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04-13-2011 , 09:56 AM
the daily mail exists to keep ignorant morons tiny brains ticking around in circles
04-13-2011 , 11:11 AM
never keep 1m in the bank available to you at all times if you are a degen, invest it the way that you get small returns every three months or so and play with that

04-13-2011 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Bruuuce
Daily Fail + ungrateful gold digger = l o l

nurse hanging out in upmarket bar = gold digger obv
04-13-2011 , 01:13 PM
His wife leaving him because he lost all of his money that he is so scumbag it's ridic. The spin that the daily mail throws on it about how online poker is the bad guy makes me sick, and we're supposed to feel sorry for this lady because she is now living in a house that isn't super nice after hardly working a day in her life. In reading this article and seeing the reactions on the daily mail website to the article can only solidify the daily mail being a piece of ****, and the bottom feeders who would react with any feelings that the "author" of this article intended for you to have for this woman are clearly the kind of people who will never be able to contribute anything to society besides counting the money that was given to them and generally making life less desirable for anyone who is not a sack.
04-13-2011 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Flash Dancers
I'm from the US so I don't know much about this paper, but am very curious if you could give some examples of how the paper is racists?
The following example is homophobia rather than racism but it gives a good indication of what the paper is about. The original article was pulled soon after publication so you can't read the whole thing now
04-13-2011 , 04:23 PM
so you married a compulsive gambler who lost all your money..big ****ing deal, happens all the time, wifey cant blame anybody but herself...most people can gamble responsibly just like most people can drink responsibly for a lifetime with no serious ill-results, a certain percentage of the population are addicts and everybody knows this...they are not closing down any liquor stores just like they shouldnt close down any online gambling venues - once the govt starts getting their fair share of gambling income we'll be all good
04-13-2011 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Bonified
There's a good one in Nick Davies' "Flat Earth News", which has an entire chapter devoted to the Mail. I quote directly :

"They phoned me [a Mail reporter] early one morning and asked me to drive about 300 miles to covera murder. It was a woman and two children who'd been killed. I got about an hour and a half into the journey, and the news desk called me on my mobile and said 'Come back'. I said, "Why's that?". They said 'they're black'"

This being just one example given of how the Mail wanted to run positive or sympathetic stores about someone only to pull them when they found the people in question were black.
to be fair, this kind of thing is not that unique to the mail. Lots of different media ( newspapers, tv etc.) make these kinds of distinctions but just don't speak openly about them. a missing 6 year-old white girl fromm the suburbs gets a lot more press and airtime than a 6 year old black girl from the ghetto. ofcourse this also reflects the viewing audience as the media is not necessarily doing it to be racist, but rather they know what sells. no matter what you may think of it. i'm sure that partticular paper may be crap, although i wouldn't know personally.
04-13-2011 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by stevdoro
never keep 1m in the bank available to you at all times if you are a degen, invest it the way that you get small returns every three months or so and play with that

ok, and after you have gambled away this small return within the first week, what are you going to pay the rest of your expenses with?
04-13-2011 , 11:48 PM
Wife didn't even split w/ him after he'd dumped $1m, gave him a second chance...Amusing how everyone's so quick to bash the Daily Mail for being right wing, yet are all so chauvinistic when slating the wife.
04-14-2011 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by pofigistka
Wife didn't even split w/ him after he'd dumped $1m, gave him a second chance...Amusing how everyone's so quick to bash the Daily Mail for being right wing, yet are all so chauvinistic when slating the wife.
yes, she did stay with him and he had relapse for 1000 dollars. however, this was before he ever went into treatment for his gambling. seems to me if you love eachother that you should exhaust all possibilities( but atleast one stretch of rehab/treatment) before calling it quits.
if your wife is an alcoholic do you tell her to stop and then if she has a relapse leave her? or would you be willing to give her a chance at going to treatment first?
04-14-2011 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by pofigistka
Wife didn't even split w/ him after he'd dumped $1m, gave him a second chance...Amusing how everyone's so quick to bash the Daily Mail for being right wing, yet are all so chauvinistic when slating the wife.
I don't mind that it's right wing so much, it's just incredibly anti intellectual in every capacity. It's a terrible terrible publication. It makes The Sun look modest.
04-14-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by rje8686
Should of stopped reading after 'Daily Mail'... this is the paper that seems to publish stories every other week about certain types of foods giving you cancer.
Originally Posted by davmcg
To be fair, they also publish stories about the same foods preventing cancer.
This is the Daily Mail's attempt to keep their rage balanced......
04-14-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by stevi3p
This is the Daily Mail's attempt to keep their rage balanced......
wp, wp.
04-14-2011 , 05:05 PM
i come from a Christian, conservative, daily (hate)mail reading family.

so at the first opportunity, my mother jumped at the chance to tell me about the article.
04-14-2011 , 05:45 PM
what a gold digger whore, he's better off without her
04-14-2011 , 06:42 PM
Tony watched every minute of Rounders and was ready to test out what he learned. He whispered to his wife the GOLDEN RULE.

In truth, Tony was the idiot at the table — and had been for a long time.... to be continued.
