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08-13-2008 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
And I consider you the single most dishonest person that I have ever met on the Internet. And that is going some.

We live 600 miles apart. Why should I know your uncle or anyone you know? You are the major hater I have ever read on here. Have you ever made a positive post, under any of your fake names?

You are the major single reason that I stopped posting this series here. When you write that you are going "to deal with me with Extreme Prejudice", I take that to mean you are a real nutcase.

You are not intelligent enough to realize that some people use a writing style.
I call BS. Nobody ever said anything about "dealing with you with extreme prejudice". What was said was, if you try to pass off some BS story as fact, I would attack that story with extreme prejudice. Now Mason was involved in that also Johnny Hughes and he knows what was said. You got me banned for all of one day until Mason got involved and got to the bottom of it.

Now understand this, just because I reside in Southeast Texas now doesn't mean that is the only part of Texas i have always lived in, nor does it mean it's where all my family and friends are. Now, you are the one that posted a story bout a robbery that was pulled off with machine guns, The story was so similar to a story Doyle has told for years, only Doyle told of shotguns used. You later changed your version to shotguns used. But of course you say your story is not the same robbery. Doyle's is a first hand account, and yours is a 3rd party story that lacked in facts. You weren't even at the robbery you wrote about. Call me whatever you want old man. There is dishonesty, but it's not coming from here.

As far as fake names go. I have used ony one other name on here and that was during that short unwarranted ban period a year and a half ago. There are no other names posting from this IP or any of the other two IPs I use. The mods can verify that. So tell some more BS, cause it's getting deep enough to break out chest waders. Of course if you were as knowledged in (what is it you call it? Oh yeah) "Barking Iron" LOL, as you claim to be. You would know that a 458 Lott is a big bore cartridge based off the .458 Winchester Magnum that was wildcatted by Jacques Lott. It just happens to a cartridge I am fond of that I hunted with in South Africa and Alaska. Thus the handle. Most use handles on forums. Except for you. You are marketing your writings, most aren't marketing anything and enjoy the privacy.

Kent Ruth (a writer and historian out of western Okla.) told me years ago that if you are going to write a story and lay it down as fact , then you better have the facts. If you can't corroborate what you are passing off as fact, then it is no better than a lie. Kent was well respected in his field and published several books and wrote for the paper in Oklahoma City. A.C. Becker out of Galveston held the same opinion and once told me something similar. A.C. wrote for the Galveston Daily News (The oldest newspaper in Texas btw) He was one of the most respected outdoor and sports writers in the U.S. He wasn't full of BS in other words.

I happen to think you are full of it, and if that makes me a nut, then so be it. I'd rather be a nut than a naive, gullible, pigeon. Again I ask you, why doesn't any of the old poker players that are living know who you are? Afterall, you were a part of Texas poker lore right? I don't think you'll answer that. Rather, I think you'll respond with an attack to circumvent that question. Or, not at all. And how can you know every dead poker player from Jack Strauss to Johnny Moss and never have met Doyle Brunson? Jesse Alto? Slim? Bobby? Anybody? There's got to be someone living that you played poker with in Texas.

Last edited by 458 Lott; 08-13-2008 at 03:16 AM.
08-13-2008 , 03:20 AM
I hold on to the long lasting principle of poker players being more honest and fair with each other as much or more so than any other profession. I guess that has to do with my own principles along with being a pro poker player but I expect that from my peers.
08-13-2008 , 04:12 AM
Oh, and writing style. Hemingway had writing style, Fitzgerald had writing style, Dinesen had writing style, Twain had writing style, the people at Marvel Comics have writing style, you have ........ well ......... let's just say you won't be outselling the J.C. Penney's catalog anytime soon.
08-13-2008 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
Oh, and writing style. Hemingway had writing style, Fitzgerald had writing style, Dinesen had writing style, Twain had writing style, the people at Marvel Comics have writing style, you have ........ well ......... let's just say you won't be outselling the J.C. Penney's catalog anytime soon.
He's not comparing himself to any of those writers, especially in terms of writing style. Actually, I'd be interested in knowing who Johny Hughes knows or knew in real life and if you can prove he's making sht up, I'd tip my hat.
08-13-2008 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by nutsflopper
He's not comparing himself to any of those writers, especially in terms of writing style. Actually, I'd be interested in knowing who Johny Hughes knows or knew in real life and if you can prove he's making sht up, I'd tip my hat.
The story he wrote involving machine guns that he had to change proved it. I don't have to corroborate his stories. He's the one writing as a "I was there historian". It's up to him to corroborate. And he can't. Why? Cause lhe writes about dead people and dead people only. Things no one can verify.

Last edited by 458 Lott; 08-13-2008 at 04:38 AM.
08-13-2008 , 05:00 AM
I did ask several people if they ever heard of him. Doyle Brunson and Slim were two that I asked. No one had. I know that Mason asked Ray Zee a year ago if he had. Ray Zee had not heard of him. I have some family up in the Lubbock area. One in particular plays high stakes poker, golf , and billiards. He's never heard of him. It just seems to me that a guy that knew Moss and Strauss and all those guys and played poker with them would have had to have met people like Slim and Doyle also. They all played the same games. Good lord, I sat with Hoyt Corkins and we talked for 40 minutes about the same people we both know in Houston the whole time and he's from Bama. Poker players know other poker players.

I get the feeling if Johnny Hughes was write he was the only surviving Texan from the Alamo. And threw in some slang he picked up somewhere, he'd get accolades to the point some fool would ask him about Davy Crockett and Hughes would tell how he played poker with him.

I did a little test of my own. I asked Hughes (being he was from Lubbock) if he ever met Buddy Holly. I asked him this a year ago in a PM. He replied back a few things about Holly but more or less claimed not to have known him, BUT, he did know Joe Ely and had been Ely's manager. Okay fine. Next thing I know I am reading on here how he played poker with Buddy Holly. I bit my tongue at the time. But I was satisfied then. You people believe what you want.

I'm not going to have some old fraud posting I am dishonest and take that crap. He's the one posting his stories are true. It's up to him to corroborate. Cause I can't. Can't even find anyone alive that has played poker with him.

Last edited by 458 Lott; 08-13-2008 at 05:19 AM.
08-13-2008 , 07:41 AM
I have written articles about playing poker with Buddy Holly. Lott always lies, always threatens. If I wrote him a PM saying I didn't, POST IT! He can't. He did write me PMs that were racist, badmouthing Hispanics in South Texas. He wrote me friendly PMs.
I have played a lot of poker with Amarillo Slim, and will bet Lott the Liar that I have a picture of Slim and I standing in front of the Million at Binion's in 1978. I met Doyle a couple of times, but I do not know him.

Niki Sullivan, one of the original Crickets, and his family lived with my family briefly, and were best friends. Holly and crew played a lot of poker. Two of the Crickets are alive. I managed Joe Ely at the time of his first three albums. If I was lying, there are tons of Texans that would know better.

I was at the Winter Blogger's Convention and played with 2,5 Hold 'em. with Dr. Pauly, Iggy, Change100, Derek, Mary, Falstaff, Al Can't Hang, Rooster, Mary, Pablo, and many others. I was a lousy 20th in their tourney. They wrote about it on their blogs, which you can find with a search.

Any thread I start has to become about Lott the Liar or whatever name he posts under on varied sites. When this started, he wrote that he was "going to deal with him with Extreme Prejudice." Search that term. It is a death threat. I get all the part about guns, your name a bullet, you the big gun guy. I notice you bring up guns when you talk about me.

Lott says he means Extreme Prejudice as a military term. This is a quote from Wiki, look it up:

Terminate with extreme prejudice is a euphemism (playing on the western expression "termination with prejudice" of an employment contract) used by Bernard Conners in his 1972 novel Don't Embarrass the Bureau[1]. In a military context it is generally understood as an order to assassinate.

Last edited by Johnny Hughes; 08-13-2008 at 08:04 AM. Reason: ADD THE PART ABOUT KILLING ME!
08-13-2008 , 07:53 AM
Lott is lying about his Lubbock uncle. I will challenge your uncle to play me $1000 worth of heads up Hold em today.
08-13-2008 , 08:27 AM
As for some of the other people on TwoPlusTwo, not you Lott, but some of these unimportant, regular people, I have been writing a longish post about Poker, Outlaw Culture, the Shop, and Binion's. It talks about the early days, for me, of Hold 'em and how different it was. However, if I do post it, then it becomes just another thread about Lott and me being a liar. There is no incentive.

I only wrote a couple of paragraphs about Buddy Holly. We played 15 cent limit one time in high school. Later, we played 50 cent limit and I wanted to play higher. If I was lying, it would be far more interesting.

Last edited by Johnny Hughes; 08-13-2008 at 08:43 AM.
08-13-2008 , 08:50 AM
That's my biggest struggle with playing poker- I don't like most poker players.
08-13-2008 , 09:06 AM

Just keep posting stories, since i love the oldschool times, and i am sure many more!

If somebody knowsmore of these types of stories, please send me link.

Johnny, nice work. Please MODS keep the topics ONTOPIC.
08-13-2008 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
I have written articles about playing poker with Buddy Holly. Lott always lies, always threatens. If I wrote him a PM saying I didn't, POST IT! He can't. He did write me PMs that were racist, badmouthing Hispanics in South Texas. He wrote me friendly PMs.
I have played a lot of poker with Amarillo Slim, and will bet Lott the Liar that I have a picture of Slim and I standing in front of the Million at Binion's in 1978. I met Doyle a couple of times, but I do not know him.

Niki Sullivan, one of the original Crickets, and his family lived with my family briefly, and were best friends. Holly and crew played a lot of poker. Two of the Crickets are alive. I managed Joe Ely at the time of his first three albums. If I was lying, there are tons of Texans that would know better.

I was at the Winter Blogger's Convention and played with 2,5 Hold 'em. with Dr. Pauly, Iggy, Change100, Derek, Mary, Falstaff, Al Can't Hang, Rooster, Mary, Pablo, and many others. I was a lousy 20th in their tourney. They wrote about it on their blogs, which you can find with a search.

Any thread I start has to become about Lott the Liar or whatever name he posts under on varied sites. When this started, he wrote that he was "going to deal with him with Extreme Prejudice." Search that term. It is a death threat. I get all the part about guns, your name a bullet, you the big gun guy. I notice you bring up guns when you talk about me.

Lott says he means Extreme Prejudice as a military term. This is a quote from Wiki, look it up:

Terminate with extreme prejudice is a euphemism (playing on the western expression "termination with prejudice" of an employment contract) used by Bernard Conners in his 1972 novel Don't Embarrass the Bureau[1]. In a military context it is generally understood as an order to assassinate.

You are a total idiot. There has no one threatened you. Here we go again. Twist it around Johnny Hughes. You have called me dishonest, now a racist. The handle I use according to you is some secret message. LOL Geez old man, you are delusional. Johnny Hughes says I am racist against Hispanics. Johnny Hughes I am hispanic. LOL But, you knew that from the PMs and you wanted me to state that on here. I guess you feel that me being half mexican somehow will discredit me. Johnny Hughes quotes from Wiki. Wiki is user generated and not Meriam-Webster. It means "without mercy" Hughes, that is what it means. What you looked up has another word added to it. You have the word terminate in there, giving it a whole nother meaning. Spin it you idiot. Hughes knows every dead guy that ever played poker in Texas. Johnny Hughes the "Dead Man's Friend" LOL

Tell us again about the great poker robbery with the machine guns. LOL Oh, and if you want to play some heads up poker. I'll play. It can be arranged.

Last edited by 458 Lott; 08-13-2008 at 11:07 AM.
08-13-2008 , 10:27 PM
Johnny, I hope that you and I cross paths someday. I'd just like to shake your hand, and say hello.

As for the haters, it's 9-5 that most of them still wet the bed.
08-14-2008 , 02:02 AM
Really good stuff.
08-14-2008 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
I did ask several people if they ever heard of him. Doyle Brunson and Slim were two that I asked. No one had. I know that Mason asked Ray Zee a year ago if he had. Ray Zee had not heard of him. I have some family up in the Lubbock area. One in particular plays high stakes poker, golf , and billiards. He's never heard of him. It just seems to me that a guy that knew Moss and Strauss and all those guys and played poker with them would have had to have met people like Slim and Doyle also. They all played the same games. Good lord, I sat with Hoyt Corkins and we talked for 40 minutes about the same people we both know in Houston the whole time and he's from Bama. Poker players know other poker players.

I get the feeling if Johnny Hughes was write he was the only surviving Texan from the Alamo. And threw in some slang he picked up somewhere, he'd get accolades to the point some fool would ask him about Davy Crockett and Hughes would tell how he played poker with him.

I did a little test of my own. I asked Hughes (being he was from Lubbock) if he ever met Buddy Holly. I asked him this a year ago in a PM. He replied back a few things about Holly but more or less claimed not to have known him, BUT, he did know Joe Ely and had been Ely's manager. Okay fine. Next thing I know I am reading on here how he played poker with Buddy Holly. I bit my tongue at the time. But I was satisfied then. You people believe what you want.

I'm not going to have some old fraud posting I am dishonest and take that crap. He's the one posting his stories are true. It's up to him to corroborate. Cause I can't. Can't even find anyone alive that has played poker with him.

I've played poker with Johnny. I can tell you the stories about Dorman "Iron Drawers" Shaw, was true. I am the cop that responded to Dorman Shaw's murder. He was murdered for his poker roll. I spoke to other people about other stories that Johnny has told. I have not found anything incorrect or less than factual in any stories of which I have knowledge.
08-14-2008 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
The story he wrote involving machine guns that he had to change proved it. I don't have to corroborate his stories. He's the one writing as a "I was there historian". It's up to him to corroborate. And he can't. Why? Cause lhe writes about dead people and dead people only. Things no one can verify.

I can, and I know other's that can also.
08-14-2008 , 12:33 PM
Thanks, Dubblebubble. When two police officers pulled up to the guy who killed Iron Drawers Shaw, the killer pulled Barking Iron, and Dubblebubble's partner shot him.

I love the term barking iron, because it really, really upsets cyber-stalker Lott457. It is an old slang term, really old, that triggers Lott's problems and he goes on varied web sites all outraged. He has been on a personal crusade to prove me a liar for a year and a half or more.

He throws in the threat of dealing with me with extreme prejudice, which he did again in the CornellFiji thread, when I had hoped it was forgotten. A search of this says it means murder, assassinate, kill, and it does not have any other meaning. There was even a movie made of that title.

Lott is probably right about one thing. When I wrote about a robbery which happened about 1959, I incorrectly wrote that the robbers used machine guns and tear gas. I asked the son of the guy who told me that, and he said it was shot guns and tear gas. It has nothing to do with Lott's friend Doyle. So, Lott, you did catch me in an error, and I am sure there are others. Some of the stories I tell were told to me by others, and there is bound to be a detail or two that Lott won't like.

Lott went to the World Series and asked several big players like Hoyt Corkins and Doyle if they knew me. Why should they? Does it prove some giant theory?

Lott, you would be better off in a mental health way, if you would just leave me alone.

Lott, I'll have to make a deal with you I don't really want to.
If you will forget me and leave me alone, I will not put any more old gambler stories on TwoPlusTwo? I feel I have to do that. If you don't agree to leave me alone, I am going to write barking iron, barking iron, barking iron, barking iron in every story. After it upset you so greatly, I managed a way to slip it in many writings and conversations. Do you think it might make a good road name, Barking Iron Hughes.

Johnny Hughes

Last edited by Johnny Hughes; 08-14-2008 at 12:52 PM.
08-14-2008 , 06:46 PM
That was the first story I read from you Hughes and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope to hear more, and will be searching for some already posted. Thanks
08-14-2008 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
Thanks, Dubblebubble. When two police officers pulled up to the guy who killed Iron Drawers Shaw, the killer pulled Barking Iron, and Dubblebubble's partner shot him.

I love the term barking iron, because it really, really upsets cyber-stalker Lott457. It is an old slang term, really old, that triggers Lott's problems and he goes on varied web sites all outraged. He has been on a personal crusade to prove me a liar for a year and a half or more.

He throws in the threat of dealing with me with extreme prejudice, which he did again in the CornellFiji thread, when I had hoped it was forgotten. A search of this says it means murder, assassinate, kill, and it does not have any other meaning. There was even a movie made of that title.

Lott is probably right about one thing. When I wrote about a robbery which happened about 1959, I incorrectly wrote that the robbers used machine guns and tear gas. I asked the son of the guy who told me that, and he said it was shot guns and tear gas. It has nothing to do with Lott's friend Doyle. So, Lott, you did catch me in an error, and I am sure there are others. Some of the stories I tell were told to me by others, and there is bound to be a detail or two that Lott won't like.

Lott went to the World Series and asked several big players like Hoyt Corkins and Doyle if they knew me. Why should they? Does it prove some giant theory?

Lott, you would be better off in a mental health way, if you would just leave me alone.

Lott, I'll have to make a deal with you I don't really want to.
If you will forget me and leave me alone, I will not put any more old gambler stories on TwoPlusTwo? I feel I have to do that. If you don't agree to leave me alone, I am going to write barking iron, barking iron, barking iron, barking iron in every story. After it upset you so greatly, I managed a way to slip it in many writings and conversations. Do you think it might make a good road name, Barking Iron Hughes.

Johnny Hughes
Barking Iron Hughes, I never threatened you. After the machine gun story that time, I did say If I thought your stories were BS I'd attack the story with exteme prejudice. I never said anything about attacking or dealing with Barking Iron Hughes in any way. If you knew me, you'd know I'd never do something like that. Hughes, say you got an editor, and he was to say your story sucked and that he was gonna kill it, would you jump up and yell death threat? Am not trying to keep you from posting your stories. Just lay off the extreme prejudice ordeal. It was a bad choice of words on my part, and I apologized and explained that to you over a year ago. Post away, this is the only thread of yours I have replied in a long time. Am not the hater you think I am. This is a free country, you have the right to post what you want. I have the right to disagree.

As far as the post in the other thread, I made a reference to the incident a year ago. You make it sound like I threatened you. Which once again is not the case. I believe you said you were pulling for CF because he was an "underdog". I see him as a thief. But, that's my opinion. This shouldn't have even got stirred up again. I quit. Am all argued out. It's like waving your hands at a mule wearing blinders.

P.S. That was not a threat against you, your mule, or your underdog. So don't even go there.

Last edited by 458 Lott; 08-14-2008 at 10:02 PM.
08-15-2008 , 05:45 AM
You wrote that you were going to DEAL WITH HIM WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE, nothing about dealing with my story. You appointed your overly self-important self to decide what should be written or what you would believe. Have you read any of the other comments on here?

Anyway, we are boring these folks.

Best of luck to you. It is neat that your screen name is named after barking iron.

Last edited by Johnny Hughes; 08-15-2008 at 06:00 AM.
08-15-2008 , 06:38 AM
I live in Alaska Lott and I have never seen you. I was a fishing guide for 10 years on 3 different rivers and got to know lots of guides both fishing and hunting and I doubt we know ANY of the same people. Therefore you are a liar. You never hunted in Alaska you most lyingest liar ever!

Isn't logic fun!
08-15-2008 , 08:18 AM
You're both ****ing morons.
08-15-2008 , 08:31 AM
There's some people taking this **** far too seriously here. Lighten up, go outside, breathe some fresh air, they're stories - nothing more, nothing less.
08-15-2008 , 08:45 AM
Very enjoyable post, keep up the good work.
08-15-2008 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
You're both ****ing morons.
lol! nice!
