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Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids)

01-07-2023 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
they got bigger. noticeably bigger.

raver on the mic is the worst part about mondays. dude is just terrible.
I don't mind Raver Poker's commentary, I think all of HCL's commentators are very good, so an 8.5 or 9 out of 10. DGAF I rate as 9.5 and Bart Hanson 10.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-07-2023 , 09:36 AM
Dumbbell flyes and bench presses increase breast size for women.

Dara O'Kearney probably paid for Poker Bunny's gym membership and personal fitness coach.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-07-2023 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
Boy those sweater bunnies… seem to have grown the last 9 months
Gotta slow down her running speed, right?
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-07-2023 , 10:57 PM
Maybe it's the audible "go" as the video start, but that reminds me of something a kidnapper would send to his captor's parents.

Also, agree 100 percent with both of PokerPlayingDunces' above two posts.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-09-2023 , 09:19 PM
Bunny currently live on Hustler's max pain monday game. Probably the by very far strongest player at that table lol. Kinda funny
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-09-2023 , 09:23 PM
Cold calling 44 OOP vs a 3b, very strong.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-09-2023 , 09:40 PM
This is the kind of game you could put your entire roll on the line to play in, and be okay with the risk.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-09-2023 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by natefive
Cold calling 44 OOP vs a 3b, very strong.
we need more info

could be a fine play depending on stack sizes
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-09-2023 , 11:49 PM
Nice punt by DK

800 to call pre, and he just rips in 8k with AQo and loses to Batman's AA
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 12:45 AM
She’s pregnant, don’t think she got a boob job.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
This is the kind of game you could put your entire roll on the line to play in, and be okay with the risk.
Every single Hustler game that doesn't include Garrett or special guests like Dwan/Torelli etc

These games are unicorns, they don't exist in the real world. 5-6 whales who know they have to "put on a show" drive VPIP up, etc.

You'd put your whole roll on any Hustler stream
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar

could be a fine play depending on stack sizes
Pretty damn unlikely. Get too deep and it actually becomes a significantly worse play.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 08:33 AM
Bunny loses a little over $4k and has one of the lowest VPIPs at the table.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Pretty damn unlikely. Get too deep and it actually becomes a significantly worse play.
depends on a a few factors. stack sizes and, more importantly when very deep, having a good grasp on your opponent
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by ipuntstacks
She’s pregnant, don’t think she got a boob job.
I hope not. She was off the wall crazy like 6 months ago. But maybe she’s totally changed?
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
I hope not. She was off the wall crazy like 6 months ago. But maybe she’s totally changed?
Well, compared to months ago, it was night and day the way she looked good yesterday and yes, she did say on stream that she is 6 months pregnant.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by ipuntstacks
She’s pregnant, don’t think she got a boob job.
How is babby formed?
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by ipuntstacks
She’s pregnant, don’t think she got a boob job.
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
she did say on stream that she is 6 months pregnant.
Congrats to PB and the 'lucky' guy.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by SurpriseBetsX
How is babby formed?
Side effect of turning tricks.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by SurpriseBetsX
How is babby formed?
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-10-2023 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by BrickMMA
Side effect of turning tricks.
jesus bro.

That is someones BM what if he wasnt a trick just a simp? Hed be right to be on your head rn

The implication being what you are saying about their daughter/son..... not her.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-12-2023 , 01:41 PM
I know I'm gonna get heat for this but...would anyone care if this was some random dude and not an attractive woman?

Also what's wrong with women getting surgery to make certain things bigger? It's like dudes going to the gym to make certain things bigger.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-12-2023 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by LordRiverRat
I know I'm gonna get heat for this but...would anyone care if this was some random dude and not an attractive woman?

Also what's wrong with women getting surgery to make certain things bigger? It's like dudes going to the gym to make certain things bigger.
Yea it's not like that at all. I prefer all natural but I don't judge too much.

But you are certainly taking something away from the men OR women who WORK in the gym for what they want and it's also a display of discipline. Kind of a weird false equivalence can only imagine the other stuff you think is identical.

Men make fun of other men that get BBL's (they are real) and tummy tucks too.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-12-2023 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by LordRiverRat
I know I'm gonna get heat for this but...would anyone care if this was some random dude and not an attractive woman?
I mean, a pretty woman will usually draw more attention/clicks/pairs of eyes, but is Poker Bunny that attractive, really!?! She does look way better now, as she seems to have her shyt more together, but she is just above average in my book and I know (most) male poker players don't have high standards when it comes to women, but I mean come on!!! So nope I strongly disagree with you and asses that it was her table antics, dress code and mostly, her mentally instability that drew attention, much like Schwartz got spoken of back a few years back :

Disclaimer :
it was not because of his looks!!!

Last edited by Dubnjoy000; 01-12-2023 at 03:32 PM.
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
01-12-2023 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces

Don't get me wrong, Poker Bunny looks very nice now, but I think she looked nicer before having the surgeries.

This is obviously a difficult topic in the field of psychology and is something, if it isn't already, that should be included as a subject/topic in the school curriculum.

Clearly there are many cases where surgery is making a clear improvement, so not just to the 20% shallow men group, to a woman's looks, and improving the
way that the person feels about themselves and their own self-confidence, but I am talking about when the person's looks are already good/normal/attractive/natural.
I have no doubts she reads this thread and that the regular "but her tits aren't even that nice/big" comments that found their way here regularly influenced the decision

not saying she wouldn't have otherwise nor that she only heard it here, but a lot of women (especially those who lean on their looks) will be way too concerned about how pointy their elbows are because it's tough to be objective when you constantly hear people talking about your body

once dated an asian girl and other asian women would often ask her if she'd had eyelid surgery (which is pretty popular for them) because she had the desired look which isn't very common for them naturally - much like if you were good friends with a skinny woman with a perky rack you may ask her if they were real - she was so upset by people thinking that she'd had eyelid surgery that she in fact got eyelid surgery to tone down her natural look a little bit just enough so people would stop thinking she'd surgery - oh the irony

she still had the "after" look as before, couldn't tell the difference, would even hold up photos of her from before and legit couldn't see any difference whatsoever once the swelling went down, but it had the intended result where she was no longer worried about what people thought about her eyes
Poker Bunny: Krazy and Disturbing Interview (NSFW and Kids) Quote
