Well, Daniel is in 3rd now with 800k, after this one.
Our access to the featured table is very limited, so the details for this hand are unfortunately sparse.
What we do know is that Daniel Negreanu got it all in for 360,000 on the turn of a board that looked from afar to read {9-} {8-} {7-} {5-}. Chance Kornuth had Kid Poker just barely covered, and he looked Negreanu up with {6-Spades} {9-Spades}. Negreanu's {10-Spades} {J-Clubs} was the stone-cold nuts, though, and Kornuth was drawing dead to the river {Q-}.
Negreanu has found his big double, moving up into the mix of the chip leaders with about 800,000. Kornuth, on the other hand, is left with just 5,000 lonely chips with which to try and mount a comeback.
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