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**** November High Stakes Thread **** **** November High Stakes Thread ****

11-25-2009 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by prescottburgess
thats what she said
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by No.18
ok so how many hands would not be a hit and run?
you can play 10 hands and quit as long as you said "im only gonna play 10 hands".

If isildur plays somenoe on 4 tables, and he quits after 1000 hands, that is about 2,5 hours of play top? He might put up a image by the very first 600 hands to put it simple, and BT goes on a cardrush and wins some pots and nits up for an hour in hope to get hotdecked some more buyins but seems like he isn't and quits without notice it would surely tilt isildur up.

You set a time, so both players can put up a gameplan accordingly instead of who-ever-gets-rungood-first-and-nits-up-afterwards-just-to-look-good-before-quitting.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by onsigned
hahaha..just face it..BT do a hit and run. End of discussion. But that's a good thing coming out there. Isildur (and many railers to) now Know BT..hahaha Not many how will play with BT after this...So I hope BT have fun with the money case he dont get any action after this..hahaha.. Isildur1 is hot and gonna play many more hands ( and I hope he win) but who wanna play with Hitrunner BT ???..hohohohihi...Just think about it
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by GiantWalleye
What was teh final tally of the isul vs ziggy match today?
Ziigmund +$266k from 166 hands
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:28 PM
Just to set the record str8 a bit. Here is some durrrr isildurr chat from the very biggining:

Isildur1: but i promise u play atleast 10 h

durrrr: lol

Isildur1: if u dont bust me before

durrrr: thats longgg

durrrr: i wont promise 10

durrrr: probably 10

Isildur1: yeah hehe

durrrr: but ill promise 5 or so

Isildur1: hahahahhahahahah
Isildur1: how can ui even play here `?

Isildur1: omg
Isildur1: 1/2 grinder is better than u
That clearly shows isildur was calling durrrr a fish and being rude right from the start of the matchup, and as others have said there are other quotes with him calling durrrr a fish but I can't go though teh entire thread. Those were just easy to find cause they were right at the beginning.

The first quote also shows that even someone like durrrr thinks a 10h sesion is insanely long, and that even 5h seems like a fairly long time, but he's willing to make that deal. The fact that isildur has ended up palying several such sessions since indicate just how much others have gone out of their way to play him, but that it is not standard to play that long without a prior agreement. A 1k 1.5h session is really much more the norm and nothing to be upset about. But somehow I really doubt that if BT has said that he needs to leave in a few min before those last couple of hands (say after he got his AA cracked by KK with dominated suit for a 170k+ pot) then you would have still said he was doing a hit and run regardless of the warning.

Now just curious what you would have done if BT had actually won that pot and said he has to leave... cause that is exactly what isi did at the end of his last session against PA, where he won that 500k+ pot and insta quit.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:30 PM
lol wow, didnt know isildur had said those things. makes me root for tom even more.
and why would isildur risk losing his customer by being rude in chat?

confused ;(
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Lana_Lang
you can play 10 hands and quit as long as you said "im only gonna play 10 hands".

If isildur plays somenoe on 4 tables, and he quits after 1000 hands, that is about 2,5 hours of play top? He might put up a image by the very first 600 hands to put it simple, and BT goes on a cardrush and wins some pots and nits up for an hour in hope to get hotdecked some more buyins but seems like he isn't and quits without notice it would surely tilt isildur up.

You set a time, so both players can put up a gameplan accordingly instead of who-ever-gets-rungood-first-and-nits-up-afterwards-just-to-look-good-before-quitting.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:35 PM
If you win a $500k pot I assume you come in your pants, so really it's only logical that he would have to quit the game at that point.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by David123
lol wow, didnt know isildur had said those things. makes me root for tom even more.
and why would isildur risk losing his customer by being rude in chat?

confused ;(
He didn't have a customer at that point cause it was eary in the first session when they were still failry even. That makes it a lot less likely those later quotes were said as a joke, but I can't go through the thread to dig them up. Like i said, the ones I quoted were just easy to find cause they were right at the beginning.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:42 PM
ok D2D, just mustve missed all that chat in the beginning. will be v interesting if they play another real session(not tom having to table hop/split) and how isil will react to getting sucked out on etc.. the drama thickens!
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:43 PM
God, all this BS talk. I hope they play again soon...

...if nothing else, just to save the integrity of this epic thread!
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:46 PM
so tilting that bt takes isil for a mill...
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:48 PM
can't believe you guys are bashing Townsend for this supposed "hit and run".

BT probably saved isildur a few hundred thousand. Isl should be thanking him for quitting.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:58 PM
bT is a hit and runner..Nobody any "new isildur1" gonna play with him. Isildur have get the pokerworld a life....and the chicken BT do a hit and run chicken...Any pro with selfrepect do NOT a hit and run..Poor BT..hahaha BT is a joke. Poker hope for more players like isildur1..only way to keeep poker interesting.. I know I'am right there..Just google on isuldur1 and u find out how he changes the pokerworld
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Hornstar
If Isi thinks he has an edge on BT, which he clearly does think that otherwise why would he play him, then he won't turn down the action.
I think that must be the worst Isildur analysis so far. If Isildur1 has proven one thing, it is that he does not do game selection by "edge", he does it by "how much of a variance can I bring into the game" (i.e. more tables, higher stakes, less limping, NLHE -> PLO and overbets). "You want (sic) play 5 tables? gg then".

Man, how can you think Isildur thinks about "edge" when game selecting, when the guy played Ivey, Antonius and durrrr simultaneously? The yardstick is action.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by onsigned
bT is a hit and runner..Nobody any "new isildur1" gonna play with him. Isildur have get the pokerworld a life....and the chicken BT do a hit and run chicken...Any pro with selfrepect do NOT a hit and run..Poor BT..hahaha BT is a joke. Poker hope for more players like isildur1..only way to keeep poker interesting.. I know I'am right there..Just google on isuldur1 and u find out how he changes the pokerworld
hi Isildur!
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 04:06 PM
no, hi someone who doesn't make money from poker
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by BluffaloBull
hi Isildur!
haha that's what I was thinking too.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by dirtylobster
no, hi someone who doesn't make money from poker
Lol, I only need to say "hi myself" for that.

Joke aside, I think you're right, because if Isildur ever sleeps it is right now.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by jmill

Sick man, what'd he win, like 2-3 BIs?

Nah, 25

**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:16 PM
djadi is playing vs brogski who ever this is

Dealer: DjAdi gewinnt den Pot ($90,963.50) mit ein Paar Kings

and runs after this

Last edited by TristarPoker; 11-25-2009 at 05:22 PM.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:26 PM
Yeah wtf is with djadi. He plays 6 hands, uses his timebank with every decision and then hit and runs. That is just gross, thats the most classless move ive seen.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:28 PM
biggest tool ever
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
can't believe you guys are bashing Townsend for this supposed "hit and run".

BT probably saved isildur a few hundred thousand. Isl should be thanking him for quitting.
This. Townsend didn't do anything wrong.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:28 PM
brogski = Usain Bolt IMO
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
