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**** November High Stakes Thread **** **** November High Stakes Thread ****

11-24-2009 , 11:40 PM
can pa ultimately win in the long run with a sinking red line?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by jwc529
did anyone else stop at obfuscation? or am i alone on that
You win.

I skimmed a bit more.

IQ brag itt imo.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by sleepymonkey
Again, I'm so sorry this looks like I had a crush on you. It was meant for Danielle, honestly! I added the last 15 seconds just for you. I had the hugest OCPD compulsion to create this slideshow for somebody, anybody, so thanks for volunteering--it would be even wierder if I made this video for my brother(s) or one of my 3 friends.

Now do not thank me; your words mean nothing to me compared to the positive actions I know are in your future. Actions speak louder than words; now, go do great things with your life, Siyang! Be inspired; Be productive; Inspire others!

Now begin! Do great things with your life as soon as you exhale the next breath! Repay me vicariously through all the people you will help during your lifetime.
You get paid by the semi-colon?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by 2slick
can pa ultimately win in the long run with a sinking red line?
Only time will tell. Now if one of them would sit down, I can stay up late tonight....
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by 2slick
can pa ultimately win in the long run with a sinking red line?
red line by itself doesn't mean much, i don't get this obsession it's like new sklansky bucks or something
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
red line by itself doesn't mean much, i don't get this obsession it's like new sklansky bucks or something
If you look at the Isildur/Durrr match - it tells a lot about it.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
red line by itself doesn't mean much, i don't get this obsession it's like new sklansky bucks or something
true, it doesnt mean much by itself.

but my thoughts are that if everything else about their play balances out, then the winner is going to be the one who steals more.

i really dont know if isil is making huge mistakes in other areas of his game that pa can exploit and make up for that deminishing red line.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:57 PM
why isn't isildur gambling millions tonight? I don't know what to do
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
If you look at the Isildur/Durrr match - it tells a lot about it.
Not sure if it's possible, remove the other 3 lines and it doesn't tell you crap. If anything, making your red line skyrocket is a piece of cake - just fire at every pot and never fold to pressure.
You'll have the baddest red line in the world of pokers and still lose your shirt.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:01 AM
Isi thinks he's better. PA says he's better. The general 2+2 consensus seems to indicate Isildur is a better No limit player than PA.

My question, assuming the aforementioned is true, is what makes Isi the favorite? I would love to hear the group's thoughts.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:02 AM
also, i know with those samples, isil's redline could partly be "running hot" and not just "stealing".

it was a dumb question from the get go i think.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
Not sure if it's possible, remove the other 3 lines and it doesn't tell you crap. If anything, making your red line skyrocket is a piece of cake - just fire at every pot and never fold to pressure.
You'll have the baddest red line in the world of pokers and still lose your shirt.
If you keep firing at every pot any reasonable player will eventually call so it won't go down as red line.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
If you keep firing at every pot any reasonable player will eventually call so it won't go down as red line.
but it doesn't matter, you still win all the pots that they don't call, so if you're a monkey aggro + a huge calling station your red line will look ridiculous every time
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:10 AM
No playing tonight? Bummed.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
but it doesn't matter, you still win all the pots that they don't call, so if you're a monkey aggro + a huge calling station your red line will look ridiculous every time
lol, I think you're on to something here.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:11 AM
sickness.. isil is 19 yrs old
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
If you keep firing at every pot any reasonable player will eventually call so it won't go down as red line.
getting called doesnt directly affect your redline, no?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by stevexLee
sickness.. isil is 19 yrs old
People keep saying this. Has it been confirmed in chat or something?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:16 AM
That's a bad thing that isildur is 19. Most 19 year olds are dumb as hell and don't know anything about money. Him having a lot of it can be really bad.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
lol, I think you're on to something here.
we wish.

if youre constantly firing every pot, every street, the average player will just milk you all the way to the river with just an average hand. the tons of small pots you win wont make up for the big ones you'll lose.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Strongsville
That's a bad thing that isildur is 19. Most 19 year olds are dumb as hell and don't know anything about money. Him having a lot of it can be really bad.
Yeah, because he hasn't already shown total disregard for money or anything.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:24 AM
Hey guys. The obfuscation with the highstakes_live-results feed is that I've been noticing since its inception and people are now slowly noticing is caused by the fact that the numbers are affected by a completely irrelevant set of data:

Suppose hsdb tracks the net win/loss of the last 24 hours. If a large pot was won 23h50m ago, and if we are watching isildur play Patrick, then the stuff that is happening currently is as important as the stuff that is fixing to slide off of the data set close to ~23 hours ago.

In other words, stuff that is happening currently affects the hsdb live stats as much as stuff that has happened ~23 hours ago because say Isil wins 3 pots of 200k each currently, it can be offset by isil losing 3 pots of 200k each exactly 23h50m ago, and therefore the "feed" is always innacurate unless insildur and patrick agree to let a 24 hour "cool down period" elapse between their sessions so that the hsdb can capture a period of 24 hours without data so that it's "moving average" can rest back to zero.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by 2slick
we wish.

if youre constantly firing every pot, every street, the average player will just milk you all the way to the river with just an average hand. the tons of small pots you win wont make up for the big ones you'll lose.
lol, I was kidding. How long did they ban you for?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:27 AM

There really needs to be some high stakes action happening soon or some 2+2ers are gonna go batty.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:31 AM
wtf is Isildur? Taking tonight off?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
