Originally Posted by SchererBoy
Steve Wong, he final tabled that WPT event, and how he plays 1c/2c on FT.
He's now playing 2c/5c.
Moved up from 1c/2c/60c cap to 1c/2c/2.00 max to 2c/5c/5.00 max.
He's a red pro @ Tilt, they've given him his own table for these...
always a huge wait list @ his table.
If he's getting ANY kind of hourly wage on top of the rakeback,
I'm sure he's doing OK.
Q:[and no1's ever been able 2 answer this]
Lying Dutchman, used to pwn the 10/20/2k max PLO @ Party in the old days
[i mean OLD, 10/20 was the max back then]... was he Rolf Slotboom?