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Ozzy_87 Ozzy_87

01-25-2008 , 01:27 AM
lol, i hope he didnt mention his nick for a few reasons
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by lisac48
has nevada changed the no tolerance drug laws from years back?

i know there was a time when he could get at least a year for these charges.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by defineluck
geeez funny how the FBI confirmed he was an online player ! ... makes you wonder what they are watching !
yeah, the fbi must have some sort of super advanced google technology to find that out.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
The incident happened in Arizona.
oh, i was just making you guys think i was pondering about arizona but what i was really thinking about was vegas and the ****ing mirage. yeah, i dont think you have the spades. i got 30k here, i'm all in.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by lisac48
yeah, the fbi must have some sort of super advanced google technology to find that out.
Thankyou for the lol.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 02:22 AM
I overhead him at PCA tell and older man who was just greeting him that he's been playing on Eurolinx. Stating "that's where all the good games are."
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 02:41 AM
i dont understand why people travel with drugs on them, just seems stupid
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 02:48 AM
......or that much cash.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by iLimpReraise
it was just weed, not a big deal
In Texas it's a big friggin deal.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-25-2008 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by MasterLJ
In Texas it's a big friggin deal.
Thats why texas sucks. Minnesota likes weed
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by defineluck
geeez funny how the FBI confirmed he was an online player ! ... makes you wonder what they are watching !
Big Brother is allways watching...
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 09:46 AM
FBI probably think Poker funds terrorism now.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 10:58 AM
I hope he did well on Eurolinx last year because he was one of the biggest losers on Full Tilt. Ozzy87 and SheFalls lost a combined total of somewhere around 1.2 million.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by MasterLJ
In Texas it's a big friggin deal.
Texas is full of idiots, I base this on no real data at all but on just 1 name

George W. Bush
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 01:08 PM
I've had the misfortune of playing live tournaments with Ozzy a couple of times. Most recently we played at WPT Barcelona. I must say he has an element about him that could make him, eventually, one of the most dangerous tournament players in the world.

Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by gordo16
he was at my day 1 PCA table; seemed like a pretty solid player but then he tilted a bit, shoved A2 against AA, sucked out, and then the day ended shortly after and I didn't really see him after...
he did have the most blingin' watch I've ever seen though... damn thing literally blinded me a few times when it caught the ceiling lights just the right way..

ahhh this hand was against me. hyachachacha
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by LAsFabJesus
Big Brother is allways watching...
they prob just monitor all arabic sounding names.. and also monitor all transacations over |$10 000?
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by ShannonShorr
I've had the misfortune of playing live tournaments with Ozzy a couple of times. Most recently we played at WPT Barcelona. I must say he has an element about him that could make him, eventually, one of the most dangerous tournament players in the world.

You crack me up Shannon. Don't take this the wrong way but you always are saying things like so and so 'is the most underrated player in the world'. 'so and so is top 5 best live game players no on has heard of' lol, etc... I've read this from you numerous times Im a fan of your blog and everything, just lol to hear someone of your age/expieriences make such big statements. Don't get me wrong im sure you are a very good player, but still LOL.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 05:19 PM
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 07:01 PM
i met him at tstone playin the 5/T nl game. empire2000 was there as well. when he walked up to the cashiers cage and pulled out 10g's the whole room came to a stop. he was pretty quiet, but could definitely pound red bull like no other. seemed like a chill guy.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-26-2008 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by the_casino_kid
i dont understand why people travel with drugs on them, just seems stupid
it's a long drive from vegas to texas. you have to pass the time somehow. now consenting to a search of your car that you know has drugs in it. that's a different story.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-27-2008 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Annulus
You crack me up Shannon. Don't take this the wrong way but you always are saying things like so and so 'is the most underrated player in the world'. 'so and so is top 5 best live game players no on has heard of' lol, etc... I've read this from you numerous times Im a fan of your blog and everything, just lol to hear someone of your age/expieriences make such big statements. Don't get me wrong im sure you are a very good player, but still LOL.
Without coming off as an ass:

a) I could start dissing all my peers instead of complimenting them since that's what this sketchy business of poker thrives on

b) The amount of time I've spent on the live tournament circuit over the last 24 months is rivaled only by JC Tran, Nam Le, David Pham and (maybe) Gavin Smith, so I am as qualified as anyone to give my input on current, active guys' live tournament play IMO. This is a pub. forum, too, yes?

I usually avoid dic,k measuring contests, but I've had like 14 drinks.

Still love,

Last edited by ShannonShorr; 01-27-2008 at 12:50 AM.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-27-2008 , 12:58 AM
I Have met and talked to him at turning stone/pca, hes a real chill guy, and a sick poker player, Its widely known that he has been playing online including on stars on a shared account.
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-27-2008 , 10:19 AM
ozzy is a punk and deserved whatever trouble he got into
Ozzy_87 Quote
01-27-2008 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by lisac48
has nevada changed the no tolerance drug laws from years back?
i think its a misdemeanor and fine for anyting under 2oz
Ozzy_87 Quote
