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Poker relation to being a nerd Poker relation to being a nerd

12-13-2014 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by gdsfather
OP go see a psychiatrist for your narcissism. Never in life will everybody like you, even if you are the cooooolest person on the planet. It's okay OP. Just do what makes you feel happy and the most comfortable. If that is striving to be your perception of cool than go for it, but probably don't do that.
wtf u talk about? guy is clearly leveling too obvious there. I allready stated that what i was saying has to do with issues i have with familymembers and nothin with the players i face. Like i said i shouldnt care less how someone plays. Yes im an intuitive player but i also use common sense. Games just got tougher and this whole amaya thing is tilting me as well. I dont even like to play on PS anymore but there isnt much else.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-13-2014 , 04:49 PM
Play more live. No Huds and nerds are too scared to play live.
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12-13-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Mujaro
wtf u talk about? guy is clearly leveling too obvious there. I allready stated that what i was saying has to do with issues i have with familymembers and nothin with the players i face. Like i said i shouldnt care less how someone plays. Yes im an intuitive player but i also use common sense. Games just got tougher and this whole amaya thing is tilting me as well. I dont even like to play on PS anymore but there isnt much else.
Originally Posted by Mujaro
You see, tricks like this worked in the old days. In todays game you have to do more to be popular amongst fellow message board grinders.
Seems like you want to feel popular to me
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12-13-2014 , 06:07 PM
mujaro is a legend on dutch forums for his posts, glad he found his way to twoplustwo
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-13-2014 , 07:15 PM
Having a passion or strong interest for something is being a nerd apparently.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Some of this comes down to your definition of a nerd.
Originally Posted by Mujaro
To me nerds are people who do things just cause its a trend or just for the heck of it (stats).
Okay, so I did not see THAT coming.

Then I rescind my previous reply. By your definition of the term, I'm gonna say no, you do not need to be a nerd to be successful at poker.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
none of the responses get what OP is saying here. i'm a feel player too, and i get it.

i dont feel like calculating triplerangemerged turncheckraise bluff frequencey. **** that ****.

i feel like clicking the call button, and i feel like seeing what the other guy has. that's what poker is all about.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Okay, so I did not see THAT coming.

Then I rescind my previous reply. By your definition of the term, I'm gonna say no, you do not need to be a nerd to be successful at poker.
Yeah, mayb u all misunderstood what my definition of nerd is. To me a nerd pretends to be smart. But all he really knows comes out of a book. He doesnt think for himself and his security comes from what is common and then tries to excell in it so he can have a sense of superiority while in reality he doesnt have a clue.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Mujaro
Yeah, mayb u all misunderstood what my definition of nerd is. To me a nerd pretends to be smart. But all he really knows comes out of a book. He doesnt think for himself and his security comes from what is common and then tries to excell in it so he can have a sense of superiority while in reality he doesnt have a clue.
No, you haven't understood the point made by me and Wilbury Twist, that based on your definition "I'm gonna say no, you do not need to be a nerd to be successful at poker" - which was your question in the op.

The final table of an SHR is not full of people who don't have a clue. And this message board and other ways to learn about poker such as books that you mention, taken as a whole, contain contradictory and wrong statements. Without thinking for oneself and understanding and engaging with the material you have no idea what book-advice is right and when to use it.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 09:11 AM
What kind of nerd takes well-defined words and invents new meanings for them?
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12-14-2014 , 11:33 AM
Listen im done with this. Some mayb are just more math guys, others more intuitive. We are all different. And i think were on the same page actually on quite some things. But we just say it differently. If you dont have a clue what ur doing u cannot be succesfull at poker. So, any successfull pokerplayer is not a nerd. Lets leave it to that.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mujaro
It seems more and more that if u want to keep up with this game u have to become a nerd. Agree or not? ...... In other words: u have to become a nerd to keep up. Anyone else feels the same?
Originally Posted by Mujaro
So, any successfull pokerplayer is not a nerd.
Glad we could change your mind.

Originally Posted by Mujaro
Lets leave it to that.

Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mujaro
Listen im done with this. Some mayb are just more math guys, others more intuitive. We are all different. And i think were on the same page actually on quite some things. But we just say it differently. If you dont have a clue what ur doing u cannot be succesfull at poker. So, any successfull pokerplayer is not a nerd. Lets leave it to that.

Have heard a lot of people say sports-betting's fun, in a way that's a bit similar to poker ... for people who like if you like sports and stuff

Haven't tried it myself, but from the way it's been described, can see many parallels - it seems like it'd be fun
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 02:13 PM
lol u wot OP
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
lol who 'hates nerds' as an adult? You sound like you're in high school. Who dislikes something 'because it's nerdy' as an adult?

If you hate studying poker because you're lazy or it doesn't interest you fair enough. You'll never be amazing at poker but you might know enough to be a winning player just through intuition. Probably not though.
Swoop, very well some degree "nerd" vs. "cool"is flipped as adult. Turns out that soft spoken guy who read books under a tree at lunch was in fact the "cool" guy. We were just idiot sheep not to see it.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 08:23 PM
All in all this thread did me good, tx everybody.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-14-2014 , 10:35 PM
It's great how so many 'know it alls' love to playy can hold 'em and think they can play like a pro. They never give the nerdy type any credit for anything and always blame a cold deck after a nerd takes his chips.

At the live games I frequent, very few players have a grasp on basic odds, pot odds, and the power of position.

Being a nerd is a very good trait for a poker player.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-15-2014 , 12:31 AM
Op, sorry you are having issues with your percieved identity.


Last edited by Zy_69_yZ; 12-15-2014 at 12:38 AM.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-15-2014 , 09:00 AM
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-17-2014 , 12:59 AM
I like Ike. Is that GTO to say?
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:27 AM
I think your confusing nerd with work ethic. Nerds generally have higher work ethic and will ultimately be better than you because of it.
I was a purely "intuition/ feel " player until late in my career until a "nerd" opened my eyes.

Like anything you want to be good at, you must view / learn it from different angles, in this case math for you. It can only help why not.
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
12-17-2014 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by invictus-1

Of course nerds do better because they are more likely to play better because of their nerdish characteristics. I'm sure even Phil Ivey knows more math and nerdy stuff than he lets on
Poker relation to being a nerd Quote
