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(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees (Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees

10-23-2014 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by daviid
seen a couple of terrible analogies on 2p2 but this by far the worst one ever and its not close.

Online you never get a whale but live you get lots.

When you get married your live action is severely limited but online is still available.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-23-2014 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Live poker is like having sex, online poker is like watching pornography.
i don't even know what you are trying to convey, but i still find this quote hilariously awesome
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-23-2014 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by AllBlackDan
Its pretty obvious to me that Oliver is just a little butthurt that he hasnt had ANY live success whatsoever

Its probably because he sux at reading body language (which is THE single most important skill in live poker) due to being a social ******

Picking up those tells can add 30 BB per hr to your game easily

Better get to reading some Mike Caro there Mr Buskay

Is this a joke? Doesn't Busquet have a WPT title?
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-23-2014 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by mvpchipper
Is this a joke? Doesn't Busquet have a WPT title?
Originally Posted by AllBlackDan
Its pretty obvious to me that Oliver is just a little butthurt that he hasnt had ANY live success whatsoever

Its probably because he sux at reading body language (which is THE single most important skill in live poker) due to being a social ******

Picking up those tells can add 30 BB per hr to your game easily

Better get to reading some Mike Caro there Mr Buskay
Obvious troll is obvious
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:00 PM
this just in. Democrats think they are the best. So do Republicans. Nothing will get you to change their minds, ever.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 04:36 AM
Liv is right in what he said but it was uncalled for.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 06:22 AM
Wow there are some really great posts buried in this thread. I recommend giving it a read. Especially the posts by ansky, vanessa selbst and others responding to them.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by mcc3504
i don't even know what you are trying to convey, but i still find this quote hilariously awesome
Thanks. Just that there are myriad parallels.

For example when you are a teenager it is hard to get any live action so you are on the internet all the time.

We all remember our first live score but the first time online fades into the memory after a while.

Live, people do it 'cause they just love sticking it in. Online a lot of the time you're watching people who only are only sticking it in to get money.

Live, it matters if the other people smell bad. Online it doesn't.

And finally: That most healthy guys are able to enjoy both so the rivalry is unnecessary, but it's hard to find girls who will admit being into either.

Originally Posted by Mubsy Bogues
Wow there are some really great posts buried in this thread. I recommend giving it a read. Especially the posts by ansky, vanessa selbst and others responding to them.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 09:53 AM
Lots of thing Busquet tweets are just to stir the pot and are for the most part nonsense questions or statement, but he is entertaining.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 11:51 AM
Online poker is to live poker as online chess is to live chess
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Live poker is like having sex, online poker is like watching pornography.
Both cost you money unless you put in the hours?
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 06:39 PM
all yhe people i play against live .. reside within 50 miles of the casino.

so for a fair comparison all my online opponents would need to live within 50 miles too/

or open a live game. and bring in the worlds best, and compare that to the same online game.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 07:57 PM
Online poker is like Champions League, live poker is the World Cup.

The competition is worse but there's more glory in it.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-24-2014 , 09:11 PM
Does anybody out there even like either of these 2 anymore?

Oh, and great comparison with that champions league/World Cup quip.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-25-2014 , 12:08 AM
why do these guys who proclaim live poker is soooo much easier sit behind their laptops? if your struggling to eek out 5%roi or 1bb/hr online why not go ahead and drive the 10min-hour or two to the local card room and make your millions? or right bc your full of s**t and probably suck worse than the guys your trying to rip on. gimme a
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-25-2014 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
no.. I'm saying the opposite.
1+1= is simple to someone who knows very little about math.

What is the solution? Zero?
Yes. Sometimes it is a solution.

Last edited by Bukowskium; 10-25-2014 at 01:13 AM. Reason: Yes, I do math.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-25-2014 , 01:31 AM
Nice bump. It's very interesting to see 2013 Dan Colman's thoughts.

Originally Posted by mrgr33n13
It is pretty tilting how delusional live mtt pros are about their skillsets. Go on one solid heater and you begin to believe you are playing some superior strategy to the rest of the players. I would almost guarantee you in a live mtt that Daniel Negreanu, Vanessa Selbst, Jason Mercier would think they are in the same category of players as an Ike or ragen70 all because they have been slapped in the face repeatedly by run good. Especially Negreanu.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-26-2014 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by vexican
Fun Liv B thread where he wins a live tourney:
Thanks for the heads-up (joke) about this tourney. Hadn't seen it before and had many lols watching it. GG Liv B… and just to clarify, I mean Great Game by Liv B.
(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
10-26-2014 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by dp
Daniel and his hair plugs?? lol

(Olivier Busquet) Liv B calls live poker checkers/ online chess. DNegs disagrees Quote
