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**** November High Stakes Thread **** **** November High Stakes Thread ****

11-12-2009 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by jonaspluss
I'm sure Dwan will work on the way hes playing against him. Just can't wait for the next game though.

Any ideas on when we are likely to see it?
What time do they usually start playing uk time? I think its around midnight?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by alwaysdegen
How can you think u played the same players, given the fact he suddenly played 20 times higher 6 tabling vs one of the best nl players in the world?
Seems to strange imo.
because that just doesn't happen imo. he just randomly has money to do it now.

for example... aejones plays 25/50 50/100 on a consistent basis... but every now and then you see him playing 500/1k or 300/600 and crushing. It's not that it's not him on the account or that his game has changed or anything... it's just that he found a spot where he thinks he is super profitable and took a shot.

i hope that makes sense.

also at different times during these 30k hands... ive been like "wow isildurrrr is running soooooo hottttt, but at the same time i've had stretches where it's just like wow durrrrrrr running amazing"

i feel like 30k hands HU is an absolute ****ton and it's more than just variance. Isil just seems to be better as of right now.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:11 PM
the fact is that poker is an extremely high variance game where it is nearly impossible to quantify skill level because there is no transitivity. Styles match up differently and tom seems to be having difficulty now that he is not the more aggressive player for once.

That being said... Tom I can't see your cards but based on my railing of the match..... plz stop floating dry flops in 4 bet pots and then folding to turn shoves. Oh and tighten your pf ranges a bit.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by tcorbin16
they are both **** sickos though. bust out the popcorn and enjoy! hehe
I love this attitude from the high stakes players like yourself and OMG lol. So many people itt are trying to make assumptions on who it is, who has the edge over the other, and you guys are just like, 'Meh, just ****ing watch and enjoy'
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by 2slick
have you ever seen "the new one-armed swordsman"?
Nahh never heard of it but I googled it.

One day isil vs durrrr will be a hollywood blockbuster. Or at least a documentary.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Lana_Lang
he didn't play tom much deep at all that's the problem, ok.. 200bb-250bb happened some, i mean, they had a bunch of 500k pots, but considering the hands they put in , those weren't many.. why? because tom had to split his big tables all the time due to getting busted rapidly on the others.

edit; oh, i think i misunderstood your post :s
have you watched any of the matches? the only time they are not deep is when someone rebuys
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by nakke
Meh thanks for reminding me why I don't post/browse here usually.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by two2brains
They say this is durrrrs boss match but really this is just the match before the final and the final has the boss waiting -> Phil Ivey
i like that

and btw are those two sickos actually HU4ROLLING?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by JCS
Any ideas on when we are likely to see it?
What time do they usually start playing uk time? I think its around midnight?
I don't think they will be playing tonight. The last few days they started playing 2 am my time, so 1 am yours i guess.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:42 PM
odds are dwan/ivey/antonius/bt/cole, etc haven't studied bloms hands on ipoker

almost 100% blom has studied theirs
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:43 PM
Durrrr said in chat he will play after HSP. When does HSP end?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:48 PM
Last night it ended early he said and they started to play around 2 AM GMT.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by jonaspluss
I don't think they will be playing tonight. The last few days they started playing 2 am my time, so 1 am yours i guess.
Durrrr said the last time they played (yesterday?) that he could play 8 hours more and then could not play for THREE days. Isildur said a few minutes later he could do 1 more hour, and I don't think he lasted that hour because he was tired. So I am waiting a few days but would love to see action sooner.

**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:03 PM
Obviously Dwan needs to sleep for 2-3 days and recover from his caffeine fueled HSP+Isildur bender. He's gonna wake up on Monday and be like 'WTF why is my FTP account empty!?'
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Velocity
At what point does Durrrr stop playing the 3x game for him? Limping/minraising and keeping the stack/pot ratio bigger changes a lot of the decisions different than they would be at 3x'd pre with 100bb stacks.
Isildir wouldn't play him if he limps the button. That was the reason he didnt want to give DB action because he thought he was too nitty and limps too many buttons.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by hammer_time
Durrrr said in chat he will play after HSP. When does HSP end?
I think they are shooting for three days straight or something like that.

Funny part is that Dwan told isildur1 that he might be able to play a couple of hours at night. Strong amount of pokars.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:16 PM
they are both such great players....sick that one of them will go broke if they continue playing each other
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by 2eazy
it is NOT bloom, i was very surprise to it wasn't
Pretty sure it is blom90 until proven otherwise. If he wants to keep his identity hidden for whatever reasons it would make sense to say it's not him and lie about his age on the FTP chat.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by ZaneKinetic
Nahh never heard of it but I googled it.

One day isil vs durrrr will be a hollywood blockbuster. Or at least a documentary.
well, its actually a pretty good movie. it has everything to do with honor and over coming adversity.

if durrrrr wants to be known as the best, he can never opt out, quit or refuse any challenge. if any of those things were to occur, he could never reclaim or recapture the title again. in a way, it would be like a permanent retirement.

however, there is no disgrace in getting beat and there is no disgrace in going bust. you can still come back and prove your the best.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by sbfootball_84
Isildir wouldn't play him if he limps the button. That was the reason he didnt want to give DB action because he thought he was too nitty and limps too many buttons.
Well then it seems like a good way for durrrr to back out without oficially backing out and in case Isildur plays him further he should have some problems adjusting to it.
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:34 PM
If someone has got complete hand histories of Isildur1 vs Durrrr match I am willing to buy them. Please PM me your offers, i wont be reading this thread. Thanks!
+1, pm please !
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by jwc529
why can we see durrrr's cards on the bottom left screen?
no wonder he's winning so much

let alone that floribus thing says AI! must be a hoax pic

they're all in
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:36 PM
Just wanted to add my two cents to all this talk....

I think any argument that Durrr is running bad is just nonsense. Even if Durrr was running bad, it would just result in him being down less, but certainly wouldnt mean he would be winning.

It seems particularly scary how comprehensively and specific Isildur's decisions have been. He checks back trip aces after he has been value shoving 2nd pair and not only being correct in his estimation that he is winning but he is getting calls.

If you analyze the two play styles, I think it is generally fair to say that when Durrr is betting his range is polar, i.e., he has a fairly strong hand or a hand that has little to no showdown value. Compare this with Isildur. His range is not polar. His range fits into merge land. There are hands where you look and you aren't sure if he is value betting or bluffing, (hell he might not know).
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Absurd
Well then it seems like a good way for durrrr to back out without oficially backing out and in case Isildur plays him further he should have some problems adjusting to it.
is that how you handle adversity? find a excuse to save face, yet make yurself look 10x crappier?
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
11-12-2009 , 08:45 PM

Last edited by MEFAi; 11-12-2009 at 08:46 PM. Reason: im new at this.. lol
**** November High Stakes Thread **** Quote
