This is so lol its ridiculous. Someone posted about quantifying payment and you ignored it. instead, you came up with this gem:
payment means someone gives you money in exchange for something you do. If you think poker winnings qualify as payment, then ... well, d'uh.
so like, did you actually think before you typed this? poker situation. you outplay a fish. that is, you do something. they give you equity, which equates to money (long run). they pay you to do something! just because you're getting paid from multiple people you don't know, doesn't mean you're not getting paid. i dont get how you can possible dispute this?
Also, you have to think about the grey areas. What about full tilt pros? They get regular payment whether they win or lose. Their job is to play poker for a company. Surely that defines poker as something that can be done as a 'job'?
Tbh, and I really don'e mean to be rude, but I think this idea is ******ed. Someone posted the definition of a job
job n. A regular activity performed in exchange for payment, especially as one's trade, occupation, or profession.
There are no limits on what you classify as your trade or occupation or profession. It's a regular activity, and you recieve payment. By definition anything you ever choose to do with your life that earns you the slightest bit of profit can be considered a job, since you can work for yourself. I think maybe your argument is more skewed towards whether society accepts poker as a job.
HOWEVER i don't disagree that poker players don't contribute anything to society. Even though i'm sure it could be argued either way. This isn't part of the whole 'job' discussion though because they're not related. People who work for the mafia as hitmen have 'jobs' but they don't really contribute anything to society lol. Stupid example but whatever it applies.
Bottom line, contributing to society has nothing to do with whether you have a job or not, it's more about your personal code of ethics and whether you're a selfish person or not.