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Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread)

02-04-2020 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by yasuo
They say HUPLO has huge swings but Phil is just getting straight up smashed jeez...
40.44 BB/100
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 03:01 AM
over/under Gandalf drops 1.5m to VVV?
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 04:18 AM
is there a stoploss in the VV match?
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 04:32 AM
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by BEANO52
The single win for Galfond was day 2 for . . . €2,615.26

"We've been running bad"


Starting to sound like your avg badreg complaining about runs when he should be down even more.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:50 AM
Galfond will turn this around!!
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
is there a stoploss in the VV match?
No, but either player can choose to stop whenever and pay the other player the sidebet. So if he wanted to, Phil could choose to stop the first challenge now.

However, as you can read from his Twitter from a couple of days ago, he chooses to play on in the hopes that he can adapt and at least break even for the rest of the match (for a total loss of 400K + 200K at the time of writing his Twitter-post)
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 10:05 AM
Tough spot for Phil. Pulling out is probably the best option, but looks bad, especially in his first challenge. Keep playing and losing a bunch more money, also not great. His only Hail Mary play is to keep playing and hope the deck hits him very hard.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 10:10 AM
Galfond is obviously a nice guy, but also very stubborn and resistant to advice, as he is so independent minded and sure he is right and better informed than others. This mindset can be very expensive!
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 12:34 PM
Stapes painful to listen to after having some excellent commentators on recently.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 12:34 PM
wow #prayforphil is trending on twitter
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Stapes painful to listen to after having some excellent commentators on recently.
He should stay with the ept for sure. God knows why was he hired to do this. The man knows absolutely nothing about plo and there really is no need for the "flop is 954 two hearts".
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 12:45 PM
Any info on Rio poker traffic since the challenge started? Is there some increase?
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Esa_Perse
He should stay with the ept for sure. God knows why was he hired to do this. The man knows absolutely nothing about plo and there really is no need for the "flop is 954 two hearts".
Stapes is awesome. WPT didn't make poker for the masses successful back in the day by having 2 autists in the booth, providing content for like-minded autists.

Stapes + poker accomplished sidekick is a great combo.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 12:59 PM
I think Stapes is awesome when he has a script and/or his audience is of a recreational nature. He just keeps randomly blurting stuff out today over the top of the other dude.

I'm not a PLO guy but I'm officially throwing my hat into the ring to host the next challenge.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
I think Stapes is awesome when he has a script and/or his audience is of a recreational nature. He just keeps randomly blurting stuff out today over the top of the other dude.

I'm not a PLO guy but I'm officially throwing my hat into the ring to host the next challenge.

In b4 Americans can’t understand your accent.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Esa_Perse
He should stay with the ept for sure. God knows why was he hired to do this. The man knows absolutely nothing about plo and there really is no need for the "flop is 954 two hearts".
i mean i really dont have an opinion one way or the other on joe stapleton but he was trolling with the suit stuff, and it's mildly amusing to see your reaction here

it's probably best for the game and the general viewership tho to keep the nerdy pio strat discussions the **** out of the commentary booth
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
Any info on Rio poker traffic since the challenge started? Is there some increase?
From a couple of days ago. He seems happy with it, or just putting on a brave face.

Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
i mean i really dont have an opinion one way or the other on joe stapleton but he was trolling with the suit stuff, and it's mildly amusing to see your reaction here

it's probably best for the game and the general viewership tho to keep the nerdy pio strat discussions the **** out of the commentary booth
Especially since the goal is to have recs start playing on RIO Poker. Don't want to make the game seem overwhelming to them.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:24 PM
It's hard for stapes to have anything relevant to say besides the random one liners when he can't see the hole cards, cause he can't even ask the pro anything for analysis
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:27 PM
The biggest overall loser in this challenge is ActionFreak so far.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by ezdonkey
Stapes is awesome. WPT didn't make poker for the masses successful back in the day by having 2 autists in the booth, providing content for like-minded autists.

Stapes + poker accomplished sidekick is a great combo.
You and other stapes fans honestly believe having stapes in the booth is bringing more recs to the games like it did when the boom happened? Stapes is a funny guy and does good job with epts but this just isn't place for him.

Last edited by KossuKukkula; 02-04-2020 at 01:38 PM. Reason: luuserihomot fanittaa steipsiä
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 03:19 PM
Without stapes jokes the stream would be borderline unwatchable for the AVERAGE viewer
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by b1ochemical
over/under Gandalf drops 1.5m to VVV?
I actually thought he'd be down about €1M this week. His losses seem to be slowing down a bit. Under sounds a good bet if the odds are generous.
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
02-04-2020 , 04:36 PM
at this rate its a certainty. Veni is so solid. So impressive to see him crush PG like this
Phil Galfond offers HU battle to anyone at 0/0 PLO (general thread) Quote
