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*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** *** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here ***

03-14-2012 , 12:49 PM
Good stuff.

In before the youngsters whining about your "oldschool v. newschool" analogy again, with their "change the poker world" aspirations.

Looking forward to next weeks. Keep up the good work Daniel and mark me as one who appreciates the time you take to do what you are doing to entertain......for free.

P.s. In the back of my mind, I'm hoping that your vblogs are some sort of covert effort on stars behalf to get their brand back into americas poker community as a first step to gaining the market share they once had
here. After all, video diaries aren't new for you. This would actually be good news to me, and genius on their part imo. ONE TIME!!


Last edited by Cynical Cracker; 03-14-2012 at 01:17 PM.
*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** Quote
03-14-2012 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by thakidd99
I mean, where did he address the edog situation?? He vaguely referred to a "hot topic" but I recall him saying he's gonna talk about edog and that edog isn't gonna like what he has to say....I obv know its his boy, but if ur so vocal about EVERYTHING else,you should of mentioned the situation.

...I dont think your ever going to hear him mention Eric by name and he explains why.
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03-14-2012 , 01:38 PM
DN blog's are interesting. In regards to not calling out Lindgren by name, it's clear from what we know that Lindgren is not one of players you want to loan money to. He is in the hole millions of millions of dollars to the IRS, FTP and who knows how much to individuals.

He's a gambling addict and like a drug addict, will lie, steal, and manipulate people to keep up his addiction. The only way he will stop is when people stop enabling him.
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03-14-2012 , 02:14 PM
So in Daniel's opinion you are still a good guy as long as you don't flat out say, that you are not going to pay somebody back?
If you just intend to pay back then it is all fine? Even if you make 3 million a year for doing nothing, you shouldn't be obligated to pay back in a hurry?

WTF is wrong with Daniel?

I am completely shocked. I don't see any difference between refusing to pay someone and having the money and still not pay. I really don't.

The fact that Lindgren is a degen who was unwilling or unable to stop gambling, or even tone it down a little, until his debt was payed is not an excuse!
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03-14-2012 , 03:23 PM
Nothing against Daniel, he is my favorite poker player and one of the funniest at the table but these videos are so corny. He is trying to hard to mix comedy into this video. I don't think Daniel is that type of person to be funny on the spot like this. This seems to rehearsed and scripted to be funny. I want him to make these videos more serious and less gimicky with his sound effects and backdrops and wierd pictures.

Just my 2c.
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03-14-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Cynical Cracker

...I dont think your ever going to hear him mention Eric by name and he explains why.
I understand what you're saying, but the cats out the bag now. Everyone knows its edog, and although I dont think you can compare him to chino, he sounds like such a prick and it should be addressed.(sighhhhhh bc he Def was one of my favorite players before this). I know he doesn't want to put ppl on blast ,but this is his close friend who seems to be a major scumbag..
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03-14-2012 , 03:41 PM
Haters gonna hate....

Good video DN, you aren't obligated to do anything.

Although, I would have liked to hear E-dogs name mentioned, it was your choice(and we all know why you went that route, you said so in the video).

Thanks for the input, I know its hard to put ppl on blast.

I think you did pretty well, hopefully everyone(including E-dog) pays you back someday......
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03-14-2012 , 04:05 PM
Solid video. The 20 minutes flew by. And although like most people here, I come from a different mindset about borrowing money that DN, I found his perspective interesting and engaging.

Also, the Pollack stuff was very interesting to hear. I agree he's been given a free pass by a lot of people on this stuff, and it was nice to see someone point that out.
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03-14-2012 , 04:58 PM
Question for Daniel (or anyone for that matter): If I make a bet with someone when I know I don't have the money to pay up if I lose and have no idea when I will, and also have no reason to believe they are aware of this, would you say I'm then scamming this person?

Edit to add: I have all intentions of paying him if I ever get the money obv.

Last edited by BillyJoel; 03-14-2012 at 05:04 PM.
*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** Quote
03-14-2012 , 05:31 PM
Btw, I really enjoy the vlog and appreciate you engaging the community as much as you do. And I like the comedy elements in them as well
*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** Quote
03-14-2012 , 06:25 PM
Sorry Daniel but imo, you totally misled the NVG community in the latest v-blog.

You stated in numerous posts the past 2 weeks you will address the whole E-dog situation specifically but failed to do so last night. In fact, all you did was talk about the same ol' "old school/new school" debate.

Seriously Danny(as Bonneti used to call you)-please do us all a favor -don't insult our intelligence by PRETENDING that you addressed the issue.

Yes, we know what really happened - do you want me to make a hypothetical guess???

Um let's see, you saw Erick at Bay 101 and you two spoke. Erick asked/begged you not to bash him on your v-blog and because you have been friends for years with him you decided to spin what you promised us at NVG. Instead of E-dog discussion you gave us general boring theories on borrowing and loaning money.

Oh, but you still got your Annie Duke bash in though, right bro??? Oh I forgot, she's fair game because she was never your friend. Now I understand.

What a joke!!!!
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03-14-2012 , 08:20 PM
Improvement on last one DN.
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03-14-2012 , 08:33 PM
Actually in that thread I feel like I was pretty hard on him and that was the appropriate place for it. I thought about it all week and realized it would be completely bizarre for me to go 20 years never ever blasting someone for being unable to pay debts, then all of a sudden just dump on him. If I put him on blast, then I'd have to put everyone who owes money or is broke on blast and I don't think that sort of thing is anyone's business except for the people who owe, and those that are owed.

What good does kicking a guy when he's down accomplish? I can swear, and pass a lie detector test that even the reprehensible Annie Duke, if she was broke and owed people money and hasn't paid... I would NOT make that information public on an Internet forum.

So if I'm not willing to out enemies, what makes you think I should out people I call friends??.

Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Sorry Daniel but imo, you totally misled the NVG community in the latest v-blog.

You stated in numerous posts the past 2 weeks you will address the whole E-dog situation specifically but failed to do so last night. In fact, all you did was talk about the same ol' "old school/new school" debate.

Seriously Danny(as Bonneti used to call you)-please do us all a favor -don't insult our intelligence by PRETENDING that you addressed the issue.

Yes, we know what really happened - do you want me to make a hypothetical guess???

Um let's see, you saw Erick at Bay 101 and you two spoke. Erick asked/begged you not to bash him on your v-blog and because you have been friends for years with him you decided to spin what you promised us at NVG. Instead of E-dog discussion you gave us general boring theories on borrowing and loaning money.

Oh, but you still got your Annie Duke bash in though, right bro??? Oh I forgot, she's fair game because she was never your friend. Now I understand.

What a joke!!!!
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03-14-2012 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
Actually in that thread I feel like I was pretty hard on him and that was the appropriate place for it. I thought about it all week and realized it would be completely bizarre for me to go 20 years never ever blasting someone for being unable to pay debts, then all of a sudden just dump on him. If I put him on blast, then I'd have to put everyone who owes money or is broke on blast and I don't think that sort of thing is anyone's business except for the people who owe, and those that are owed.

What good does kicking a guy when he's down accomplish? I can swear, and pass a lie detector test that even the reprehensible Annie Duke, if she was broke and owed people money and hasn't paid... I would NOT make that information public on an Internet forum.

So if I'm not willing to out enemies, what makes you think I should out people I call friends??.
Would you like to comment on your bold statements of FTP money being gone in regard of today's news?
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03-14-2012 , 09:01 PM
I dunno - if I had made heaps of money - I know I wouldn't go on that dumbass celebrity apprentice show of Trumps.

Every person on that show should just put up a sign [x] confirmed busto imo.

* cavaet excluding completely narcissistic people

so annie can take her pick

busto or narcissist.
*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
Here's one of the subjects for one of your upcoming vblogs. In fact I'll just go ahead and write it out for you so you can read it verbatim:

"A couple of weeks ago, I said in an interview that the Full Tilt deal was dead, that the money was gone, that there was never going to be any deal, etc. etc. Well, it turns out that I was wrong, which I'm happy about because it's great that players are going to get some or all of their money back. I just want to point out, however, that I never intended for my statement to come across as fact based on any kind of insider info that I had about the deal, it was simply my take on the situation based on my analysis of the situation plus what I was hearing from people I trust, which was mostly speculation on their part as well. The way I worded it came off like I had insider information on the deal being off, and that's not the case, so sorry to anybody who took it to mean otherwise."

You're welcome.

Last edited by Blizzuff; 03-14-2012 at 09:11 PM. Reason: also LOL @ Chainsaw @ 6:27
*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:13 PM
Six minutes in, you went from bashing another shady poker thug to "on a lighter note, let me talk a bit about a dead guy." Am I wrong to chuckle at that segue?

Originally Posted by Cynical Cracker
P.s. In the back of my mind, I'm hoping that your vblogs are some sort of covert effort on stars behalf to get their brand back into americas poker community as a first step to gaining the market share they once had
here. After all, video diaries aren't new for you. This would actually be good news to me, and genius on their part imo. ONE TIME!!
Notice he wore a Stars shirt
*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
Actually in that thread I feel like I was pretty hard on him and that was the appropriate place for it. I thought about it all week and realized it would be completely bizarre for me to go 20 years never ever blasting someone for being unable to pay debts, then all of a sudden just dump on him. If I put him on blast, then I'd have to put everyone who owes money or is broke on blast and I don't think that sort of thing is anyone's business except for the people who owe, and those that are owed.
The issue isn't that he owes and much less that he's broke - it's the fact that he gambled with people knowing that if he lost he would struggle to pay.

Owing people, going broke, slowpaying - they're all a part of that world you described in your vlog - and it's fair enough that you won't out people in these situations.

I don't know if you're deliberately avoiding the real issue, to be honest, I'd sort of understand if you were, because I'm sure it wasn't your intention to be dragged into this mess. I personally don't think you owe anyone an explanation, you're not Lindgren's mother or guardian, you're not responsible for him and he certainly doesn't represent you.
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03-14-2012 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
Actually in that thread I feel like I was pretty hard on him and that was the appropriate place for it. I thought about it all week and realized it would be completely bizarre for me to go 20 years never ever blasting someone for being unable to pay debts, then all of a sudden just dump on him. If I put him on blast, then I'd have to put everyone who owes money or is broke on blast and I don't think that sort of thing is anyone's business except for the people who owe, and those that are owed.

What good does kicking a guy when he's down accomplish? I can swear, and pass a lie detector test that even the reprehensible Annie Duke, if she was broke and owed people money and hasn't paid... I would NOT make that information public on an Internet forum.

So if I'm not willing to out enemies, what makes you think I should out people I call friends??.
Just to add my two cents: I'm pretty sure you've kicked plenty of people while they were down. A word of advice is you should chose your words more carefully. Particularly the ones I've bolded.
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03-14-2012 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
Actually in that thread I feel like I was pretty hard on him and that was the appropriate place for it. I thought about it all week and realized it would be completely bizarre for me to go 20 years never ever blasting someone for being unable to pay debts, then all of a sudden just dump on him. If I put him on blast, then I'd have to put everyone who owes money or is broke on blast and I don't think that sort of thing is anyone's business except for the people who owe, and those that are owed.

What good does kicking a guy when he's down accomplish? I can swear, and pass a lie detector test that even the reprehensible Annie Duke, if she was broke and owed people money and hasn't paid... I would NOT make that information public on an Internet forum.

So if I'm not willing to out enemies, what makes you think I should out people I call friends??.
I guess I see where you're coming from. Def a tough spot for ya..its just the shock factor with edog to everyone..he just seemed like a genuine nice guy...anyway appreciate you taking the time to answer questions
*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu
Actually in that thread I feel like I was pretty hard on him and that was the appropriate place for it. I thought about it all week and realized it would be completely bizarre for me to go 20 years never ever blasting someone for being unable to pay debts, then all of a sudden just dump on him. If I put him on blast, then I'd have to put everyone who owes money or is broke on blast and I don't think that sort of thing is anyone's business except for the people who owe, and those that are owed.

What good does kicking a guy when he's down accomplish? I can swear, and pass a lie detector test that even the reprehensible Annie Duke, if she was broke and owed people money and hasn't paid... I would NOT make that information public on an Internet forum.

So if I'm not willing to out enemies, what makes you think I should out people I call friends??.
I'm with you on this one and ainec.
*** Official Daniel Negreanu video blog thread - post new videos here *** Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:38 PM
Just to add my two cents: I'm pretty sure you've kicked plenty of people while they were down. A word of advice is you should chose your words more carefully. Particularly the ones I've bolded.
Maybe you should CHOOSE your own words more carefully

Seriously, can you even name anyone he's kicked while down? The only people you might make a case for are Bitar and Lederer, and they're not even CLOSE to down if those douchebags run free when they should be in ****ing jail.

I'm not fanboying here or anything, I'm just saying "relax."
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03-15-2012 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by ShortyTheFish

Notice he wore a Stars shirt
Exactly why I added the p.s.

It was my attempt at being cryptic, or ironic, or cryptically ironic, or whatever the word is that I was trying to be.

Notice my video diary sentence. Nothing to do with previous text, all to do with Daniels claims recently of being new to posting vids, considering he has a bunch of vids on youtube dating back to 2005 or so. But then again, he might have just been talking about being new at the edit stuff and my addition was just fail.

Never the less, apparently I was not successful in my attempt, unless I read your reply wrong. But yea, the patch + the start of an "official weekly vblog" was my inspiration for the p.s.

Also, after seeing Daniels recent comments about FTP monies, Im hoping if there is a covert plan by stars to position for market share, its just that.... an effort to get a jump on a market from a site that has a good rep and might know something about the near future of online poker for the US... And NOT partly an attempt to bash a company that has better software and will be serious competition if a deal gets done with Tappie (that stars/DN somehow know about) to better their chances at said market share.

Hoping the latter isn't the case if stars knows they are comming back to US Daniel.

But then again, business is business I guess.

Last edited by Cynical Cracker; 03-15-2012 at 01:31 AM.
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03-21-2012 , 05:09 AM
New one is cooked, baked, and ready for viewing:
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03-21-2012 , 06:50 AM
Just read about the iSeries,

Bet hand, next elimination, red/black flops and more
so I suppose with all the scumbags in poker these days, it wont be long untill someone gets outed for riging one of these exotic bets.

When is Chino schedualed to play?
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