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Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker

01-20-2015 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by kaby
decent msnl winners make 200k or something right?

more and that's without rb.

you nits should stop crying times where you could just win the game by betting only with the nuts are over either work your game or GTFO.

threads like this make me sick.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-08-2015 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by random btn
how does this matter? because banks and bankers have a similar relationship as amaya and pro poker players? or what exactly are you trying to say

try making 200k+ a year tax free in your early twenties in any other career while having the highest level of freedom a job can offer. you cant compare apples and oranges, zzz

Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-08-2015 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by zippymoose
Just using basic math. If you work 43 hours a week and can beat nl200 for 4bb/100 (in my mind you probabaly shouldnt go pro unless you can at least do this). assuming you only play 400 hands per hour you would be making about 70 grand a year. Pretty good in any country really. Work harder and it only gets better from there. Thats all pre rackback as well.
to be able to beat those games at 4bb/100 continually I would imagine there would be a good few study hours on top of the 43 playing hours
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-08-2015 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by JoKon
more and that's without rb.

you nits should stop crying times where you could just win the game by betting only with the nuts are over either work your game or GTFO.

threads like this make me sick.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-09-2015 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by Gemaco
I play poker for a living because if I don't want to put on pants for an entire week I can, and it doesn't effect my income one bit.

I honestly don't care how much the sucker down the street get's paid to commute an hour and 1/2 and work 60-80 hours a week for someone else's gain. Hope he enjoys his boat he never has time to use, and his family he never has time to see.

and so you have a bot playing poker for you i assume? because you obv have time to do things that the poor working stiff doesn't. when i was grinding, i had to commit to quite a few hours a week in order to pay the bills.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-09-2015 , 12:42 PM
i love olp and its a pain for me to deposit so that dumb loose guy willing to throw some money around PLO on a friday night cant deposit, also the choice of sites outside of NV are so sketchy blows but i can at least have money in hand by the next day.. congress killed poker not coleman or hoody wearing dbags.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-09-2015 , 04:56 PM

Im pretty sure, if you take the average of every poker pro, they surpas the average wage in their country by quite a bit.

Also OPs list is skewed. Taking Tiger Woods as a comparison is beyond ******ed. He makes most of his money from advertising + earns a hella lot more then any other professional sportsman.

Argh... the stupidity of some humans............. ARGH HEADACHES..... want... to.... kill...
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-09-2015 , 06:14 PM
Funny cos your post shows you are the stupid one, so thats you hurting your own head?

"Average Wage" is a stat distorted by part time workers and the masses of very low paid menial jobs. Your average poker pro who is doing well normally possesses the intelligence to far exceed their poker income, and then theres the long cost of staying in the games too long. Which all of them incur, if they are indeed still in the games now

as always....huge lol at poker pros who call themselves "free men"... while they sit stuck to their PCs grinding out stupid amounts of hands or live in scummy casinos
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-10-2015 , 03:33 AM
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-10-2015 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
as always....huge lol at poker pros who call themselves "free men"... while they sit stuck to their PCs grinding out stupid amounts of hands or live in scummy casinos
yes, but if one enjoys doing this (playing the game, that is), they are as free as can be

consider this--if money was taken care of for the rest of my life (e.g. wealthy benefactor, lottery, whatever), a very large portion of my time would still be devoted to playing MTTs online for the fun I have doing it
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-10-2015 , 09:05 PM
I played for 7 years, made a few hundred thousand, saved most of it. When you do the math though, I was making approximately 40-50k a year, was developing no skills or work history, was not earning a pension/401k ect. If I had devoted the same effort to programming I would be making in the 100k range by now.

Money isn't everything though. I worked way harder at poker than I do at my $20 an hour job. People say there is more freedom, but that kind of depends on your personality imo. I work my 8 hours a day and I am done. Friday after noon comes and I am done. When I was playing poker I would play every day and never real feel like I had a day off. But to each their own, if you like it go for it. If you are making a lot definitely keep doing it and save your money. If you don't like it do something else. The later you wait the harder it gets.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-11-2015 , 05:42 AM
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-11-2015 , 10:08 AM
Maybe some poker players are not academic material or dont see it paying well enough and can grind the usual 2bb 100 plus rb, additionally to their 5k per year average salary.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 12:47 AM
Hm pessimistic and overly generalized thread.

The comparison against the top paying jobs in the world is not good. You are not playing poker to make the most money in any profession possible? It would be good, but it doesn't have to be so.

I think that what OP is saying is that the top earners define the maximum amount everyone else can make. If the biggest winners on the game make that much, then those who are not that high up make a lot less. So fair point. However that doesn't mean that players cannot still make a good income from poker.

Also, the fact that the top earners made a relatively smaller amount than in previous years does not alone mean that there is less money in poker. It can also mean that the competition is fiercer and the money doesn't all go to few people. So the distribution of money may be different.

The reality may or may not be such, but I am simply deducing the above from the evidence given sofar. You need more data to come to solid conclusions, and at the end of day, you gotta keep hoping.

Also, consider the happenings in the world economy in the last couple of years. Many areas were affected. Would you have predicted a sudden boom in poker? I don't think so. It is good that there is still that much money in poker currently.

Last edited by lossisfutile; 07-15-2015 at 12:59 AM.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 01:04 AM
As for freedom in poker, duh, in which job can you leave and come back any time you want? Play for a while, make some money, go on a holiday, then get back into it immediately? Can you name a few such jobs?
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 03:56 AM
Every single occupation where u can contract or work for yourself? Builder, carpet layer, software engineer, consultant etc etc.... There's a few thousand for you :eye roll:

Last edited by bumpnrun; 07-15-2015 at 04:03 AM.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 04:57 AM
Ah, consultant. I remember when I consulted whenever I felt like it. I recall the same about laying carpet.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
Every single occupation where u can contract or work for yourself? Builder, carpet layer, software engineer, consultant etc etc.... There's a few thousand for you :eye roll:
I was also thinking of contracting. Sure that is a close one. But it depends on the market. Sometimes you may have to wait for months to get a new contract. Let alone the interviews and preparation hassle. Freelancing is freeing too but you need to get clients. In poker you don't have to wait for and answer to anyone. Still best IMO.

Prostitution is the closest I can think of actually! lol

Or a writer/painter but the money varies.

Last edited by lossisfutile; 07-15-2015 at 05:21 AM.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 05:21 AM
The real downside about poker is how bad a downswing can affect you mentally. You don't experience this with a real job.

With a 9-5 job you leave the job behind you at 5 and do whatever you feel like with the money you have available. If you're a grinder you always have to make sure you are playing +EV whenever you play. Yes it's nice to have a big winning streak and take some time off, but the pressure that you have to get back in the game and keep winning is always there.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 07:01 AM
Lol, OP is a mediocre 9-5 slave whose only purpose in life is to calculate other people's money. Seriously, money is ****.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 08:19 AM
Honestly, if you are really smart and don't make more than 100k a year playing poker, I'm not sure why you would logically pursue it as a long time career.

You could make as much doing any job you may like as much. You have no idea how poker will be in 5-10 years, but it should get harder and harder. You develop no expertise, no real experience. You have no pension. If you want a family, like most people, it's incredibly unstable. Your salary has a high chance of dropping through the years instead of going up.

A poker player should have a strong logic, some part of me think that even if you win 50k a year playing poker, you are more of a degen than you think, because you are not really thinking about the long term.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 10:42 AM
It's pretty obvious there is money in poker still. If it's a good career path is entirely subjective IMO. If your a degen who acts on impulses it may not be a good idea. Some of the points itt are dumb. "You could earn more money here etc" If you love playing poker it's a great career I'm sure.
Also pensions,(lol). If your young try and save for the future yourself, invest in property etc. Paying into a pension is not as smart as it once was. Your never in control of that money and you won't necessarily get it all back.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 05:02 PM
Making the best career decisions, doesn't always wind up having the best results.

Would I forgo a possibly successful career as an accountant, lawyer, or a doctor to be a professional poker player? Not on your life, but just because I made what would be considered by the masses as a "wise" decision, doesn't mean it's guaranteed. I'm an attorney, and there have been many years where I've made less than 100k. I can't tell you how many attorneys I know in their 40s-50s, who can't even find a full time job now and can only find temp work for $20 an hour. The economy is terrible, and machines/automation are continuing to replaces jobs while the population grows. These technological advances won't slow down, times are going to get even worse for most people.

Many of you here are young, and I can appreciate the belief you have that in this American system, if you work hard and do all the right things you will succeed and your financial rewards will only go up as you age. The truth of the matter is, you need a good deal of luck (just as in poker) to succeed in life. For every successful person in their early 50s, they are many many more who have no money in the bank, no retirement, and are working paycheck to paycheck.

My best advice is to follow your heart, and not worry about what other people think of you. You only get one go around in this life, so whether you succeed or fail, make sure you got that result on your own terms.

Finally, if you base success in life on the dollar signs in your account, you have a lot to learn.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 05:56 PM
I went to school for 4 years, worked my ass off for an oil and gas geoscience degree and the month I graduated was the biggest crash in the industry in 20 years.

Now I'm in debt, depressed and working a ****ass job that breaks my back. If you can make 100k a year playing poker good for you, I'd switch in a heartbeat. I want a family, a house and peace of mind and it looks like I'm going to get none of them.

There's little to no chance I'll ever find a satisfying career with my current state in life even though I'm highly educated (2 degrees) and work insansely hard. If you are making 100k save every penny you can and enjoy life. I've worked for 6 years straight without time off. 4 jobs sometimes, and have nothing to show. Play poker, enjoy your life.

The whole work at it, get a stable career blah blah is all a gamble too. You never know wtf life is going to throw at you.
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
07-15-2015 , 05:58 PM
hard work is overrated
working smartly and efficiently is more important
Online poker as a career is dead. There's no money in online poker Quote
