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A Poker Life --Allen Kessler A Poker Life --Allen Kessler

10-17-2010 , 01:07 AM

Front-page story at

Sorry if already been posted
10-17-2010 , 01:30 AM
Matt Stout twitter.

Nancy Todd-Tyner tried 2 argue W Kessler about how much mincash is. Baddd idea, Nancy. He looks at that like most look at 1place.
10-17-2010 , 01:46 AM
When reading this article I couldn't help but think "wow what an ego he has" over and over
10-17-2010 , 01:54 AM
I can't continue reading the article after he says how ppl start to respect him after his accomplish in wsop 2010.. thank god i did not read the whole thing..
10-17-2010 , 02:09 AM
was a good read little sad he is hooked on slot machines though
10-17-2010 , 02:16 AM
"Long-time poker pro Allen Kessler never had the respect of his peers — but that all seemed to change after the 2010 World Series of Poker."

Nope. Well, it may have until this article came out. Man, those quotes are surreal. What a douche.

"Kessler’s older sister, who owns numerous businesses and is a multimillionaire"

So that explains it.
10-17-2010 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by LoveDonkey
I can't continue reading the article after he says how ppl start to respect him after his accomplish in wsop 2010.. thank god i did not read the whole thing..
The quotes were true. People ridiculed my game for years. This year I cash 9 times in the wsop and finally get respect from peers. Not sure why the teenagers who post on here have a problem with that. The response to the story among the players at day 2 bellagio was overwhemingly positive.
10-17-2010 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by AngerPush
When reading this article I couldn't help but think "wow what an ego he has" over and over
What ego? I told the reporter my nl game needed work, and that prior to this year had lost huge sums in tournament poker.
10-17-2010 , 03:50 AM
So... a long-time liveaments donator may not actually be a donator any more.

OK... that's nice, I guess.

I'm not gonna hate, but I do find myself not caring.
10-17-2010 , 03:51 AM
Haters can always find something to hate.
10-17-2010 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Haters gonna hate
10-17-2010 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by silkyjonson
10-17-2010 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Haters can always find something to hate.
This story will definitely get you laid.
Get numerous copies printed (and maybe laminated wink wink) for the ladeeeeeez.
One time I was in the local paper for unpaid fines - I got action for months on the back of it.
Keep up the good work.
10-17-2010 , 04:07 AM
Yeah, I thought it was a good interview and pretty informative. Not over the top, overly boring, etc. Good job Chainsaw.
10-17-2010 , 04:07 AM
lmao you grind video poker with the hopes of breaking even at it?
10-17-2010 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
The quotes were true. People ridiculed my game for years. This year I cash 9 times in the wsop and finally get respect from peers. Not sure why the teenagers who post on here have a problem with that. The response to the story among the players at day 2 bellagio was overwhemingly positive.
cash 9 times isn't da hard when u participate all the tourney.. how about try to win ONE?? I am sure u'll get MORE respect if u win instead of cashing 9 times.
10-17-2010 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
The quotes were true. People ridiculed my game for years. This year I cash 9 times in the wsop and finally get respect from peers. Not sure why the teenagers who post on here have a problem with that. The response to the story among the players at day 2 bellagio was overwhemingly positive.
I enjoyed the article. I don't know you nor have I ever had a bad opinion of you, or even givin it any thought to even having an opinion on you(except wondering why everyone below the age of 25 hates you), but dude your response to this smells of immaturity. Why even enter this thread? You know you have haters. Your just adding fuel to the fire. Part of the reason you have so many haters possibly?
10-17-2010 , 04:17 AM
GG chainsaw.

**** the haters. I wish I was 1/10th as accomplished as you.
10-17-2010 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by LoveDonkey
cash 9 times isn't da hard when u participate all the tourney.. how about try to win ONE?? I am sure u'll get MORE respect if u win instead of cashing 9 times.
I played around 20 events, mostly mixed games. Managed to get heads up for a bracelet, but couldn't close the deal.
10-17-2010 , 04:38 AM
All i can say is, i played with the chainsaw day 2 at the borgata in a 500 and he was cordial. I saw him get 2 outered and he didn't blink an eye. Although i will say several people came up to him while he wasn't in a hand and he had no problem talking with them loudly away from the table (maybe he just has a loud voice) while others were still in the hand. Not the worst crime imho. I didn't cash and i presume he did although i'm not sure. Anyway, congrats on the summer run and you deserve the press. Keep it up Chainsaw!!
10-17-2010 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
lmao you grind video poker with the hopes of breaking even at it?
If u break even at it you win.
10-17-2010 , 04:53 AM
Chainsaw I was wondering if you ever play the 8-game tables on pokerstars, and if you do how well have you done in them? Congrats on your success this year keep it up.
10-17-2010 , 04:56 AM
Allen, something I never understood is why you seem to be known as a tournament player. If you play extremely tight, don't you think you'd do much better in cash games?

In any case, congrats on your success in the WSOP this year.
10-17-2010 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
If u break even at it you win.
What I don't understand is how you have a reputation as a nit in hold 'em, but you play video poker in which you are guaranteed to lose. And if you break even at it, you still lose because you wasted your time with no hope of financial gain.

Good interview. I'm sure you will win a bracelet soon.
10-17-2010 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
If u break even at it you win.
I totally agree, for the same reason i bet 500 on red, and 500 on odd in roulette. It's essentially break even (minus the 0,00) but my avg. bet is 1000 a spin. Several hours of this and what the casino gives you makes up for the 0,00. 3 free nights sun-thurs and a seperate fri ,sat every week for a year at my fav casino more than makes up the 0,00. not to mention 5 dollar dinner buffets instead of 40 dollars. Totally +ev.
