very much for your post! Good luck and keep searching. I am positive that there are some clubs outthere that you can still make a living playing poker. We have to adapt. As poker players that``````´ s our fate. Many people from all over the world had to change residence or play in cripto based poker rooms. There are still many ways to play poker. Best of lucks!
03-11-2022 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Esa_Perse
Smaller pools without any eastern european players any day all day every day. Allso couldn't care less if plo dies. Just play gg there is allready more traffic at plo imo. Bunch of eastern european recs allso based on the flags.
The reason I mentioned the PLO-NL comparison, is because I can see why having nitty BE-ish regs at NL are not great for the game.
But at PLO, while it's not exciting when the avg. VPIP in the Zoom Pool is 19-20%, you have still plenty of room to exploit nittier players pre- and postflop. Some nitty regs for instance do make massive POF blunders because of their unbalanced range, that make it still reasonably profitable to play vs them. Or you simply print from B/CO, because they overfold and don't 3bet aggro enough from the blinds...etc

At the same time when recreational players see, that there is only 30-40 players playing in the pool compared to say 60-70 at a busier time of the day, they might be less inclined to jump into it, because they might assume the games are more reg-ish in general.

Just right now, I finished up a 2 hour session at PLO100, and the player count in the pool avg-ed around 50, which is rather low for a Friday evening. And the tables weren't exactly great either.

I am considering moving some funds into GG in the near future, but it's mainly because stars PLO MTT-s are rather trash if it's not a weekend, and the structures are better on GG. Now that PS offers reasonable rakeback and the traffic is good most days, there is not as much incentive to switch sites otherwise. Especially that the rake is higher at GG as far as I know.
03-11-2022 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by alwayscall_
all western euro regs licking their fingers in this witch-hunt on russian regs here, trying to get rid of the russian crushers under the cover of political reasons. i cant argue against it much, but its still kinda funny
Yeah, most who did not live of rakeback in the old PS VIP system also were less concerned about the mass exodus of regs at PS because of softer games. And while it was indeed better for general game quality, that we got rid of some of the nitty regs, it eventually meant that a lot of CG formats died out, simply because there weren't any1 to open tables.

Nowadays you rarely see PLO500 running for instance, and most of the regs from that stakes who stayed at the site moved down to PLO200, making that pool more competitive than it was. Same with some of the 200 regs moving to PLO100 and so on.

Removing Russia from the player pool simply means, that peak times get shorter and worse at the site once again.
03-11-2022 , 07:50 PM
Nothing says cringe like old forum regulars getting together to cry about Russia on a forum that will literally do nothing other than virtue signal to other old forum regulars and possibly help ban the superior players in Russia, I mean i'd be mad too if I was like 99% of the 2+2 accounts created before 2019 that havent won a session since 2013
03-11-2022 , 09:27 PM
you make money from deposits tho
03-12-2022 , 12:37 AM
Foreign currency exchange is banned in Russia and Russian citizens are only allowed to withdraw a small amount in foreign currencies.

How exactly would a legitimate dollar denominated poker site operate under such circumstances? How would e-wallets operate?

I am not sure what is most cringy, Russians blaming the rest of the world for not being able to play poker or the rest of the world virtue signaling through blatant racism towards innocent civilians and asking them to overthrow a dictator known for murdering his opposition.
03-12-2022 , 03:02 AM
Russian regs took money away from poker economy, they made the games worse

Too bad PS didn't ban Belarus yet
03-12-2022 , 06:26 AM
You guys are putin a stop to Russian online poker.
03-12-2022 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by RunDude
You dont even know what racism is. What a brainfart. Always the people who think they are super enlighten thats some cringe right there.
How would you characterize discrimination based on a group of individuals nationality?

If believeing that using the suffering of the Ukranian people to further your own online poker agenda because your 200NL full-ring games are too though with a bunch of russians in them is enlighetenment, you can call me the Buddah.

Last edited by Rahm93; 03-12-2022 at 08:39 AM.
03-12-2022 , 08:50 AM
Too be fair, I thought I was posting in the nopokerinrussia-thread.

I hope this thread better reflects the sentiment of the poker community when it isn't just a hundred new accounts spamming a hashtag.
03-12-2022 , 10:28 AM
Spare me the social science studies.
03-12-2022 , 10:32 AM
There might also be a misunderstanding about who is banned from playing on PokerStars. Maybe because OP is talking about "Russian players" while the linked Tweet clearly talks about "operations in Russia".

I have a couple Russian friends who live in Berlin and they can all still play on Stars.
03-12-2022 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by ddn
It's a short-term loss in rake revenue for Stars, but good for the ecosystem overall.

I doubt it, but even if that's the case it's easily made up for by not having a bunch of Russian regs at your tables colluding and looking up GTOWizard sims on their 2nd monitor.
03-13-2022 , 04:28 AM
Think it's kinda hilarious that a lot of people think it's just russians who look up gtowiz etc and/or cheat.

Think it was maybe true in the days of pre-solver most of the bots/rta was russian etc, but think now it's just pretty much anywhere given how easy it is to make solutions yourself.

Last few cases I heard of who are cheating + got banned at midstakes or higher were not eastern European location.
03-13-2022 , 08:28 AM
As stated above Stars probably could not keep operating in the russian market even if they wanted to. Sanctions simply dont allow it.
Yet you are talking about virtue signaling and cancel culture. These sanctions are meant to stop a war that could potentially develop into World War 3.
Sanctions are the only deescalation method besides anything military related. Would you prefer that?
03-13-2022 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by super_dave31
I actually agree.

People cant complain about cancel culture and then do it when it suits them! Also i dont recall western brands being banned in many countries during our many wars

Originally Posted by sixfour
It doesn't. Stars are likely working out, like many other multinationals, that the various other economic restrictions, along with internal restrictions implemented by Putin, make it unviable to continue to operate in Russia at this point in time. It won't save a single life, and it won't stop a single rouble that was going to get to Putin's idiocy efforts from doing so, but hey, we're doing something, right? Where have we heard that before?

Originally Posted by leviathan74
Also I am all for sanctions against Putin, the oligarchs, I am all for condemning the war and arming the Ukrainians. But there must be a line somewhere and not go wholesale against all Russian people. It's not just, it's excessive, it's counterproductive.

It's not easy to protest in Russia. It's not a democracy. The state is very good at repression. It has centuries of mismanagement and repression that has made many people fatalistic and withdrawn from politics. State propaganda is ubiquitous and many people buy it. But let's face it, if our countries were engaged in a war with anyone, most of us would rally behind the flag. Let's have some perspective here.
Originally Posted by Josem
This is unfortunate: it is one thing to take action against the Putin regime and close associated (which I support) but it is another thing to take action against the Russian people (which I think is bad).

I am very glad to see some reasonable comments in this thread, the other one seemed to be overwhelmingly favoring this idea of "banning russians".

As I pointed out before and as pointed out above as well, where were mastercard, visa, Pokerstars etc when our western world governments marched into other countries? "Our wars are good wars because we bring democracy" is not an argument here, Putin uses the same rhetoric that was used against Saddam, where they portrait him as "the new Hitler" and of course let's not forget used a flat out lie as pretext for war. Now Putin wants to "denazifi Ukraine", all governments always use propaganda to bring the own citizens on board with their war plans. War is a crime against humanity, simple as that. Any war has to be condemned.

Also funny here seeing someone commenting that "some russians playing micros instead of protesting against their government" when there is plenty you should be on the street for in any of the western nations....Always easier to find the mistakes in others instead of looking at yourself
03-13-2022 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by super_dave31
I actually agree.

People cant complain about cancel culture and then do it when it suits them! Also i dont recall western brands being banned in many countries during our many wars
Comparing some comedian to being cancelled for a telling a tasteless joke, to what Russia is doing now is at best ridiculous.
03-13-2022 , 07:51 PM
Every single one of you who in any ****ing way compares this to Iraq/Afghanistan/any other western war needs to really really deeply think about his values.

Privileged ****ing *******s.

Human rights matter dipshits. Putin conscripting 18 year olds in order to prevent Ukraine from turning west and embracing human rights and liberal democracy is ****ing different than Bushie boy lying and sending professional soldiers to kill a ****ing dictator.

I'm against Iraq war, west has done plenty of atrocities to be ashamed about but it's not the ****ing same
03-13-2022 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
I am very glad to see some reasonable comments in this thread, the other one seemed to be overwhelmingly favoring this idea of "banning russians".

As I pointed out before and as pointed out above as well, where were mastercard, visa, Pokerstars etc when our western world governments marched into other countries? "Our wars are good wars because we bring democracy" is not an argument here, Putin uses the same rhetoric that was used against Saddam, where they portrait him as "the new Hitler" and of course let's not forget used a flat out lie as pretext for war. Now Putin wants to "denazifi Ukraine", all governments always use propaganda to bring the own citizens on board with their war plans. War is a crime against humanity, simple as that. Any war has to be condemned.

Also funny here seeing someone commenting that "some russians playing micros instead of protesting against their government" when there is plenty you should be on the street for in any of the western nations....Always easier to find the mistakes in others instead of looking at yourself
I'll just put it down to the fact you live in America that you seem to have little clue about not only what Putin's doing to a sovereign European country but the huge implications this has on world peace and democracy.

In no way can the Iraq invasion to remove a dictator that murdeted hundreds of thousands of his own people and committed multiple war crimes be compared to what Putin is doing.

If Putin goes chemical NATO will intervene and rightly so. This tyrant is out of control.

The only way Putin backs down is to be defeated by NATO or things get too bad in the Russian economy for him to continue. Maybe the Russian people actually stand up to him you never know.
Good decision by Stars and PP to ban Russian players and aline themselves with the sentiment of the of Europe governments 👍
Belarusian players will be following suit.
03-13-2022 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by billygstar
I'll just put it down to the fact you live in America that you seem to have little clue about not only what Putin's doing to a sovereign European country but the huge implications this has on world peace and democracy.

In no way can the Iraq invasion to remove a dictator that murdeted hundreds of thousands of his own people and committed multiple war crimes be compared to what Putin is doing.

If Putin goes chemical NATO will intervene and rightly so. This tyrant is out of control.

The only way Putin backs down is to be defeated by NATO or things get too bad in the Russian economy for him to continue. Maybe the Russian people actually stand up to him you never know.
Good decision by Stars and PP to ban Russian players and aline themselves with the sentiment of the of Europe governments 👍
Belarusian players will be following suit.

pure ignorance. Why would you even think i live in america? lol
03-14-2022 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
pure ignorance. Why would you even think i live in america? lol
legitimate question, morons live everywhere.

It's just that your particular brand of stupid is generally prevalent amongst specifically US far left wing circles. The far right idiots take a different approach to the situation ("Putin is defending our european values vs woke mob EU/ukraine") and everyone else can see the ****ing nuance.

For europeans this issue is real enough that even generally silent moderates (such as myself) speak up. Far left/far right nutjobs largely just stfu as far as I can tell.

Last edited by Krax; 03-14-2022 at 12:42 AM.
03-14-2022 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
pure ignorance. Why would you even think i live in america? lol
Was tongue in cheek really.

I'm guessing the fact that you only chose to respond to that part you've finally realised how utterly wrong your posts are though.��
03-14-2022 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by billygstar

If Putin goes chemical NATO will intervene and rightly so.
Do you realize how convenient it would be for NATO to present evidence of Russia allegedly using US biolabs agaist Ukrainians? The exact same pattern as with Syria and there is suckers who will actually fall for that. smh

If you are so willing to die for some corrupt government that uses civilians as human shields in order to gain sympathy from the world, you are welcome to join the Ukrainian army. I really hope things work out for you and you get the Darwin award for your efforts. Just don't drag the whole world into a nuclear war.

The fact of the matter is you don't have any thoughts of your own on this matter. You are just repeating whatever the talking heads on TV are putting in your head.
"Experts say we have a moral obligation to go to war with Russia" CNN, brought to you by Lockheed Martin
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