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Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow......

07-15-2008 , 07:20 PM
Russ hamilton is supposed to call in tomorrow should be interesting. Kinda funny listening to Gavin defend him yesterday and Joe followed suit, C'mon seebs thought you had a little dignity? Anyways can't wait for the softball questions, maybe they will get run over like they did when Annie came on the show......

Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 07:21 PM
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:20 PM
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:25 PM
meh. cant really blame them for trying to be neutral. I think the best reporters are the neutral, unbiased ones (although I admit Gavin did seem a bit biased in his defense, but that could be because I think negatively about Russ already). Even if GSmith and Russ are friends or acquaintances, I think it's fair to let Russ tell his side of the story. Everyone already believes what they want to believe (including me) so it can't hurt to give the man some air time to tell his story. Theres a possibility that there is something that hasn't been told yet.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:32 PM
So how long you think it takes for the DOJ to totally incinerate his "nominal relocation" of UB operations outside of US borders and formulate a case against him for various interstate gambling violations?
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Canireally
Russ hamilton is supposed to call in tomorrow should be interesting. Kinda funny listening to Gavin defend him yesterday and Joe followed suit, C'mon seebs thought you had a little dignity? Anyways can't wait for the softball questions, maybe they will get run over like they did when Annie came on the show......

Did you even listen to what Gavin and Joe said? They didn't want to comment because at the time all they knew was what Ali told them. Have they been soft on some people in the past? yes. How would ripping into the guy without knowing all the facts yet show dignity? By no means am I trying to take Hamilton's side, I just haven't read through that big ass thread yet.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:36 PM
I don't think PokerRoad fancy themselves as an investigative website, I think they are much more in the business of entertainment, which is why they might "go soft" on people.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by 67lilies
meh. cant really blame them for trying to be neutral. I think the best reporters are the neutral, unbiased ones (although I admit Gavin did seem a bit biased in his defense, but that could be because I think negatively about Russ already). Even if GSmith and Russ are friends or acquaintances, I think it's fair to let Russ tell his side of the story. Everyone already believes what they want to believe (including me) so it can't hurt to give the man some air time to tell his story. Theres a possibility that there is something that hasn't been told yet.
Hard to be neutral when the rat bastard is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. If he can explain away all the evidence pointing directly towards him, then fine I'll listen. But the bottom line is he can't.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by JWeb777
How would ripping into the guy without knowing all the facts yet show dignity? By no means am I trying to take Hamilton's side, I just haven't read through that big ass thread yet.
You prob shouldnt even comment if you havent read the thread/threads. Theres so much incriminating info against Russ its sick. God they better not go soft on him. Pokerroad should have me on to ask some q's and follow up q's....
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:43 PM
Whats Russ Hamiltons story anywyas?
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:45 PM
they should honestly just not have people on the show, it's lame.

they are too connected to everyone in the poker community.

from the way nothing even came up when deeb was on, it's obvious that they are not contacting UB people in the interest of journalism - UB people are contacting them, begging to be on the show for some positive promotion.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by trambopoline
You prob shouldnt even comment if you havent read the thread/threads. Theres so much incriminating info against Russ its sick. God they better not go soft on him. Pokerroad should have me on to ask some q's and follow up q's....
Send an email to pokerroad! Like someone posted before, I haven't gone through that big ass thread yet myself. I've skimmed through, skipping a few pages at a time. I DO know that Nat was threatened, and thats where I pretty much stopped skimming. I dont know enough to ask questions, but I bet alot of 2p2ers do and I'm willing to bet that since PRR will have Russ on, they'll be overflowing with email from this forum. Hopefully, we get to the good questions. And yes, hopefully it's not just a long winded thing like Annie.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 09:02 PM
listen to big poker sundays with nat for a nice cliffnotes on the long thread.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 09:21 PM
If they go soft on him, will it damage Barry G.'s reputation in the 2p2 community? Everyone loves Barry but isn't he behind Poker Road and responsible at some point?
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
If they go soft on him, will it damage Barry G.'s reputation in the 2p2 community? Everyone loves Barry but isn't he behind Poker Road and responsible at some point?

Clearly this interview could be a defining moment for PRR, just what kind of media outlet are they going to be?
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 10:51 PM
they should let shronk talk since it seems like he is the only one who read the UB thread.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Rushstreet07
Clearly this interview could be a defining moment for PRR, just what kind of media outlet are they going to be?
they have already had several of those, but then they just have someone famous on the next week and noone cares

virtually all poker media is completely spineless, the community is too small
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
If they go soft on him, will it damage Barry G.'s reputation in the 2p2 community? Everyone loves Barry but isn't he behind Poker Road and responsible at some point?
This makes ZERO sense, How is his repuation on the line? PRR isn't an investagation webiste, merly giving Russ a chance to explain, and he has a right to explain, that being said i am not sure what Russ can say to explain.

But if i remember correctly on the first episode on BPS, Nat said that the IP address was traced back to Scott Tom, but then later he stated that he didn't belive Scott Tom was involved, so it turned around for him, and went against someone else, could it be similar here? Who knows, but i don't think BG is in question
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 11:33 PM
For shows like these ones with Russ, 15min interview is not enough. What's the rush? I hope they make it at least a 2 hour show or whatever it takes to get to the bottom of it. Hate it when they say they have no time, it's a podcast not network TV.

It's a great opportunity for Pokerroad to shine here. If they make it a softball interview they might as well not have him on. It'll be like JJ all over again. Keep it a fun show and ask entertaining questions if you're scared to offend people.

I think Ali is a smart guy, hope he has enough courage to ask the tough questions. Don't be afraid to offend the guest! This case is HUGE!
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-15-2008 , 11:52 PM
Ali's not going to be on the show, he's doing PAD voiceovers. As they mentioned on last night's show, PR Radio is more geared towards the entertainment aspect than investigative journalism. Russ should be allowed to tell his side of the story, it's up to the listener how much they care to believe what he says.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-16-2008 , 12:07 AM
i hope htis doesnt bring down online poker
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-16-2008 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Ali's not going to be on the show, he's doing PAD voiceovers. As they mentioned on last night's show, PR Radio is more geared towards the entertainment aspect than investigative journalism. Russ should be allowed to tell his side of the story, it's up to the listener how much they care to believe what he says.
Absolutely and Russ should be given all the time in the world to defend himself. They shouldn't have a time limit on the next episode or separate it into a few parts if they have to.

Pokerroad is entertainment #1 but if they choose to have Russ on they can not go that direction. The accusations are serious. The next show should be dedicated to look into a big online poker site scandal not entertainment. That's why they shouldn't have him on if it's a big waste of time. Let him have his own press conference if it's all about Russ. The tough uncomfortable questions MUST BE ASKED.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-16-2008 , 12:23 AM
Karma is gonna bite this low-life scumbag in the end.

GG Russ, i'll give someone 2-1 odds that his life ends in a body bag within the next 5 years.

Any takers?
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-16-2008 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Canireally
Russ hamilton is supposed to call in tomorrow should be interesting. Kinda funny listening to Gavin defend him yesterday and Joe followed suit, C'mon seebs thought you had a little dignity? Anyways can't wait for the softball questions, maybe they will get run over like they did when Annie came on the show......

It is obvious you didn't listen to the July 13th episode. How can anyone take you seriously when you cannot put any context around what is said on any particular episode when they often discuss a topic over several episodes?

I have listened to all of the recent PRR shows, and I think they are being fairly objective about the whole topic.

I don't see how they could do better. They are getting key people on the air in a timely manner, and we learn more about the situation as a result.
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
07-16-2008 , 01:12 AM
good thing for russ that they arent doing live callins anymore
Poker Road to have Russ Hamilton tomorrow...... Quote
