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Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker

01-06-2015 , 10:01 PM
I work in an office. I'm not sure if it explicitly states that I must wear pants but most people do.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-06-2015 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Well, the OP started by comparing poker to several jobs that you aren't going to be offered either, so I'm not really seeing the issue with people comparing other jobs.

Not sure why there's so much concern ITT about the relevance of other people's experiences.
I have a degree in accounting and finance I wanted to go into management accounting, so that covers some of the area mentioned in op.

after applying numerous times and numerous interviews nothing. all i can get in terms of work is lousy call center work which is high pressure min wage low status a lot of bullying and no job security.

no job security may be misleading since so many of these places use mud at the wall tactics, and there are so many call centres that you could go a life time of never running out of a place to work when fired move to the next one etc but its not really nice.

they will take anyone its just mud at wall till it sticks rotating doors fire if not hit target etc. there job interviews are essentially just a quick check to make sure you have hygiene standards that are equal to or better then 16th century London, and have a sanity level that does not pose an immediate risk to the mortality rates of other staff. when people say they cant find work and would take any job they can get i can imediately point to several offices that will sign you up yesterday likely youll last a month or two and be sacked etc.

moving round the circuit of call centres i bump into other autistic rejects of society who no one would ever want to give a break to because were nice to be kept as pets and patronised but heaven forbid we out do you? conversations usually go along the lines i remember you from office X your the guy that said superman can beat Goku no way in hell can superman beat Goku, Goku would beat superman without even needing to go to super sayan 3... are you kidding superman moved the sun goku could only lift etc etc you get the idea.

so how long were you at office X for oh i got fired 2 weeks after you how you finding this place? its a job i guess i just dont talk to anyone and you shouldnt either cause its easier that way.

i wouldnt rely on poker as a sole source of income, its to reckless in the current climate not that id be missing anything from call center work etc but the theory is if i have two years working at a call center on my cv its more likely to get me somewhere then 2 years playing poker.

However the dream however realistic or not is to make enough money when im able to play poker to never have to work again.

but meh if i could choose for a career i choose online poker.

and fyi Goku could easily kick supermans butt
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-06-2015 , 10:21 PM
Sorry to hear things are so bad for you.

Sometimes when i get annoyed at work I remember back when i was in a position like you are in and I am thankful for where i am now.

Keep at it. Things can only get better.

EDIT: I dont know (or care) who Goku is.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-06-2015 , 10:24 PM
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-06-2015 , 10:34 PM
The article you linked only mentions tracked cash hands. For example, i think Cates might have made a few more dollars than that last year...

There's hundred if not thousands of non HU online SNG players that make 6 figures a year online. Same with MTTers. Probably hundreds from HUSNGs. Hell theres hundreds of cash guys who made 6 figures from cash after rakeback that are shown on PTR making small 5 figs. And a lot of these guys are playing 100 to 120 hours a month.

Taking that article and extrapolating this view from it is asinine.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-06-2015 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by LukeSilver
I have a degree in accounting and finance I wanted to go into management accounting, so that covers some of the area mentioned in op.

after applying numerous times and numerous interviews nothing. all i can get in terms of work is lousy call center work which is high pressure min wage low status a lot of bullying and no job security.

no job security may be misleading since so many of these places use mud at the wall tactics, and there are so many call centres that you could go a life time of never running out of a place to work when fired move to the next one etc but its not really nice.

they will take anyone its just mud at wall till it sticks rotating doors fire if not hit target etc. there job interviews are essentially just a quick check to make sure you have hygiene standards that are equal to or better then 16th century London, and have a sanity level that does not pose an immediate risk to the mortality rates of other staff. when people say they cant find work and would take any job they can get i can imediately point to several offices that will sign you up yesterday likely youll last a month or two and be sacked etc.

moving round the circuit of call centres i bump into other autistic rejects of society who no one would ever want to give a break to because were nice to be kept as pets and patronised but heaven forbid we out do you? conversations usually go along the lines i remember you from office X your the guy that said superman can beat Goku no way in hell can superman beat Goku, Goku would beat superman without even needing to go to super sayan 3... are you kidding superman moved the sun goku could only lift etc etc you get the idea.

so how long were you at office X for oh i got fired 2 weeks after you how you finding this place? its a job i guess i just dont talk to anyone and you shouldnt either cause its easier that way.

i wouldnt rely on poker as a sole source of income, its to reckless in the current climate not that id be missing anything from call center work etc but the theory is if i have two years working at a call center on my cv its more likely to get me somewhere then 2 years playing poker.

However the dream however realistic or not is to make enough money when im able to play poker to never have to work again.

but meh if i could choose for a career i choose online poker.

and fyi Goku could easily kick supermans butt
If you naturally write and speak better than you are currently doing this poker forum you may want to consider a call center customer service rep job in the financial services arena especially if you can migrate into back office operations. Your accounting and finance background should give you a leg up over other candidates. Most of the people employed based on my experience tend to be have type B personalities, so you wouldn't be subject to any bullying. The key to most jobs are basically keeping your mouth shut on gossiping and avoiding telling other people your personal crap, and staying professional until both you are your co-workers are comfortable with each other.

I mean I started in discount brokerage financial services in the call center at $10/hr during the 4pm to midnight shift and am now in back office operations in a call center environment of a financial services firm and I could wouldn't dream of leaving: it's a sweet gig. I too daydream ... except it's financial markets related instead of poker. And I also have a math and finance background. So on paper I'm basically you, except maybe 15 years older. So yeah, go thataway.

Last edited by ff2017; 01-06-2015 at 11:34 PM.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by elocutionist
whats the point here? seeing how you live in thailand, im guessing a sick house is something to brag about.
The sick house is reference to a fairly well known 2p2 meme from the 2p2 podcast. I do live in Thailand and have for a number of years. My house is nice but not sick.

My point is that I and a lot of people have made a very good living from poker for many years and I don't see that changing. I know many poker players who make incomes equal to highly paid professionals. Poker isn't easy and most who try will fail but six figure incomes are still very doable for those who do the work and are properly rolled. The idea that poker isn't a viable way to make money because some tracking site only showed the top winner at x.x million is ludicrous for all the reasons other posters have written.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 01:00 AM
"Chris Christie is a disgusting globule of human pus"....... LOL
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by Anderson Paixao
This is spot on. If you make $50k/year in Brazil, you're ballin'. Minimum wage here is less than $400/month (lol) you can make that playing microstakes.

I wouldn't follow the poker dream if I lived in northen europe or something.
What do you mean by your last sentence.
I live in n-europe (estonia), it's the same here as you mentioned about brazil ($50k/yr ballin).
I feel like most OPs who make these threads are from the US ( b/c anything less than 100k sucks yeh), world is a lil bigger tho.
There are zhitload of players making mid 5 figures or even less and are just fine. Just check around PG&C section for example.
But i see these threads only spin around big names and midstakes crushers.
Not sure about treating as a "career" though, most of my poker friends here are in 20-30 age range and just enjoy the freedom when young doing what they like.
I think money isn't #1 playing poker. I'll put it this way. If i was offered that i would make 10k/mo going 9-5 or 5k playing i would choose the latter in a heart beat. Waking up whenever and having flexible schedule beats everything.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 01:40 AM
HighstakesDB is super inaccurate, and again, it leaves out midstakes where a lot of your non celebrity online professionals lie. And even the super sick mixed/draw players (that's where the money is at in nosebleeds) have opted out from that website. Just became nosebleeds aren't what they used to be does not mean online poker as a professional is dead. This is such a dumb extrapolation. People made the other point as well, just cause the tippy toe crazy nose bleed stuff has tied down and the job doesn't have the same potential limit, doesn't mean that all those small stakes players have proportionally fell.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 02:26 AM
I'll add that having a plan B when this "career" doesn't work out is just common sense. It's rly hard to predict the future of poker anyway, can go either way..
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by 18000rpm

So the biggest winner of the year made $2.8M. That's sad.

Tell me another profession where the #1 in the world makes that little money (I'm talking about sports, law, medicine, business, finance, etc. Please don't answer waiting tables).

Not only that, 5 of the top 7 biggest LOSERS are Phil Ivey, Phil Galfond, Sauce1234, Viktor Blom and Gus Hansen. Some of the best players in the world (or at least the biggest names if you want to be nitpicky about Gus).

So one could argue it's all variance.

And the top 7 winners won a total of 11.3M while the top 7 losers lost 13.7M.

[Edit: I know the numbers from the page include one site per person only but you get the point.]
The winners/loser list lost its relevancy when self-exclusion from was enacted. Neither list reflects the full reality.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 02:45 AM
im more interested in who wins in a 4way brawl between goku vs superman vs thanos vs jason voorhees.

and while we are at it

bruce lee vs mike tyson

chimpanzee vs top MMA fighter
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 02:48 AM
bruce lee
chimpanzee isnt even close
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 02:56 AM
All the massive live tourneys every second week, as well as the Macau games, basically killed the online action this year. The real reason for the lack of action this year has very little to do with poker's appeal diminishing in the public eye.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 03:20 AM
lets face it,i dont care which ******* is saying xxx people is making 50k a year at poker or so and so is making 200k and life is good,we live in estonia 50k is ballin here our country is made of mud and our children eat mud here.but isnt it depressing to know that ur profession has a actual CEILING to what you can earn in the entire world and that LIMIT is 2.8m?and we are talking about the best of the muthafarking best,the tiger woods standard of poker,top 0.001% skill level.and they made only made 2.8m in one year?what is 2.8m seriously?not even a drop in the bucket of the world's wealth.theres like 500 rich chinese businessmen that can throw away 2.8m at my country's casino in one night without blinking an my country we have ferrari parades for fun,the last parade was attended by over 400 ferrari owners.400 ferraris on the road in one sitting thats over half a billion dollars on the road.u telling me the top dog in poker made 2.8m last year?we see properties in my country going for over 1million all the time and these are not even high end properties,some of them are public housing for christ sake.yes government built public housing.can u imagine how many rich muthafarkers there are in my country?1 out of 8 in my country is a rich muthafarker and they are richer than the top poker dog in the world.

no wonder online poker is said to be the sport of twenty something y/o losers living in their momma's basement.

Last edited by axxs; 01-07-2015 at 03:26 AM.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 03:50 AM
yeah, such losers cause no ferarri etc

you seem like a bright fella
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:08 AM
people are missing the point on people making 100k + a year, doesn't matter the numbers, but its obvious the barrier to entry is harder now days and getting harder.

sustaining a roll is harder now days if you want to take shots in mtts and have to rebuild. Every pro on here is pretty much comparable in some sense of poker skill, of course a few truly better than us.

In no way does making money equal your skill level or how smart you are. Its more or less random factors that aren't up to your control will determine if you will wildly be successful in poker.

Even the way your brain is wired is random and one can have a fundamentally better feel for probabilities. Case: Jungleman, appears to lack common sense. It's proven chimpanzees have a better feel than humans for certain probabilities in mathematics.

Poker is all luck and horrible field to pursue, but there's a few guys that happen to make 200k a clicking buttons and traveling the world, so people will think it's viable.

Last edited by bluffers; 01-07-2015 at 04:19 AM.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by axxs
lets face it,i dont care which ******* is saying xxx people is making 50k a year at poker or so and so is making 200k and life is good,we live in estonia 50k is ballin here our country is made of mud and our children eat mud here.but isnt it depressing to know that ur profession has a actual CEILING to what you can earn in the entire world and that LIMIT is 2.8m?and we are talking about the best of the muthafarking best,the tiger woods standard of poker,top 0.001% skill level.and they made only made 2.8m in one year?what is 2.8m seriously?not even a drop in the bucket of the world's wealth.theres like 500 rich chinese businessmen that can throw away 2.8m at my country's casino in one night without blinking an my country we have ferrari parades for fun,the last parade was attended by over 400 ferrari owners.400 ferraris on the road in one sitting thats over half a billion dollars on the road.u telling me the top dog in poker made 2.8m last year?we see properties in my country going for over 1million all the time and these are not even high end properties,some of them are public housing for christ sake.yes government built public housing.can u imagine how many rich muthafarkers there are in my country?1 out of 8 in my country is a rich muthafarker and they are richer than the top poker dog in the world.

no wonder online poker is said to be the sport of twenty something y/o losers living in their momma's basement.
What you've posted ... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by 18000rpm
That's the thing. Are there really that many people making 200k+ from online poker year after year?
by alot he means in his dreams,never mind people who claims of making 200k plus a year from me a list of poker players whose made a million dollars from online poker lifetime,and i guarantee u that list will be shorter than 2000.A MILLION FROM ONLINE POKER.are u telling me theres 2000 unknown NANONOKOs out there?

last year alone,283,000 new millionaires were created in USA many millionaires created by online poker?i dont give a **** how many years it took,u can combine all ur poker results from 2008 to 2014,the number of millionaires created by online poker is probably a tiny tiny miniscule microscopic fraction.hell the creation of alibaba and facebook ipo alone probably created tens of thousands of millionaires.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by Principal Oblaski
What you've posted ... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
simple economics really,if the number one man in ur sport or profession only made 2.8m in one year give or take.imagine how pathetic the rest of the poker players are earning.why?because the amount of earnings the top people make is a correlation to the pool of money within that field or industry.if the top poker player only made 2.8m it just shows how much the pool of money in poker is shrinking or the amount of competition has increased so much that their share of the money pool has shrunk drastically.

this is the 21st century,the top hedge fund managers made more than a billion last year,the top investment bankers and traders in the world made hundreds of millions,top atheletes and hollywood stars made close to 100 ceos of companies made hundreds of ceo and gayboi tim cook made 1 million apple shares in takeover which is worth like $600 million?he probably made more bank than the entire poker high stakes community did?why is it so hard to make 2.8m in poker?BECAUSE THERES NO MONEY IN POKER.GOLF ONE OF THE MOST IDIOTIC SPORTS IN THE WORLD AND YET TIGER WOODS MADE OVER 900 MILLION.THAT JUST SHOWS HOW MANY MORE IDIOTS ARE WILLING TO WATCH GOLF THAN POKER.How come billionaires are willing to pay 500 million to 2 billion for football clubs?and sustain them thru 2 billion of losses?football such a idiotic sport.Does any billionaire out there want to buy a stable of poker pros?Phil Ivey Tom dwan and the entire cast of High stakes poker.ill give u the whole lot for 50 million.god knows if they can even make 50 million nowadays.

Last edited by axxs; 01-07-2015 at 04:39 AM.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by axxs
by alot he means in his dreams,never mind people who claims of making 200k plus a year from me a list of poker players whose made a million dollars from online poker lifetime,and i guarantee u that list will be shorter than 2000.A MILLION FROM ONLINE POKER.are u telling me theres 2000 unknown NANONOKOs out there?

last year alone,283,000 new millionaires were created in USA many millionaires created by online poker?i dont give a **** how many years it took,u can combine all ur poker results from 2008 to 2014,the number of millionaires created by online poker is probably a tiny tiny miniscule microscopic fraction.hell the creation of alibaba and facebook ipo alone probably created tens of thousands of millionaires.
+1 and If you make a million or couple it's not hard to lose it playing poker.

Anybody thinking of pursing poker in hopes to achieve millions don't...horrible trends in poker these days.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by axxs
simple economics really,if the number one man in ur sport or profession only made 2.8m in one year give or take.imagine how pathetic the rest of the poker players are earning.why?because the amount of earnings the top people make is a correlation to the pool of money within that field or industry.if the top poker player only made 2.8m it just shows how much the pool of money in poker is shrinking or the amount of competition has increased so much that their share of the money pool has shrunk drastically.

this is the 21st century,the top hedge fund managers made more than a billion last year,the top investment bankers and traders in the world made hundreds of millions,top atheletes and hollywood stars made close to 100 ceos of companies made hundreds of ceo and gayboi tim cook made 1 million apple shares in takeover which is worth like $600 million?he probably made more bank than the entire poker high stakes community did?why is it so hard to make 2.8m in poker?BECAUSE THERES NO MONEY IN POKER.GOLF ONE OF THE MOST IDIOTIC SPORTS IN THE WORLD AND YET TIGER WOODS MADE OVER 900 MILLION.THAT JUST SHOWS HOW MANY MORE IDIOTS ARE WILLING TO WATCH GOLF THAN POKER.
You guys are so quick to bash axxs but nearly everything he is saying is true. Online is dead compared what it used to be. Poker is one of the worst careers out there, and not just from a financial perspective. It is a very unhealthy lifestyle and you are surrounded by the bottom feeders of society, not to mention the negative psychological effects. This whole "baller" image associated with poker is an absolute joke. If you cannot see this you need a harsh reality check because you are just like all the other delusional players.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:53 AM
srsly aidsthreads like this is not solving anything

it's depressing to see thread titles like this, we all know online poker is likely to not last forever so unless you have a great idea to do sth about it, kindly stfu
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
01-07-2015 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by axxs
lets face it,i dont care which ******* is saying xxx people is making 50k a year at poker or so and so is making 200k and life is good,we live in estonia 50k is ballin here our country is made of mud and our children eat mud here.but isnt it depressing to know that ur profession has a actual CEILING to what you can earn in the entire world and that LIMIT is 2.8m?and we are talking about the best of the muthafarking best,the tiger woods standard of poker,top 0.001% skill level.and they made only made 2.8m in one year?what is 2.8m seriously?not even a drop in the bucket of the world's wealth.theres like 500 rich chinese businessmen that can throw away 2.8m at my country's casino in one night without blinking an my country we have ferrari parades for fun,the last parade was attended by over 400 ferrari owners.400 ferraris on the road in one sitting thats over half a billion dollars on the road.u telling me the top dog in poker made 2.8m last year?we see properties in my country going for over 1million all the time and these are not even high end properties,some of them are public housing for christ sake.yes government built public housing.can u imagine how many rich muthafarkers there are in my country?1 out of 8 in my country is a rich muthafarker and they are richer than the top poker dog in the world.

no wonder online poker is said to be the sport of twenty something y/o losers living in their momma's basement.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
