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Online LIVE poker Online LIVE poker

08-24-2015 , 01:43 AM
Hi guys,

i just wanted to ask you for your opinion regarding my simple question.

I was thinking in the last couple of weeks about one idea.

What would you think about online live poker? What i mean is that you will be playing on online software from the home but you will have live lady dealer. I do not mean just playing live dealer (some sites has this) but to play like 8 players playing online with live dealing of cards...So you will raise fold check bet etc...but you will see through webcam live dealer and your cards by webcam under the table.

Would you appriciate such solution? I think that mainly for cash games it can be great. I couldn´t find any running website with such software.

Thanks for your answers in advance.

Best regards,

Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 02:24 AM
It would probably bring back some of the 'it's rigged' people but no site could afford to pay the dealers.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 03:10 AM
This would remove one of the biggest benefits of playing online- getting to see more hands. lower rake is the only way to bring poker back from the dead
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 03:32 AM
Why does the dealer have to be a lady?
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
but no site could afford to pay the dealers.
I don't know about that.

I don't really see the point of this though. People will still think it's rigged and hands will take longer.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 05:47 AM
InB4 slow motion replays of the dealer's hands, like the JFK assassination showing the shooter to be the driver, to prove the river card was a 4 and not an ace.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 07:29 AM
Main advantage of playing online live poker is for cash games players who rly thinks that online is rigged becauce cards are programmed there is not such software which will guarantee 100% at the end there is algoritmus which choose next card..
With this idea you have 100% surity because you have live dealer who is shuffling cards in front of you and you see it throu webcam...
What do you think about it now when you consider ny point of view?
Regarding time concern...time doesnt matter so much when you are playing online live poker...that is small disadvantage compare to above huge advantage...

Thanks for you thoughts in advance...

Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by eraserrrrr
Main advantage of playing online live poker is for cash games players who rly thinks that online is rigged becauce cards are programmed there is not such software which will guarantee 100% at the end there is algoritmus which choose next card..
With this idea you have 100% surity because you have live dealer who is shuffling cards in front of you and you see it throu webcam...
What do you think about it now when you consider ny point of view?
Regarding time concern...time doesnt matter so much when you are playing online live poker...that is small disadvantage compare to above huge advantage...

Thanks for you thoughts in advance...

Ok, if the rng's are not 100% random, then you are asserting that there are players who are cracking the algorithm, yes?

BTW, there was a site that attempted to do this. If failed hard.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 08:59 AM
A network like that already existed and had 0 success. They closed down operation after a couple of years and never got a decent player-base. The game is ultra slow, which turns off most people, and then add the high rake to make it worth it for the sites, then you'll see why this will never be a success for any site.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Ok, if the rng's are not 100% random, then you are asserting that there are players who are cracking the algorithm, yes?

BTW, there was a site that attempted to do this. If failed hard.
Im not telling that somebody cracked algorytm behind saying that there is algorytm behind poker is without algorytm...i hope that now you understand
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 09:24 AM
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Penders
A network like that already existed and had 0 success. They closed down operation after a couple of years and never got a decent player-base. The game is ultra slow, which turns off most people, and then add the high rake to make it worth it for the sites, then you'll see why this will never be a success for any site.
Can you pls state the name of that network i would like to check it...thanks
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Of course AJ wins. Totally rigged.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffyou
I don't know about that.

I don't really see the point of this though. People will still think it's rigged and hands will take longer.
OK, I haven't played since BF so maybe you can tell me how many tables Stars has going? OTOH, having typed this, I realize that they could offer just a small number of live dealer tables. Still wishful thinking.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by eraserrrrr
Main advantage of playing online live poker is for cash games players who rly thinks that online is rigged becauce cards are programmed there is not such software which will guarantee 100% at the end there is algoritmus which choose next card..
With this idea you have 100% surity because you have live dealer who is shuffling cards in front of you and you see it throu webcam...
What do you think about it now when you consider ny point of view?
Regarding time concern...time doesnt matter so much when you are playing online live poker...that is small disadvantage compare to above huge advantage...

Thanks for you thoughts in advance...

yeah but in poker if neither of the players know what the next card is then randomization isnt as big a deal as people make it out be yeah computer software is not capable of randomization and poker saoftware is based on exterior factors like how fast you click your mouse or the temp outside, but the distribution is still random no matter how the cards are shuffled
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 01:41 PM
the only thing i miss about live is shuffling chips, but i cant imagine playing online at a live pace,,no thanks ill pass, put that up there with 6 card holdem
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by eraserrrrr
Main advantage of playing online live poker is for cash games players who rly thinks that online is rigged becauce cards are programmed there is not such software which will guarantee 100% casualness
Sounds like you're a believer in the oft-repeated myth that one can't generate a random deal online, which of course isn't true. But that doesn't matter to one who wants to believe online poker is rigged, as of course it's always *possible* to use a rigged RNG, or to use a proper one but not always use the results.

Originally Posted by eraserrrrr
With this idea you have 100% surity because you have live dealer who is shuffling cards in front of you and you see it throu webcam...
No, you don't. A card shuffle & deal could certainly be manipulated, especially when doing this online where the video will never be perfect.

It sounds like you're mainly trying to address some people's perception of online poker being rigged. Those who want to believe things are rigged against them every time they see an outcome they don't like will still feel the same way with your idea. They'll suggest that card mechanics are dealing, every time there's a lag in the video they'll suggest there's cheating going on, etc.

Originally Posted by eraserrrrr
What do you think about it now when you consider ny point of view?
Regarding time concern...time doesnt matter so much when you are playing online live poker...that is small disadvantage compare to above huge advantage...
When I consider your point of view, I think you have things completely backwards. You are gaining a small advantage of satisfying a few people who think that online poker is rigged but will be completely convinced if it's played this way, but suffering from the very large disadvantage of slowing the game down to a crawl, compared to the way it is now. This is why the idea hasn't succeeded thus far.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
Why does the dealer have to be a lady?
That was my first thought. My second was that I'm not tipping any "live" dealer online.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by eraserrrrr
Im not telling that somebody cracked algorytm behind saying that there is algorytm behind poker is without algorytm...i hope that now you understand
Of course I don't understand. If it's next to impossible for a player to crack, then unseen cards are unseen cards and random, and you're superstitious paranoid beliefs are useless.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 04:06 PM
and when you play live people accuse the dealer of not shuffling properly when there is AA out there three times in a row. happened last time i was at the casino. If I remember right I worked out that a six handed the odds of been dealt AA were 49970-1 or something like that.

obviously this just cant happen by pure chance so had to be the dealer shoveling poorly he was openly criticised by some players for not shuffling and, weather due to peer pressure or not spent a good 30 seconds shuffling after that.

I mean I know its rare but I been down that casino quite a few times and that does not happen often surely it has to happen sometimes though and it does not mean its poor shuffling.

but of course every single time something weird happens life its poor shuffling or card trick dealer, every time online its rigged or poor algorithm.

Some people can do very impressive card tricks and some people cant shuffle and it would be a lot harder to spot card tricks through monitor then it would live.

just saying.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Sounds like you're a believer in the oft-repeated myth that one can't generate a random deal online, which of course isn't true.
actually, this could be argued with some deterministic assumptions - however, those deterministic assumptions would lead us to the conclusion that "real" randomization of a deck isn't possible by shuffling it live, either

Good thing rigtards don't read modern philosophical literature about determinism and chance, I guess

edit: as for OP: creepiest idea ever, anyone who wouldn't cringe being force to play like that is a weirdo imo
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-24-2015 , 05:31 PM
You're a sucker that shouldn't be playing poker in general, if you don't understand the 'trust' factor for both programmed rng or someone showing you cards by a webcam.

Currently if we look at online blackjack that has live cards.
There is one webcam aimed at the table that shows what is happening. If we were to swap decks that pre-calculated how many players are at the table; we could have the dealer win the majority of the time with a rigged deck. They don't even need to use a rigged deck in blackjack but it could be done.

Yet, how would we cheat with webcam pointed at dealer and dealer shuffles cards in front of us?

Programatically send a command from server to clients that cause the clients to lose connection for 10 seconds or whatever time needed. Most people would just think that their connection is having issues or server problem but they're getting cheated. Another way is to position blindspot swaps for deck, we have one webcam pointed at the table and we can use that to an advantage.

On the other hand we have just online by rng that is programmed with the 'trust' factor, the same as the live dealing.

In the end, we basically ask what is more fun for the person playing and usually it is not live cards that wins the majority vote.

Btw, most people could walk into a live casino and get cheated just the same as if they went online to a crooked site without every knowing it happened.
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:42 PM
Live online poker has more potential imo
Online LIVE poker Quote
08-25-2015 , 06:33 PM
I wonder if there are still people that type up emails in Word and send it as an attachment instead of just typing directly in their email program. If there are I think they might like this idea.
Online LIVE poker Quote
