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The official Isildur1 thread - Part 2: The Comeback? The official Isildur1 thread - Part 2: The Comeback?

03-11-2010 , 03:58 AM
The guy is like a crack addict, he won't stop til all the rocks are gone
03-11-2010 , 04:41 AM
Mike Matusow (Observer): isildur got a job lined up for u at mcdonalds just give me call i get u in
03-11-2010 , 04:43 AM
Anyone have the total damage report?
03-11-2010 , 04:44 AM
Somewhere around 1.5 - 2 million, I think. It was ugly.
03-11-2010 , 04:46 AM
what an as5hole matustow is why bother saying **** like that its terrible etiquette towards isildur and it may get him to quit which is bad for everyone else.

he s probably just glad theirs someone worse at blowing up than him now

isildur should just link him youtube of him crying after the ws
03-11-2010 , 04:46 AM
It looked like he left with 57k (after obviously having it all on the table).
03-11-2010 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by _RossDvd_
what an as5hole matustow is why bother saying **** like that its terrible etiquette towards isildur and it may get him to quit which is bad for everyone else.

he s probably just glad theirs someone worse at blowing up than him now

isildur should just link him youtube of him crying after the ws
Dont think anyone should worry about etiquette towards Isi IMO considering he isnt very respectfull to whoever he is playing.
03-11-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by highhustla
It looked like he left with 57k (after obviously having it all on the table).
Originally Posted by dpain
Dont think anyone should worry about etiquette towards Isi IMO considering he isnt very respectfull to whoever he is playing.

thats kinda besides the point, what im saying is that matustow is doing something that potentially kills someone elses action and he has literally nothing to do with any of it.

like the same sad way he jumped into thta interview that durrr did just after that massive losing session to isildur when matustow laughed about isildur dropping all that money he won off durrr to pa and ivey

and tbh he s really not that bad v his opponents and i doubt they care as if he s being rude he s prob bout 500K min down to them

also zig does it all the time no one cares at all

matustow thou should stfu
03-11-2010 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by RaiseWanMiryon
Baller blouse imo.
03-11-2010 , 05:03 AM
Matusow's always had the worst etiquette ever this is hardly surprising. He'll put on a stupid serious face every once in a while and apologize and then do the exact same thing the next day. He's really pretty dumb in reality.
03-11-2010 , 05:09 AM
Ummmm it almost certainly wasn't Matusow.

You know the trick to make it look like someone else is talking on the FTP rail. You just type in lots of spaces. If you type it in with the right number of spaces then it will start on a new line, making it look like Mike said it when he didn't.
03-11-2010 , 05:12 AM
He'll be back in a week.
03-11-2010 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by luckyjimm
Ummmm it almost certainly wasn't Matusow.

You know the trick to make it look like someone else is talking on the FTP rail. You just type in lots of spaces. If you type it in with the right number of spaces then it will start on a new line, making it look like Mike said it when he didn't.
oh, does it not come up in red if they 're a pro thou jim?

Also love the blog mate
03-11-2010 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by _RossDvd_
oh, does it not come up in red if they 're a pro thou jim?

Also love the blog mate
if they're a pro it's in red. if it's not in red he didn't say it.
matusow is online playing tho. wasn't watching so have no clue whether he did or did not say it.
03-11-2010 , 05:17 AM
It was in red
03-11-2010 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by _RossDvd_
oh, does it not come up in red if they 're a pro thou jim?

Also love the blog mate
Ah okay sorry, if it was in red then it was him!

Glad you like the Isildur1 blog, I have a feeling it'll be updated later today with his feelings about spunking $1.5m!
03-11-2010 , 05:40 AM
what happened?
03-11-2010 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by GRANTCKING
what happened?
Galfond and Durrrr made love and their child used their HHs to beat isildur
03-11-2010 , 05:46 AM
So, Part 2: The Comeback, is over
waiting for Part 3, I would say
03-11-2010 , 05:59 AM
Part 3: The Meltdown
03-11-2010 , 06:03 AM
[x] o wait
03-11-2010 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by luckyjimm
Ah okay sorry, if it was in red then it was him!

Glad you like the Isildur1 blog, I have a feeling it'll be updated later today with his feelings about spunking $1.5m!

I was actually meaning the adventures of luckyjimm but I guess I ve just pwned u into revealing the mysterious isildur blogger id!

I should ve guessed it actually now I know its u it seems so like your writing style. Thats actually hilarious looking back cause I just thought that it sounded like the thoughts of any serious omaha degen, but in hindsight it just had a faint echo of you own blog.

As ever Jimm gl at the tables and keep up the great reads
03-11-2010 , 06:29 AM
There once was an Isildur thread
To keep the mods happy they said
Post this crap in there please
Or you'll be on your knees
Flogging this horse till it's dead
03-11-2010 , 07:55 AM
ok that really didnt go as planned. time to start back over.
03-11-2010 , 09:04 AM
1.6m loss **** sake isil what ya playing at?
